Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Sheryl-Ann Gayle, Editor March 10, 2015
In This Issue
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From the Principal

                     Dear Lafayette Families -

March has certainly made a grand entrance this year. As the saying goes, in like a lion...At this rate, we should be looking at sunny, 80 degree weather by March 31st! Now that we (hopefully) have all the snow and ice out of our system, we are looking forward to outdoor recess. The second session of Recess Clubs are coming soon - March 23rd - May 1st.

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Mark Your Calendar

March 11 (Wednesday)
Music in our schools (Grades 1 - 3), 2:15 pm
5th grade PARCC testing (Math)

March 12 (Thursday)
5th grade PARCC testing (Math)

March 13 (Friday)
Kindergarten Plays (purple and red base)

March 14 (Saturday)
Pi Day

March 16 - 18
5th grade PARCC testing (ELA)

March 19 (Thursday)
Music in our schools (Grades 4 - 5), 2:15 pm
Meeting for 5th grade families, 6:00 pm
HSA General Meeting, 6:30 pm

March 19 - 25
4th grade PARCC testing (Math and ELA)

March 20 (Friday)
Kindergarten Plays (green, gold and orange base)
Coffee Talk, All Things PARCC, 8:50 am

March 26 - 27
3rd grade PARCC testing (Math)

March 28 (Saturday)
Rock Me Lafayette School Auction


From the HSA 

Hope Scheller and Laura Lindsley, co-presidents 


Can you say cabin fever? Hopefully the most recent round of snow was the last. Did I mention cabin fever? This week promises to have a few warmer days, and at this point I think we are all pining for Spring. Of course, first we have to get through, music & arts in the schools, kindergarten plays, Pi Day, the first round of PARCC, and the auction. There is plenty to keep us all busy the last few weeks of winter. 


 This is the last week to purchase auction tickets at the presale price of $60 per person. The ticket price goes up to $75 on Friday. The Auction, one of our biggest fundraisers, is shaping up to be a fabulous evening featuring an open bar, food, music, and hard core bidding. Every dollar you spend at this event goes directly to benefitting our kids, so do delay, buy your tickets today. 


Have a great week!

Hope  and Laurie

See HSA board members  

From the Library

On March 16, renowned author Kate DiCamillo will be at Lafayette in the morning for the release of the paperback edition of Flora and Ulyssess. Students in 2nd through 5th grade should have brought home a flyer. If you didn't receive one you you may download the flyer below and return it to Ms. Perlin in the library. 


From the School Nurse


Chris CockrellTo celebrate National Nutrition Month this week, Ms. Cobb's second graders have picked the color RED. How many red fruits and vegetables can you name? Can you challenge your kids to step out of their comfort zones and try a delicious nutritious beet? Or radish? Have they tried pomegranate yet?

In general, the deeper and darker the color of the produce, the more nutrients it contains. Go RED this week and enjoy better heart health, memory function, and lower your risk for cancer.

 --Christine Cockrell

Jump Rope For Heart News

JRFH donation deadline has been extended due 
to school closings. The new deadline will be this Thursday, March 8th. We are nearing our goal of $20,000. Thank you to everyone who has already submitted their donations. If you still are collecting please get them in by the deadline. If you would like to donate online please go to www.heart.org/jump. Make sure to locate Lafayette when signing up.

Thank you to everyone for your participation in this community service project. The Lafayette community is awesome!

Ms. McClure
Physical Education Teacher


Lafayette Archery Team

This past weekend Lafayette participated in the first DCPS Archery Tournament at HD Woodson Sr. High School. We had 24 participants. Archery is part of our physical education curriculum and it was so wonderful to have this extension of our program for our 4th and 5th grade students.
Our team finished first in the elementary division. And we placed well individually as well. We had top finishers in both the boys and girls elementary divisions. But it was a true team effort in taking the elementary division. I am so proud of our students. They performed magnificently.

Ms. McClure
Physical Education Teacher


Lafayette Enrichment Update
kids holding hands
Registration is still open for the Mini Session and noteBusters. Looking for the perfect dance class? We still plenty of space for aspiring dancers in Zumba, Hip Hop/Jazz class (think Bob Fosse meets MC Hammer) or Busy Bodies in Motion (it really is a sea of pink tutus strutting their stuff.) noteBusters will feature the music of Annie and Oliver this Spring, and begins on March 19. 

The Mini Session is a 3 week session that begins the week of March 23, and classes run through the week of April 6. All classes run from 3:30-4:30 PM, unless otherwise noted. 

Questions? Contact Hope Scheller at lafayetteep@gmail.com.


New Date for the HSA General Meeting

This month's HSA General Meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 19, and will feature "all things renovation". Come and learn the status of renovation plans for our school, and details of our educational swing space next year. We will start at 6:30 pm, and have both dinner and free childcare available

  • 6:30 pm: Pizza for sale @ $1 per slice. Your choice of pizza comes with salad, dessert and beverage. 
  • 7:00 pm: General meeting commences 

Whether you are coming from LAP, home or other after-school activities, we hope you will join us and bring your families. Chi Omega, an American University sorority, is volunteering their time to help us with childcare. Childcare will be split into two categories. A quiet/homework room and a fun room with games and crafts. Whatever your needs, we hope to have you covered. **Please note that children participating in childcare must be at least 3 years old and potty trained**

**Battle of Bands and Bidders 

March 28, 7:00 pm


Auction 2015 is going to be historic. Make sure you're a part of it.




Don't forget, the last day to buy pre-sale tickets is this Saturday, March 14th 


 Stay in sync with the Auction with the School me Lafayette Bulletin! Watch for the highly-anticipated fifth edition in your e-mail inbox tomorrow night. 

March Madness

March Madness is coming to Lafayette. There is a game for just about everyone. Interested in joining in? Contact Mr. Hover

Lafayette Alumni Team VS Lafayette Girl's & Boy's Team 
March 24, 2015 @ 4 PM Lafayette

Students VS Lafayette Staff 
March 25, 2015 @ 4 PM Lafayette 

Parents VS Lafayette Staff and Friends 
March 26, 2015 @ 4 PM


Community Notices




Large Book Sale: A wonderful collection of used books will be on sale Saturday, March 14, 8 am to 3 pm at Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church, 3401 Nebraska Ave, NW (across from American University at the corner of New Mexico Ave). This is an annual book and bake sale organized by the United Methodist Women with proceeds benefiting women's and children's programs locally and globally. Lots of free parking. 



Art Camps at CREATE Arts Center in downtown Silver Spring. When school is out, art is in at CREATE!  Coming up, 4 weeks of Spring Break Camp from March 23-April 17. New flexible registration - sign up for just the days you need. And then more camps on the DCPS "no school days" in May. Registration is also open for art classes afterschool and on the weekends; the Spring session starts March 28. And don't forget Summer Camp - some sessions are already filling up!  www.createartscenter.org 



DC Youth Futbol Academy - Spring 2015
The DC Youth Futbol Club, a nonprofit soccer organization established in 2011, will conduct a Spring 2015 Academy program for boys and girls ages 6-12 with all skill levels and abilities in Upper NW DC on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday afternoons. The Tuesday and Sunday sessions will be conducted at the Palisades Recreation Center and the Wednesday session at Walter Pierce Park in Adams Morgan.

The clinics are designed to improve the first touch, ball control, dribbling, passing, shooting, as well as the player's understanding of the game. We utilize a small-side game system that enhances player development. The program begins on Sunday, March 29. For further information and registration, visit the website at www.DCYouthFutbolClub.org or call Mitch Dubensky @ 202-256-2558. 


First Touch Soccer

Spring and Summer 2015

You wouldn't know it by looking outside but spring is around the corner and temperatures will rise over the coming weeks. First Touch Soccer has put together the following spring break and summer schedule to conduct soccer clinics at the Palisades Recreation Center Turf Field.

March 23-27
April 6-10
April 13-17

June 22-16
June 29-JULY 3
August 10-14
August 17-21
August 24-28

Time: 9:00am - 12:15pm (Half Day)
9:00am - 3:30pm (All Day)

Who: Boys and girls ages 7 and older.
(Younger participants on a case by case basis)

Where: Palisades Recreation Center Turf Field
(5200 Sherier Place NW DC)

Fee: $250/player: All Day/All Week
$160/player: Half Day/All Week
$60/player: Daily All Day
$40/player: Daily Half Day


  • Designed for Girls and Boys Ages 7 and Older
  • All Skill Levels and Abilities
  • Improve the first touch, passing, ball control dribbling, shooting
  • Small-side games to maximize touches and improve game understanding

What else: 
First Touch Soccer provides enthusiastic and motivational instruction in a positive, fun and rewarding environment
First Touch Soccer coaches and instructors will provide top quality training, playing games and focusing on the most important touch -- the First Touch
Access/Use of newly renovated Palisades water park for those hot spring and summer days.


For further information and registration, go to www.FirstTouchSoccer.org 


Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2014-2015, your continued support is amazing! 



Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.