Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Teresa G. Gionis, Editor February 24, 2015
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From the Principal

Dear Lafayette Families -


And just like that...we find ourselves saying goodbye to February and hello to March!  Although February has been a short month, we have managed to pack in a lot of great things, with more to come in this last week! First, thank you to everyone who participated in Parent/Teacher conferences. 

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Mark Your Calendar     



February 24 (Tuesday)

School Tour


February 27 (Friday)

4th Grade NAEP Assessment

2nd Grade Informance 

Jump Rope for Heart 


February 28 (Saturday)

Build the Wine Cellar

March 5 (Thursday)
HSA General Meeting



 See full school calendar  

From the HSA 

Hope Scheller and Laura Lindsley, co-presidents 


Welcome back from another long weekend!  February is already a short month, and with two long weekends in the middle of the month, it seems extra short.


In March, preparations for the Rock Me Lafayette auction are in full swing.  If you haven't already, take a look at the flyers posted just inside the front doors of the school.  The Marquis de Lafayette is getting ready for a rockin' good party!  For more information, check out the link to the auction website below, or make sure to check out this week's School Me Lafayette auction bulletin.


Congratulations to the Girls' Basketball team who won the regional playoffs and are now headed to the City playoffs!  The first game for our lady Bears will be on Tuesday, 2/24 @ 4PM.  This was the previously scheduled time for Jump Rope for Heart.  To make sure everyone will be able to participate, Jump Rope for Heart will now take place on Friday, 2/27, 3:30-5:30PM.


As the winter weather continues to drag on and on, the morning drop off is a life line for many of us.  If you are using this service in the morning, please remember that school starts promptly at 8:45am.  The drop off line runs from 8:30am until 8:45am, and the Early Childhood doors close promptly at 8:45am.


March 5th is our next HSA General Meeting.  We are planning an "all things renovations" meeting.  We hope you will save the date and plan to join us for this important meeting.


Have a great week!



Hope  and Laurie

See HSA board members  

Ms. Perll Needs a Volunteer!
paperwork help

I am in need for a volunteer with a scanner at home and a bit of free time to help scan in drawings destined for "Images", our annual art and literary publication. The job will entail scanning in about 210 small drawings and organizing the files by class. 


I am looking for someone to do this some time between March 13th and March 22nd. Please let me know if you are able to help out. You can stop by my trailer to talk or email me at Andrea.Perll@DC.GOV.


I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much!

Jump Rope for Heart DATE CHANGE and News

Jump Rope for Heart


The date for JRFH has been changed.  Our new date is this Friday, February 27th.  All event times will remain the same. PK, K and 1st grades will jump from 12:00- 1:15.  2nd-5th will jump right after school till 5:30.


We have been running a JRFH event for the past 16 years.  Every year the Lafayette Community amazes me. The support we receive for this event has enabled us to be one of the top programs in the Mid- Atlantic.  This is a great opportunity for our kids to learn about the importance of daily exercise, good nutrition and community service.  Thank you for your continued support.


For those families that have decided to raise funds for the American Heart Association the pledges are due March 5th.  When you are done collecting you may turn in envelopes at any time now up to the due date.  On-line fund raising is the most efficient way to collect and the best for me.  If possible please use this strategy.  If the on-line method doesn't work for you, no problem. Please turn cash into checks.  All checks should be made out to the "American Heart Association".  All donations should be in an envelope with your child's name and class. Please put all envelopes in the JRFH box in the Great Hall or Ms. McClure's mailbox.


Ms. McClure is still looking for someone who has access to pigs.  I need a baby pig sometime in March. If you have any ideas on how to borrow a pig please let me know.


If you have any questions please ask Ms. McClure, Ms. Perll or Mr. Jackson.




Ms. McClure

Physical Education Teacher


Battle of Bands and Bidders 

March 28th, 7:00 PM



Auction 2015 is going to be historic.

Make sure you're a part of it.





Stay in sync with the Auction with the School me Lafayette Bulletin!

Watch for the highly-anticipated third edition in your e-mail inbox tomorrow night.    



Community Notices


The National Danish Performance Team visiting Lafayette.

The National Danish Performance Team is visiting Lafayette on Thursday, March 26th for a day of workshops. They are very excited for their upcoming visit.

The team is visiting DC from March 24th to March 30th for a range of workshops and performances, and we are looking to recruit host families who are interested in hosting a gymnast. This is a very unique opportunity to experience a brief cultural exchange with a young Danish gymnast age 20-26. The host family can pick the gender of the gymnast, who will need access to a bed with privacy, shower, washing machine, breakfast and occasional dinners. During the day, the gymnasts are mostly gone, and they are very independent. However, they will need guidance on how to use the public transportation system in DC.

Please email DCPS parent Gitte McGuire if you are interested in hosting a gymnast and receiving the Host Family Guidelines: gitte@themcguires.us.



Lafayette Tennis Programs for Spring, 2015


Lafayette Afterschool Tennis will be starting on March 16 and run for 13 weeks until June 12.  There will be 3:30 and 4:30 sessions on Monday through Friday for the kids ranging from 4.5 to 14 years old in beginning, advanced beginner and intermediate classes.  There will be teen classes at 5:30 on Monday through Thursday.  These classes run for 13 weeks and cost $236.   


Lafayette Adult Tennis - Starting soon on March 9th!  Drop the kids off and come up to the tennis courts for a one hour lesson at 9:15 or 10:30 on Monday through Friday.  Or if you work all day, come to an evening 6:30 PM adult clinic. Clinics will be for beginner, advance beginner and intermediate players.   Fee is $280 for 14 sessions.  Call me to find out where you fit into one of these clinics.


Lafayette Tennis Summer Camp --has opened registration for the weeks starting June 15  throughAugust 14. There are plenty of openings available.  Boys and girls from 5 through 15 are welcome to have fun learning or improving their tennis games.  Camp runs from 9:00AM through 4:00PM with optional pre-camp and post-camp available. A camp week costs $300 with discounts for siblings and multiple camp weeks.  


For all programs, check www.lafayettetennis.org for space availability and to get the registration form.  Call me with questions or to sign up at 202 441-0925 or email me atrosenbaumpaul@msn.com.  Paul Rosenbaum   




Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2014-2015, your continued support is amazing! 



Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.