Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Miriam Van Dyck, Editor January 20, 2015
In This Issue
From the HSA
Spelling Bee
School Auction
Jump Rope for Heart
Grizzly Gear
Deal Open House
Box Tops Volunteer
Wine Party
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
Make a Submission
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January 20 (Tuesday)
School Tour

January 23 (Friday)
12:15 School Dismissal

 See full school calendar  

From the HSA 

Hope Scheller and Laura Lindsley, co-presidents 


Hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and had a chance to reflect on the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Thank you to everyone who came out to last week's HSA meeting. We really appreciate you making the effort so that we could have a productive meeting and hear what issues are important to you.

We have a short but busy week this week. On Thursday, Lafayette's annual Spelling Bee will take place. We wish the best of luck to the fifty-six students who are competing for just two slots in the regional contest. On Friday, in addition to having a half day (dismissal at 12:15 pm), the Pre-Kindergarteners will be performing in their International Celebration.

Flu session is officially here at Lafayette. A letter was sent home last Friday explaining what the flu is and what precautions we can take. By taking this health issue seriously, we can all stop the spread of the flu.

Good luck to the Lafayette's Girls and Boys basketball teams this week. Come out and cheer them on.

Have a great week,

Hope  and Laurie

See HSA board members  

Spelling Bee This Week!


Parents are cordially invited to Lafayette's annual Spelling Bee Spelling Bee on Thursday, January 22 at 9:15 am in the school Cafetorium. Fifty-six brave young spellers in grades 3-5 are competing for two slots to go to the regional Bee on February 25. 

Who knows? Perhaps, from there, our spellers will go on to the city-wide Bee held later in April and televised on Channel 4.

Save the Date! School Auction: 3-28-15 


Exercise your inalienable right to rock [and bid on loads of exciting items] at this year's auction, a battle of the bands. May the best band and highest bidders win!  More details coming soon!

Jump Rope for Heart


On Friday 2nd -5th grade students attended our "Pump" Rally. Jump Rope for Heart

These students were given instructions on how to participate in our upcoming community service event. Some PK, K and 1st grade classes had their own personal "Pump" Rallies.

All students received a JRFH packet on Friday with all the details. Please check backpacks so that all deadlines can be met if your your family decides to participate. You should have 3 items- a pink information sheet, a duck and an online fundraising paper and the envelope with the permission slip (and duck coupon).

Please detach and return permission slip as soon as possible, but no later than February 5.

Here are some important dates to get on your calendar:

January 16- Get permission slips signed and begin collecting pledges.
February 5 - Last day to turn in permission slips.
February 24 - Jump! PK, K and 1st during school.

2nd-5th grades jump from 3:15-5:30.

March 5 - Last day to turn in pledges.

For families choosing to raise funds for the American Heart Association the most efficient and easiest way is to utilize the online method. This not only helps with a convenience for you, it also saves me numerous hours of paper work. I can manage all donations online. If you are able, please use the online method.


Next week I will give more info on the Ducks that are part of the AHA incentive program. This Friday at the end of the day all children who bring in their duck coupon (attached to the envelope) will receive their first duck- Splatter Quacky. No need to bring in money, just the coupon stating that you have raised $5. Children will get info at school on how to redeem the signed coupon. Please refer to the sheet that came home in packet on how ducks are earned.

Thank you for your support of this important community service project.


Ms. McClure

Physical Education Teacher

Get Your Grizzly Gear!

Snow? Ice? Rain?   The weather may come and go but now you and your child can stay warm with winter Grizzly Gear!  


Order forms were sent home with your child last week or you can access one here.  Please place form and payment in the Grizzly Gear mailbox in the Great Hall.  Orders are due by January 30 for delivery the week of February 23.  Thank you!

Deal Open House


Deal will hold an Open House on Saturday, January 24, from 9:00 am-12 noon.  Drop by any time, take a student led tour, meet current Deal parents and principal, James Albright.  Students are welcome. 

Box Tops Volunteer Needed

Do you love searching your cereal boxes, granola bar boxes and canned items for that easily identifiable rectangle with the pink and yellow pencil that says BOX TOPS?   Don't forget - they can also be found on Avery office supplies!  Well....we have the perfect, low-key volunteer opportunity for you!

We need one person to support 3rd grade teacher, Lisa Jensen a few times a year - to assist with organizing, promoting and monitoring Lafayette's BOX TOPS program. The money received for this program supports the Student Council activities throughout the school year.  It's a fun and easy way to support the children & our school.

If you are interested, please email Shannon Behm.

Build the Wine Cellar Party:  Save the Date

Save the Date:  the annual Build the Wine Cellar party for the Rock wine-madeira.jpg Me Lafayette Auction 2015 will be held on Saturday, February 28.  

More details and sign up to come.  Get ready to taste some fabulous wines and help build one of the popular LIVE auction items!


Community Notices


Looking to clean out after receiving all of those new gifts? We are looking for donations for the students at the Episcopal Center for Children.  ECC is a school in our neighborhood and the students there work to earn "cash" to spend at the school store.  The items listed below will be very motivating to them.  Here is a list of the most wanted/needed items:


Used gaming systems and games

Balls - footballs, basketballs, baseballs, tennis balls

Sports equipment - baseball gloves, goals, bats...

Gently used clothing

Board games for children ages 5 to 13

Card games such as: Sleeping Queens, Rat a tat Cat, Slamwich, Uno

Puzzles: 24-500 pieces

Art supplies: markers, colored pencils, sketch pads, construction paper, coloring books

Lego sets

Play Mobile sets

Barbie dolls and clothes

Books of varying levels


A box will be placed in the Great Hall marked with ECC on it. Please leave donations there or contact Cate Tafur to arrange for a pick up.  Phone: 908-313-9895 [email protected]


Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2014-2015, your continued support is amazing! 



Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to [email protected]. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.