Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Gayle Moseley, Editor December 9, 2014
In This Issue
From the HSA
Book Fair
Lafayette Enrichment
School Pictures
Grizzly Gear
Teaching Peace
Thank You Parents
Toy Drive
Donate Computers
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
Make a Submission
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Mark Your Calendar     
December 8 - December 12 (M-F)
Scholastic Book Fair

December 12 (Friday), 8:45 am
Coffee Talk: "Testing vs. Assessment - A Delicate Balance", Upper Library Room
December 18 (Thursday)
Winter Holiday Class Parties
December 19 (Friday)
Last Day of School
December 22 - January 2
Winter Break
January 5 (Monday)
School Resumes

 See full school calendar  

From the HSA 

Hope Scheller and Laura Lindsley, co-presidents 


Oh my goodness, I just realized this weekend that we have two weeks left of school before winter break. I hope I am not the only one running around trying to decorate and shop while maintaining some level of sanity. In the midst of all this holiday celebration, it is easy to get lost as to why we put ourselves through this year after year; to spend time with our family, share traditions with our children and to offer gifts to those less fortunate.


Our heartfelt thanks go out to Chris Lisi, Marilyn Kitzes and Jennie Canan for organizing and planning this year's Coats & Cocktails Event last Friday evening.  Also, thank you Jennifer & Jason Bertsch for opening your lovely home to everyone.  Many Lafayette families contributed to and helped sponsor this annual event so that families at Bruce Monroe and Nevel Thomas Elementary Schools in DC will have proper coats (and hats and scarves and gloves and boots) to stay warm this winter.  We hope this annual tradition continues for many years to come.


Another wonderful way to show your holiday cheer is by bringing an unwrapped toy or gift for the Lafayette Girls and Boys Basketball team toy drive. All gifts can be placed in their box located in the Great Hall. Thanks team for thinking of others during the holidays and good luck with the rest of your season.


This week, Ms. Perlin's Scholastic Book Fair begins. The fair runs between 8:15am-8:45am and everyday after school from 3:15pm-4pm. Ms. Perlin is still in need of volunteers. This is a wonderful way to get some holiday shopping done while supporting Lafayette's fantastic library. Let's see if we can beat the sales from last year, and put even more books at our children's fingertips.


Just a reminder, the HSA is still accepting donations. Any tax deductible amount you might be willing to give is greatly appreciated. Also, the Auction will be here before we know it, and we still need volunteers to help organize this very important fundraiser. Working on the auction brings you closer to other Lafayette parents as well as the satisfaction that you helped put together a fabulous evening. It is hard work but very gratifying. Every penny earned by the auction, and all HSA donations, go a long way in helping our children have the programs and tools that make Lafayette the wonderful school that we all know and love. 


Wishing you a wonderful week,

 Laurie and Hope 

Scholastic Book Fair

This Week!


The Scholastic Book Fair is in full swing in the library this week! The Fair will run every day through Friday, December 12.


Students will visit the Book Fair with their classes.  Please click HERE to see when your child's class will make the trip.  The recommended amount of money to send in with your child on their class day is $10-$20 in a baggie or envelope labeled with their first and last name.  The Book Fair will also be open before (8:15-8:45) and after school (3:15-4:00). 


This is a great opportunity to holiday gift shop while supporting Lafayette.  Last December we sold over $12,000 in books and earned $6,700 in Scholastic dollars, which were used to purchase books for our awesome library. 


Parent Volunteers are needed to ring up sales at the book fair. I need assistance every day after school, 3:15-4:00 and Wednesday/Thursday/Friday mornings from 8:15-8:45.  I will also need help packing up on Friday afternoon, beginning at 4:00. Please email Ms. Perlin if you can help out.

Jetties Gives Back to Lafayette!

Have you been to the new Jetties location, right in our neighborhood?So close and delicious!  THIS Thursday, December 11 from 4:00-8:00 pm, make sure you stop by to check it out for a snack, dinner and even dessert. Jetties has generously agreed to donate 10% of the proceeds from this event back to Lafayette! Make sure you mention Lafayette. 5632 Connecticut Avenue.
Lafayette Enrichment Update (LEP)
kids holding hands

Registration is still open,and most classes are full! Looking for the perfect dance class? We still plenty of space for aspiring dancers in our Hip Hop/Jazz class (think Bob Fosse meets MC Hammer) or our Hoop Dance class (who doesn't want to learn to dance with a hula hoop?!?). Also,there is still plenty of space left in American Sign Language, offered on Mondays. If you are interested in enrolling in these classes, please visit the registration link above.


The Winter Session begins the week of January 5th, and most classes run through the week of March 8th. All classes run from 3:30-4:30 PM, unless otherwise noted.


Questions?  Email Hope Scheller at LafayetteEP@gmail.com .

School Pictures

If your child had their school portrait taken (or retaken) on November 21st, those proofs are now available for viewing and purchasing.  Your Room Parent should have notified you with the login information to access your proofs through the Freed Spirit website.

Also, if your child's photo was taken on the first picture day, those proofs are still available for ordering.    
Questions?  Please contact Gayle Moseley
Grizzly Gear is Here!
Keep an eye out in your child's backpack for the latest Grizzly Gear orders.  The Grizzly Gear elves are hard at work sorting and organizing - orders will be filled this week and you should receive everything by Friday, December 12th.  
If you have any questions, please contact Janine Boyle or Shannon Behm

Thank you for your support!
We said "Thank You!" in Peace Class!

Last week in Peace Class we made cards to thank members of the Lafayette staff who are sometimes overlooked.  We thanked the front office staff, the custodians, the cafeteria workers, and many others who make Lafayette such a wonderful place.  The children love this project every year.  It is such fun to watch them think about just the right thing to say.  Some lucky ones got to deliver their cards in person and got to experience first hand the joy of making someone else happy.  Staff tell me that getting these cards is a highlight of their year.  I've had people hug me hard when I deliver the cards and some have even shed a tear or two of happiness.  I've posted a few pictures of some of the amazing cards and the wonderful artists who created them on our BLOG.

Linda Ryden
Thank You Parents!
2014 LAFAYETTE HSA DONATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT LETTERS - As we wind down 2014, thanks to all our parents for your support of Lafayette this year. Your donations of your time and your money made an important difference in the life of our school. 

As you know, financial donations to the Lafayette HSA are tax deductible and by now you should have received your 2014 HSA donation acknowledgement letters both via email and in the mail. Please contact Jenny Backus at backusconsulting@gmail.com if you haven't received yours yet.  

Want to make a donation and haven't given yet or want to give more as part of your year--end giving plan? It's not too late. Just click here to make a donation of any amount online or just drop a check in the Lafayette Donation drawer in the Great Hall. You can also mail it to me at 5841 Nebraska Ave NW, WDC 20015.

The Lafayette HSA also gladly accepts matching funds if your company matches your donations. Our EIN Number is 52-6049055. Please contact me with any questions or if you need a letter of determination as well. 

Thanks again for all your generous support of the Lafayette HSA!
Basketball Team Toy Drive


I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made a donation to the boys and girls basketball team toy drive. If you have not, you still have time. Thursday, December 18th will be the last day. You can drop off an unopened toy in the box in the Great Hall. The toys will be donated to families within our school community who are in need of some assistance for the upcoming holiday.


Thank you,

Coach Hover

Expecting a new computer or printer this holiday season? 
person at computer
Consider donating your gently used computers and printers to the Lafayette Technology Program. We are happy to take gently used Mac laptops and desktops, Windows-based laptops and most printers and monitors as long as they aren't too old and in good working order. Please contact Mr. Wieand if you have a donation you want to make or a question about equipment you might want to donate. Thanks for your support and to those parents who have already given!


Community Notices


Support the Wilson Crew - The Broad Branch Market has generously offered to share the proceeds of their Christmas tree and holiday green sales this year with Wilson Crew.


Rowers will be on hand Fridays from 4-8, Saturdays from 10-8, and Sundays from 10-7 until Christmas to help with sales and will even deliver your tree to your home!

Lafayette graduates have a long standing tradition of involvement with Wilson crew. Please consider supporting them and the team by buying a tree or wreath at the Broad Branch Market. Our fundraisers are vitally important to the team because we are a club sport that  does not receive any funding from DCPS. 

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2014-2015, your continued support is amazing! 



Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.