Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Teresa G. Gionis, Editor November 18, 2014
In This Issue
From the HSA
HSA Nominating Committee
Grizzly Gear
Student Council Election
Pictures Ready
Thanksgiving donations
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
Make a Submission
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Mark Your Calendar     

November 20 (Thursday)
HSA General Meeting
November 21 (Friday)
Picture Make-Up & Re-Take Day
November 27 (Thursday)
No School, Thanksgiving break

November 28 (Friday)
No School, Thanksgiving break

 See full school calendar  

From the HSA 

Hope Scheller and Laura Lindsley, co-presidents 

It's hard to believe that next week is Thanksgiving week!  Before you know it, we will be into the New Year.  Between school, work, and day to day life, this time of year is typically very busy.  Hopefully we will all survive, and have a bit of time to relax during Winter Break.


Congratulations to the Lafayette Drama Club!  Last Friday's production of "Chaos" could not have been more fun.  Our young thespians put their hearts and souls into their performances, and it really paid off-kudos to them!  A big THANK YOU to both Steven King and Bridget O'Malley for all of their time & effort while executing this dramatic production.  I can't wait to see what they come up with for their spring performance.


Thursday evening is our second HSA General Meeting of the school year. This is a chance to hear what's happening with the HSA, and to get involved.  In particular, this Thursday we will be voting on a change to our annual budget, as well as a change to our organization's bylaws. We encourage you to take this opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on how we are doing as an organization. Your voice is very important to us and we look forward to hearing from you. The HSA again will be providing a pizza dinner and free babysitting at 6:30pm ($1 per slice, salad, dessert & beverage) and the meeting will start at 7:00pm.


Have a great week!


All the best,
Hope and Laurie 



This is a great way to get involved in the future of the HSA. We are in need of three or more parents who would like to be on the HSA Nominating Committee. These individuals help find nominees for the HSA Board positions for next school year. They let interested people know what the responsibilities of the positions are and what they need to do in order to be a candidate (we'll give you all the information you'll need). Time commitment for this job is really only a couple of hours a week and your responsibilities are over once candidates are finalized in early April.  If interested, please contact Hope Scheller or Laurie Lindsley.

Show your School Spirit with Grizzly Gear!


Great news - the order deadline has been extended to November Lafayette logo 20th!   The weather has turned cold - it's time to get your Grizzly Gear. We have toasty flannel pajama pants, warm hooded sweatshirts and knit hats all proudly displaying the Lafayette Grizzly logo. Orders will be received the week of December 8th and will come home with your child.  


Place your order form with payment (check or credit card) in the Grizzly Gear mailbox located in the Great Hall.   


Questions?  Contact Janine Boyle or Shannon Behm

We appreciate your support!


Order form


Student Council Elections


by Harper Dunn 

vote button

Every year, Lafayette holds a Student Council election, where fifth graders can run for four offices:  President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. This year there were around 25 kids running.To run for office, each candidate had to turn in a form showing that they are a good student.They then made a couple of campaigning posters.They also had to prepare a short speech for the big day.


On election day, which was November 4th, every candidate recited their speech while the voters (3rd-5th graders) listened.  Everyone had a speech that stated why people should vote for them and what they would do to improve the school. The four 5th graders who were elected were: Charlotte Guy as President; John Willsey, Vice President; Harper Dunn, Secretary: and Matias Hernandez as Treasurer.  Hopefully, the Student Council can improve Lafayette to make it even better than it already is!




Friday, November 21


School picture proofs are ready for viewing online and purchasing.  You should have received a message from your Room Parents with login instructions.  Place your order by Wednesday, November 26 and your order will be delivered to school at no additional cost.  Orders placed after November 26 will be delivered directly to you and shipping costs will apply.


MAKE-UP/RE-TAKE DAY:  If your child was absent on picture day or if you are not satisfied with your child's photos for any reason, Freed Photography will return to Lafayette on the morning of Friday, November 21st.  Please contact Gayle Moseley and your child's teacher to let them know your child is to be photographed that day.    


Thanksgiving Dinner Fundraiser


As you may have heard, Lafayette is holding its annual Thanksgiving Dinner fundraiser. Your child should havepie come home with an envelope with his or her name and the words "Thanksgiving Dinner" on it, along with a flyer about the fundraiser.  In the envelope, you can put cash or a check to help buy a Thanksgiving meal for someone who can't afford it.  All the money goes to Central Union Mission. 


This week we are drawing three envelopes a day, and the people whose envelopes are picked will win a candy prize.  It would be great if you could send in a donation to help feed the needy.  Every year we have been able to raise a good amount of money to help the Central Union Mission feed the less fortunate a Thanksgiving meal, and hopefully, with your help, we can do the same this year.



ALSO: This year you can also help by donating a nonperishable item or canned good into the "Thanksgiving Basket" box in the Great Hall.



Looking for Spring Auction Volunteers!


It may be cold and winter is here to stay for a bit, but....we are thinking SPRING!  Lafayette's Annual Spring Auction is just around the corner and we are searching for volunteers to help support this great event.  Please join the Spring Auction Team.  Want to join the committee or have a few questions?  Please contact Shannon Behm or Chris Lisi.



noteBUSTERS Thanksgiving Performance


Celebrating 50 years of The BEATLES !
Featuring Children from Lafayette, Janney & Murch

Tuesday November 25, 6:30
Wilson High School Auditorium
Free admission

Community Notices



Wilson Theater Arts presents:  Into the Woods, music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, book by James Lapine. Favorite Grimm's fairy tale characters take a journey to make their wishes come true.  Into the Woods explores getting your wish and what happens after happily ever after. Remaining performances are this Friday, Nov. 21 at 7:30 pm, and Saturday, Nov. 22 at 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm, in the Wilson High School auditorium--3950 Chesapeake St, NW.  Meet the characters for autographs after the Saturday, Nov. 22, 2:30 pm matinee in the Wilson Auditorium Lobby!  Tickets are $5 for students/children (all performances) and $15 for adults ($10 for the Saturday matinee performance). For advance ticket reservation, email wilsondramatickets@gmail.com. Tickets will also be available at the door.


Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2014-2015, your continued support is amazing! 



Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.