Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Katya Svirina, Editor September 23, 2014
In This Issue
From the HSA
Donation Drive
5th Grade Safety Patrol
No Parking Baby!
Lafayette Enrichment Update
From the Art Room
Walk or Bike to School Day
World of Basketball
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
Make a Submission
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Mark Your Calendar  
October 2 (Thursday)
HSA General Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

October 8 (Wednesday)
Walk or Bike to School Day

October 10 (Friday)
No School, Professional Development Day
October 13 (Monday)
No School, Columbus Day

October 14 (Tuesday)
Picture Day (individual and classes)
October 25 (Saturday)
Fall Festival

 See full school calendar  

From the HSA 

Hope Scheller and Laura Lindsley, co-presidents 

As the sun set Saturday, we welcomed the fall season, and closed the door to summer. Seems hard to believe that we are into our fifth week of school. Before you know it, its will be October and we will be enjoying the Fall Festival.


We want all children to feel safe at Lafayette. One of the ways you can help us out is by leaving your dogs at home. Dogs and other animals are not permitted on school grounds during school hours. Some children are terrified of dogs (especially large dogs) and some are allergic. Dogs on the school grounds present a safety issue, and can make some children panic. Since our number one goal is to keep our school environment safe and friendly for all our children, we ask that you help us out by keeping your furry friend off of school property. As it is our intention to keep our campus safe for everyone, we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


This is the final week of our SEPTEMBER TO REMEMBER HSA Donation Drive. If you have already donated, THANK YOU! If not, look for donation drive volunteers set up at various places before and after school accepting donations, and online donations are always welcome. It is through your generosity that we are able to provide our school with funding for items such as technology in the form of both hardware and software for every classroom, and provide the funding for our Peace of Mind program. So far, this year's donations have provided $8400 in teacher grants, and the Harvey Seth Bloomfield Science Program, which includes visits from the Maryland Science Center, is already scheduled for October. Without your donations, these enrichments to our children's experience at Lafayette would not be possible. Although we encourage the Golden L and Family Donation levels, all levels of donations are accepted and gratefully appreciated. 


Have an amazing week!

Laura & Hope


See HSA board members  

It's the last full week for our Donation Drive   


We really need your help and support this week so that we can reach our goal and fund the programs and services that really make our school extra special.  If you haven't donated yet, please click here and make your donation today.


Your tax deductible dollars go directly to supporting technology in every classroom;  arts and music enrichment;  our Peace Program;  supplies for our teachers and so much more.


We are so grateful to all those parents and teachers who have already  given but we are still short of our goal and looking for every bit of help we can get in these last days of September. We have established some suggested donation levels that are right in line with other schools in the area but we will also welcome whatever you can give. Your support at any level means so much for our school and our students.


Here are 4 easy ways to get your donations in before September 30.


#1 - Give on line. Click here to make your HSA donation.  

#2 - Print out the form here and return it to the HSA Donation Drive Drawer in the Great Hall.

#3 - Look for the flyers/envelopes coming home in your child's folder and return them to school.

#4 - Email Jenny Backus and she can arrange the best way to collect your donation.


Thank you much for your support and for making this a September to Remember for Lafayette.

Jenny Backus

HSA Donation Director

safety patrol 5th Grade Safety Patrol (safety patrol art work)

Look for the bright orange vest of our new 5th Grade Safety Patrol at the quick drop-off on Northampton Street-available each morning from 8:30-8:45AM. Each morning two 5th graders along with two parents are volunteering their time to help with the drop off line. Please help us help them by following these guidelines.  

  • Please travel west (from 33rd St toward Broad Branch) on Northampton in order to pull up in the drop-off zone.

  • The drop off zone is a "Kiss & Ride", please have your child sit on the passenger side of the car so that they can exit easily to the sidewalk.

  • Please pull your car all the way to the cone at the front of the line so that as many cars as possible can drop off at one time.

  • If you need to park and exit your car to assist your children, please do not park in the drop off zone. Park your car legally on one of the streets surrounding the school and assist and walk your children from there.

  • Beginning at 8:30AM, the outer blue doors to the Early Childhood wing will open and Pre K and K children are invited to sit with classmates on the stairs inside the building with a parent volunteer until 8:40AM when the inside doors will open and teachers are ready to receive the children.

  • Children in grades 1-5 need to walk to their line-up areas and should not cut through the Early Childhood wing.

  • No parents are permitted through these doors, no exceptions please. Parents must sign in at the Main Office by entering into the front doors of Lafayette, this will be enforced by teachers and parent volunteers, please support this rule.

  • The Quick Drop Lane will close promptly at 8:45am. Children are considered tardy if they are not in their classrooms by this time. All children who arrive after this time will need to enter the school through the Main Entrance. 

Thank you!

no parking cone No Parking Baby!


Please adhere to the parking restrictions posted around the school. Most importantly, there is no parking allowed on the east side of Broad Branch Road during school hours.


Not even for a minute while you run your child into the school and say goodbye! Broad Branch is a bus route and there have been mornings when cars are parked on both sides of the street and the E6 cannot get through.


This is also a safety issue with regard to our children who are trying to cross the street. If people continue to disregard the restrictions, Lafayette will request the MPD issue tickets to those in violation.

kids holding hands Lafayette Enrichment Update 

We made it through the first week of the Fall Session of the Lafayette Enrichment Program (LEP). Thank you for your cooperation and patience while we worked out a couple of kinks.


Although enrollment for most classes is closed, there are a few that are still accepting enrollment. Log on to the LEP registration site to see register for Hoop Dance, Hip Hop/Jazz and HoopEd.


NEW....you can now register for Lafayette Tennis through the LEP registration site. We are accepting registrations for Afternoon Tennis (limited availability), which will be held on the black top at Lafayette starting September 29th.


Please remember that all children need to be signed out. I know that with large classes, such as noteBusters, this is still taking some time to get used to. Please remind your kids that they need to be signed out. Their cooperation makes the process move faster. We want everyone to have fun with a layer of safety for good measure. 

From the Art Room
Thank you to the entire Lafayette community for making our Dot Day such a success! The celebration of our creativity and belief that we can "make our mark" was powerful and exciting! Photos of our outfits and pics of the creativity that took place on Dot Day are hanging in the Great Hall.

Currently on display in our Lafayette great Hall Gallery is a piece of art from all our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students... please stop by before the display begins to change in a week or so.

Also remember to enjoy the Lafayette art work hanging in BroadBranch Market and stay tuned for an announcement about our new Principal's Office Gallery display!

walk or bike to school Walk or Bike to School Day   


Walk or Bike to School Day is coming up on Wednesday, October 8th!


We'll have two walking school buses plus a bike train from the Hawthorne neighborhood this year. Get your walking shoes or bikes ready, and join us for a fun morning!


We will need volunteers to chaperone the walking buses and the bike train, and to staff the prize tables at the school. This is a brief and fun volunteer commitment, you're done by the time school starts! If you are interested in helping out, please contact Katie Burke.

basketball Hello Parents from the world of basketball...Exciting news... 

Harriet Lurensky Kuhn, M.A., M.Ed., NCSP, LPC
DCPS Psychologist
Lafayette Elementary School  

We are not able to organize AAU basketball teams at Lafayette this fall team due to lack of gym space/time.  We now have a second best option.

Boys, either individually, or in 3rd, 4th or 5th grade teams can play in a new AAU league forming this fall for 3rd through 6th graders.

Here is the info for the ETU basketball  league that starts the weekend of September 27-28, 2014.

It's FREE for Boys in grades 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th. The season is 8 games long. All games are held at the Washington Episcopal School located at 5600 Little Falls Pkwy, Bethesda, MD 20816 on Sunday (and some Saturday) afternoons starting at 4:30pm. ETU provides the referees and uniforms.

Any questions, please call Harriet Kuhn, Lafayette psychologist-301-379-8705301-379-8705 or Jimmie Parker, ETU CEO at 202-270-1019202-270-1019

Community Notices


Nanny of two kindergarten students will be a care giver for mothers in need for school days off. Limited space so book early. Contact Marcia.

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2014-2015, your continued support is amazing! 



Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.