Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Gayle Moseley, Editor September 16, 2014
In This Issue
Featured Article
From the HSA
Parent Social Tonight!
Donate to Lafayette
Quick Drop Off
Technology Update
Peace of Mind
Grizzly Gear
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
Make a Submission
Join Our Mailing List
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A Message from Dr. Broquard 


Dear Lafayette Bears -


It's hard to believe that it is already the middle of September! Last week we celebrated two incredible Back to School Nights. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us. It was an awesome demonstration of the collaboration and care that happens at Lafayette every day. An extra special thank you goes to the HSA for organizing the food and events of the evening, the teachers for sharing their expertise and classrooms, and to the parents for their dedication and commitment to their children's education.


We continued our celebration of collaboration on . . .


             >>Read More

Mark Your Calendar  
September 16 (TONIGHT!)
New Parent Social at Jake's, 8:00 p.m.
September 18 (Thursday)
HSA Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
October 2 (Thursday)
HSA General Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

October 10 (Friday)
No School, Professional Development Day
October 13 (Monday)
No School, Columbus Day

October 14 (Tuesday)
Picture Day (individual and classes)
October 25 (Saturday)
Fall Festival

 See full school calendar  

From the HSA 

Hope Scheller and Laura Lindsley, co-presidents 

It was great to see everyone at Back-to-School Night last week!  We hope you found the night informative and enjoyed your time with your child's teacher(s).  Sitting in those little desks gives you a much better perspective of how your child's day plays out, don't you think?  A big thank you goes out to our Hospitality co-chairs, Sarah Rabasco and Lisa Mitchell, Potomac Pizza and Bake Sale (those desserts were amazing).


September is donation month at Lafayette. If you haven't already, we hope you will contribute to our "September to Remember" campaign. Donations to the HSA are voluntary, but so important to Lafayette's success. We encourage each Lafayette family to donate to the HSA. Although we suggest the "Golden L" and "Family Donation" amounts, all levels of donations are accepted and gratefully appreciated. 


As a reminder, please pay your Class Activity Fee. The class fee goes towards class specific activities like field trips, parties and special performances. DCPS does not provide these funds in our Lafayette budget. You can pay your fee online by going to the "Parents" tab located on the HSA website, or write a check to the Lafayette HSA with your child's name and teacher on the memo line. Checks may be placed in the "Class Activity Fee" box on top of the file cabinet in the Great Hall.


There have been a few furry friends present during morning drop-off and at afternoon pick-up. Although pets are certainly part of our families and communities, as a general rule, dogs and other animals are not permitted on school grounds during school hours. Many of us love dogs, but some children are terrified (especially large dogs) and some are allergic. Dogs on the school grounds present a safety issue and can make some children panic. Since our number one goal is to keep our school environment safe and friendly for all our children, we ask that you help us out. If you are including a dog walk at the same time as dropping off or picking up your child, please say goodbye or meet our child on the perimeter of the school grounds. It is our intention to keep our campus safe for everyone and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


Please come out to Jake's American Grille tonight (Tuesday, September 16) to kick off the new school year and socialize with fellow Lafayette parents beginning at 8:00 p.m.  We are hoping for a great turnout of new and veteran Lafayette parents.  This will be a wonderful opportunity for new parents to meet veteran parents & ask questions.Guest bartenders will be downstairs in the "Boiler Room" slinging drinks and Jake's is generously donating 10% of the night's proceeds to Lafayette!   Jake's is right in the neighborhood on Connecticut Avenue, across from Politics & Prose.  Hope to see you there! 

 Laura & Hope


See HSA board members  

New Parent Social TONIGHT!
meet and greet
Meet new people and get the inside scoop about happenings at Lafayette from returning parents by coming to Jake's Restaurant TONIGHT starting at 8pm.  We'll be downstairs in the "Boiler Room". Get your questions answered and enhance your experience at Lafayette.  New and returning parents welcome. 10% of Food and Beverage sales will be donated to the HSA.  Any questions can be directed to Eve Bennet, Early Childhood Liaison.

September to Remember Donation Drive



Thanks to the generosity of Lafayette families and teachers, we are more than half way to our goal during our September to Remember Donation Drive. A special shout-out to everyone who gave at Back to School Night!  We still need your support.  

Your tax deductible donations to the HSA pay for the things that make our school special like music and art enrichment, computers and white boards in every classroom and more than 23,000 books in our library. 

Here are three easy ways to give: 

1) Donate online. This is the easiest option for Golden L and HSA family donations.

2) Print out your form and drop it in the HSA Donation Drawer.

3)   Use the forms that are coming home later this week in your child's backpack and return them back in your child's folder.


 We appreciate every donation we are given and ask the families give only what works best for their family. 

If you have already given, please ask your friends and neighbors to consider donating as well. 

Thank you for your support. Together we can make Lafayette even stronger for our children.

Jenny Backus

HSA Membership Director

We Need Your Help!


With the cooler weather at hand, more and more families will begin to use the Quick Drop on Northampton. We also need your help to keep the drop-off line moving!  We've assigned the parents of each grade a month. 5th grade has September and 4th grade has October.

Please take a moment and visit the sign up page today.


Technology Update

Educational Technology Use Pledge 


Greetings Lafayette Community!    

 Welcome back to a new school year! I am pleased to announce that this year I will be teaching classes on a regular basis. I will see grades 1st - 5th for a half an hour every other week, which in turn will alternate with library. The class will focus on teaching students practical technology skills based on the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) standards as well as school adopted programs and hardware. We will also heavily focus on standardizing the technology related skills of each grade level. For example, in 1st grade we will introduce proper hand placement on a trackpad and by the time we get to 5th grade we will be touch typing with fluency. In this way we will build on the skills of the previous grade level providing the teachers with expectations of what their incoming students will know how to do. In addition, we will learn about internet safety and digital citizenship, which is where the next piece comes in.


The Lafayette Technology Committee, a volunteer group of Lafayette staff, have put together the Lafayette Educational Technology Use PledgeThe purpose of the pledge is to assume a shared responsibility of teaching responsible use of technology between families and the school. We would greatly appreciate if families could print, read and discuss the pledge with children in grades K-5 and sign and return it to their child's homeroom teacher. The pledge outlines the school's expectations of students use of school technology, which will certainly overlap with the expectations for home use. Our aim of both the technology class and the pledge is to raise responsible digital citizens equipped with relevant 21st century skills.

Thanks for reading and taking the pledge!


Nathan Wieand

Technology Coordinator


Update from Peace of Mind
Welcome to another peaceful year at Lafayette!  Lafayette's unique mindfulness and social emotional learning program, Peace of Mind, is in full swing.  Peace Classes started with Ms. Ryden teaching second - fifth grade and Ms. Diesner teaching our Early Childhood grades.  We are learning about mindfulness and having fun with some "getting to know you" activities.  In fifth grade we watched a wonderful video about
"Unsung Hero" Thai Life Insurance 2014 (HD)
kindness (actually a life insurance commercial from Thailand!).  The kids loved it so much that I told them that I would post it here so that they could share it with you.  I hope you enjoy it.  Be prepared to shed a happy tear.

If you are new to Lafayette, you might be wondering what the Peace program is all about.  There is a description of the program on the school website and lots of good information on our blogYou are always free to come in and check it out for yourself as well. Kids seem to get the idea of Peace Class intuitively, but parents sometimes aren't so sure.  They wonder if it's some kind of hippie throwback.  In fact, Peace Class is a cutting-edge program based on the latest research about how children learn and grow and thrive.  We all know that it's no longer enough to teach the 3Rs.  In this fast-paced and sometimes violent world it is crucial that we give our children the tools they need to be happy, mindful, emotionally-intelligent, and able to move through the world peacefully and with confidence.

We could call it "Conflict Resolution, Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, Anger Management, Anxiety Reduction, Empathy Development, Communication, Compassion, Bullying Prevention, Friendship Skills, Assertiveness Training, and Make the World a Better Place Class" but that's a bit unwieldy. So we settled on "Peace Class" instead.  So try to let go of any '60's-era connotations you may have of the word peace and see it for what it is here at Lafayette: A class that helps us to educate the whole child.  A class devoted to the heart and the mind. A class that will give your child some of the most important skills they will ever learn.

Linda Ryden 
Teaching Peace
Grizzly Gear - Show Your School Spirit!


Have you seen the new logo?   Do you have a ringer T-shirt to show your school spirit?  Well now is the chance to order t-shirts, hats and even throw in a sweatshirt for Mom and Dad!


Order forms are HERE and also will be sent home in each class this week.  You may also  grab one from the Grizzly Gear mailbox in the Great Hall.


Orders can be submitted until Friday, September 19th - just leave in the Grizzly Gear mailbox with payment.  Delivery of the Grizzly Gear will be the week of October 6.


Thank you for the support!   Any questions please contact Shannon Behm or Janine Finck-Boyle

Community Notices



The Children's Art Studio is a local nonprofit founded on the belief that children reap tremendous emotional, intellectual and developmental gains from making art. Small class size, thoughtful instruction and the inventive use of high quality materials is what it is all about. Our beautiful modern facility is located on Wisconsin Avenue in Tenleytown. We hope your child will join us!


Youth Programs at All Saint's Church

Sunday Mornings @ 10am:  Come join your friends at All Saints Church each and every Sunday for music, games, and worship then enjoy brunch together at 11:15am!


Wednesday Evenings (9/17 - 11/19) from 5-7pm: Starting at 5pm, all 3rd through 8th graders are invited to come and connect with friends, play board games, finish homework... or just catch your breath in the middle of your hectic week. At 6:00, we'll head to dinner in All Saints' Great Hall followed by "Wednesday Worship" in the church at 6:30pm (all ages welcome to dinner & worship!)


We hope to see you often this Fall! Invite a friend or two. All 3rd through 8th graders are welcome!


Questions? Contact Liz McReady -- All Saints Church Children's Minister or call 301-654-2488



Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2014-2015, your continued support is amazing! 



Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.