Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Teresa G. Gionis, editor May 20, 2014
In This Issue
From the HSA
School Boundary
Field Day News
Calling all Parents
PE Data Collection
Book Fair
D.C. Theater Cafe
Arts Night
One World Syria Project
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
Make a Submission
Join Our Mailing List
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From the Principal 
Lynn Main 

It's registration time at Lafayette for next school year. Each day Mrs. Bright arrives around 7:30 so anyone needing to drop off their forms can do so before work. Most afternoons someone is in the office until at least 5:30, some days 6:00. Forms were mailed to families all ready filled out for the most part in mid April. And now after a month of collecting forms we have met only 41% of our projected enrollment for next fall. Why?

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Please Read:

DCPS Attendance Protocol


1) The Office of Youth Engagement now identifies students who accrue 10 unexcused absences as "chronically truant."


2) Students must be referred to court once they have reached 15 unexcused absences.


3) Students must be at school 80% of the entire school day in order to be considered "present".  




The only excusable reasons for a student's late arrival and/or absence from school are:

  • Illness or medical cause (a doctor's note is needed for 5 or more absences)
  • Medical or dental appointment 
  • Death in the student's immediate family
  • Summoned to attend in judicial proceeding 
  • Religious holiday
  • Lawful exclusion or expulsion from school
  • Failure of DC to provide transportation  
  • Emergency or circumstances approved by LEA

In order to be acknowledged as "excused" the student must provide a note to the attendance counselor (written or electronically) from the parent and/or guardian citing at least one of the reasons listed above. 


If you have any questions please contact the office and ask to speak to Ms. Bright, or email her.


Mark Your Calendar


May 21 (Wednesday) 5pm-7pm

 Staff Appreciation Reception  

May 22 (Thursday) 6pm

Arts Night II

May 26 (Monday)

No School- Memorial Day 

May 28 (Wednesday)

Field Day, Pre-K/K

May 30 (Friday)

Field Day, Grades 1-5




See full school calendar 

From the HSA 

Gayle Moseley & Hope Scheller, co-presidents 


Thank you to all of you who came out to last week's General Meeting. We had a great turnout for the election and budget discussion. Congratulations to our new HSA Board and LSAT representatives! We have a great group of folks to guide the HSA's efforts next year (please see the list below). If you were not able to make it to the meeting, please take a moment to review the proposed DRAFT BUDGET.  for next school year. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions regarding the Budget, please click HERE  and tell us what's on your mind. Based on the comments and suggestions we receive between now and Wednesday, May 28, we may make some changes to the Budget before it's presented for approval at the General Meeting on June 5.

Coming up this week, we've got our 3rd annual Staff Appreciation Reception on Wednesday (5-7pm). Please stop by to show your appreciation for the greatest school staff in Washington, DC! Take a look at the details below for more information on how you can help make this event memorable for those teachers and staff who spend 180 days/year with our children.


If you are returning to Lafayette next year, please be sure to register your children as soon as possible. Less than 300 students have registered for next year. We have told DCPS we are expecting 700. If only half that many are registered by June 20, Lafayette will lose funding, which could mean staff cuts. Enrollment forms were mailed out prior to Spring Break, but if you can't find yours, click HERE. You do not need to provide the health forms at this time.


We're still waiting to hear which architect has been awarded the job of modernizing Lafayette next summer. We should know who by the end of this month and have a community meeting scheduled sometime in June. We'll keep you posted!


The Principal Selection Committee is tentatively scheduled to interview several candidates on May 27th. If all goes as planned, we should know who will be stepping into Mrs. Main's shoes before the end of the school year.


That's all for now! Have a great week!

Gayle & Hope




HSA Board Members for 2014-15


Co-Presidents:                         Laura Lindsley and Hope Scheller* 

                  1st Vice President:                              Kristin Willsey

                  2nd Vice President:                             Marek Gootman

                  Treasurer Co-Chairs:                Josh Gordon and Beth Taubman*                   Volunteer Chair:                                  Eileen Dombo

                  Early Childhood Liaison:                    Eve Bennet

                  Communications:                               Stacy Beck

                  Membership Chair:                            Jenny Backus

                  Secretary:                                           Janine Finck-Boyle* 

                  Ways & Means Co-Chairs:            Chris Lisi-Frillici and  

                                                                        Shannon Behm (two positions)

                  Hospitality:                                   Sarah Rabasco and 

                                                                        Lisa Mitchell (two positions)

                  Environmental Chair:                       Keith Jones

                  Outreach/Tours Chair:                    Jen Lanoff

                  Community Representatives:    Joe Nelson and Mark Friedman 

                                                                           (two positions)


*serving second year


LSAT Parent Representatives for SY 2014-2015


   Kerrie Bouker

                  Eden Burgess

                  Jared Cohen

                  Vonda Orders


Arts Night II Info: This Thursday


Step Team:

Back by popular demand is our Step Team! They will open Arts Night II promptly at 5:55p on the stage in the cafeteria. Warm up will be in Ms. Perl's trailer.


2nd Grade:

Students will meet in the music room at 5:50p for warm up and will take the stage by 6:05p.


3rd Grade:

Students will meet in the music room with recorders at 6:05p and will take the stage by 6:15p. We will not warm up because we do not want to interrupt the 2nd graders on stage.


4th Grade:

Students will meet in the music room at 6:15 and will take the stage by 6:25p. Students with instruments will set up below the stage.


Chinese Program:

Students will meet in the music room by 6:25 and will take the stage by 6:35p.


Percussion Ensemble:

Students will meet Mr. Steel in the music room at 6:35p and will begin any minor setting up very quietly back stage or near the stage steps and will begin by 6:45p.



Students will meet in Ms. Perl's trailer to grab drums and mallets. The drumline WILL NOT perform on stage. Instead, they will be on the field in front of the bleachers where family and friends can be seated, enjoy the food, nice weather and of course the drumline!



Field Day Field Day Volunteers Needed 


Field Day is just around the corner.  We are still in need of many volunteers.  If you can help please go to our Signup Genius page.  From there you will see all the stations and then get to pick the station you would like to run.

This field day is for 1st-5th grade students.  All volunteers are needed on Friday, May 30th from 8:30 to Noon.  Please consider if you have never done this before.  It is such a fun day but not possible without all the awesome parent volunteers.   


If for some reason you can not sign up this way just send me an email and I will sign you up.  marjorie.mcclure@dc.gov


Thank you in advance for all of your support,

Ms. McClure

Physical Education Teacher



We Love Our Teachers Calling all Lafayette Parents


It's Not Too Late to Support the Teacher/Staff Thank You Party!


Wednesday May 21 is the official Thank You Party for Lafayette Teachers & Staff and we need your help. Please stop by the Broad Branch Market and make

a donation of a bottle of wine or appetizer. It's easy. Just ask the cashier for the Lafayette Party list, select the item you want to donate and pay right there as you are checking out.  Or bring in a home-cooked donation to school on Wednesday afternoon. Contact Janine Boyle with any questions and thank you for supporting our wonderful staff here at Lafayette.


From the Art RoomLaurie McLaughlin


Lafayette artwork is receiving kudos in the outer community! Several 5th grade students (recognized in an earlier Bulletin) had their artwork featured in an Underground Railroad Quilt Assemblage created for ARTNIGHT DC. The piece was framed and auctioned off by the DCEd Fund at the Pepco Edison Place Gallery this week. Student Karis Francis attended the auction with her father and reported that our Lafayette artwork went for $3,250! And, as a result of that piece, the Department of Justice has requested a similar quilt assemblage for their celebration commemorating the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights act of 1964. We are very proud to be a part of the DC art scene in such a meaningful way! 



ARTS NIGHT is this Thursday and I look forward to seeing all our Lafayette 2nd-5th grade families. A HUGE thank you to the large band of art room volunteers who assisted with the mammoth job of matting and labeling the artwork!!! Your assistance made arts night possible!


Don't forget to bring your checkbook to ARTS NIGHT to buy the hottest publication in town., IMAGES. EVERY Lafayette student has art and writing... and the fun class photos are not to be beat!



Book Fair

Book Fair at Politics & Prose, Saturday, May 31


On Saturday, May 31, the Lafayette HSA will have its annual book fair at Politics and Prose.  All day on May 31, 20% of the price of purchases at Politics and Prose will be donated to the HSA--as long as you show the cashier a Lafayette voucher, which will be available at the store.  Save the date to swing by with the kids.  Ms. Main has generously agreed to read a book to students at 10:30 in the Children's Department.  You can choose a book for your child's teacher from a teacher wish list, or buy  some summer (!) reading.   If you have a half hour, we're looking for volunteers to help hand out vouchers and teacher wish lists during the fair.   Sign up here



Our Peace Program was featured on Fox 5 News this week! Check it out to see Ms. Ryden with Ms. Cobb's second graders talk about the benefits of mindfulness.


Wow, Bike to School Day was another great success at Lafayette this year! Thank you to everyone who biked, scootered, triked and   walked to school on the 7th. A big thank you also to all of the parents who volunteered to ride with the bike train and staff the prize tables at school. What a great day!

NoteBUSTERS Spring Performance

Join us on Sunday, June 1, 5:00 pm at Wilson High School auditorium for "A Tribute to Julie Andrews" featuring music from
The Sound of Music and Mary PoSinging note ppins
FREE admission -- teachers, family, and friends are all invited to attend.

Mr. Weiand  

Fill Out Satisfaction Survey


As a reminder, please complete and return your school satisfaction/stakeholder surveys as soon as possible, but no later than May 23. The surveys were sent home with students about 2 weeks ago in large white unmarked envelopes. So far, we have had only 19% of families respond so hopefully we can get our participation rates to increase. Please contact me via email at nathan.wieand@dc.gov if you need an additional survey or have any questions. This is your chance to let the district know what you think about Lafayette and the school district as a whole. Thank you so much for your help with this initiative!

Strawberries and Salad Greens 
On Wednesday, May 21st, the cafeteria will be serving strawberries and salad greens from a local farm. Students will have the chance to sample this local produce and learn more about seasonal fruits and vegetables. Information about this DCPS-wide event, and follow-up activities that students can participate in, such as submitting recipes, photos, and drawings is available.
shout out dude Buy a WLES Shout Out


Have a custom message read to your child during the morning announcements. It is a great way to say "Happy Birthday," "Good Luck" or just send a fun message to your child at the beginning of the school day. Print and fill out this form, place it and a payment of $15 (checks made out to Lafayette HSA) in the WLES Shout Out box in the Great Hall. Announcements and payment must be received at least seven days prior to the announcement date. Please contact Eden Burgess for more information.



Community Notices



Mark your calendars for Wilson ArtsFest 2014! Wilson High School would like to invite all Lafayette families to its ArtsFest Open House on Thursday, May 22nd from 4 to 8pm. The Open House will feature visual art exhibits, as well as dance, musical and dramatic performances that showcase the talents of Wilson students and the excellent arts programming at Wilson High School. In addition, the whole family can participate in interactive art projects and games, shop at the student marketplace and sample delicious selections from our food vendors (no need to race home for dinner). Look for more details in the coming weeks, or send an e-mail to wilsonartsfest@gmail.com with questions.


Fairytales in Motion Summer. Visit our website for schedule and more info www.fairytalesinmotion.com Located in Chevy Chase and Kensington, Md. Camps begin June 3rd and run through August for ages 3 - 8. You may also call 301-253-0484.


Basketball. Is your 3rd, 4th or 5th grade girl or boy interested in playing AAU basketball this fall? AAU is a step above recreation ball and is great experience for building character and resiliency through the sport of basketball. If your child would like to play, or if you have any questions, please e-mail or phone Lafayette psychologist Harriet Kuhto express your interest as we are trying to gauge parent/child interest in the new teams that will be forming. Time commitments include once weekly practice (1 hour each) with local weekend league games or tournaments to be determined. Lafayette girls are the reigning elementary school "City Champions" and this seemed an appropriate time to get these team started!
Lafayette Tennis Camp  Spots available for nine weekly sessions, June 16 - August 15. Camp runs from 9 to 4, with Before and After care available for an additional fee. $300 per week or $200 for half day camp week. 
The camp will be using the two upper tennis courts at the Lafayette Recreation Center at 33rd and Quesada Sts., NW. In addition to developing tennis skills on the courts, kids can cool off in the refreshing Lafayette Water Daisy and with ice cold slushies from the delicious Broad Branch Market. We will go swimming at the Wilson Aquatic Center on hot days. We will take advantage of kids' tennis programs with The World Team Tennis Washington Kastles this July and at the new CitiOpen Tennis Tournament July 27 - August 4. Visit www.lafayettetennis.org to register and for more information. or contact Paul Rosenbaum, 202-441-0925.

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text. 
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