Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Teresa G. Gionis, editor October 1, 2013
In This Issue
From the HSA
Fall Festival: Volunteer
Chancellor's address
Parking Rules
Potomac Pizza
WLES Shout Out
Picture Day
Walk to School Day
Sports Xtreme
Science Center Visits
Candy Drive
Ramers Shoes
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
Make a Submission
Join Our Mailing List
Quick Links...
Lynn Main  

Movement plays a big role each day at Lafayette.  We move through our building when we go to specials, the library or lunch.  As we move through the school you may hear your child tell you we use SQL's.  This is our abbreviation for straight, quiet, lines.  And why do we use straight, quiet, lines?  Because it is a kind and responsible thing to do.


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Mark Your Calendar  

October 3 (Thursday)

Picture Day (individual and classes) 


October 9 (Wednesday)
Walk to School Day 
October 10 (Thursday) 
Rain Date for Picture Day

October 14 (Monday) 
No School - Columbus Day   

October 18 (Friday) 
No School - Professional Development Day
October 21 (Monday) 
No School - Conference Day
See full school calendar

From the HSA 

Gayle Moseley & Hope Scheller, co-presidents 


So wonderful to see everyone at the General Meeting last Thursday!  We had a great turnout, ate dinner, took care of some HSA business and made it home before 8pm!  The highlight, for sure, was the appearance of our Fall Festival co-chairs, Bethann Siegel and Jeanine Boyle, in hauntingly appropriate attire to promote the fun family event they are planning. 


Quite a few families also took advantage of the free childcare.  Here's what one parent shared with us: 


"I just wanted to thank you for making the arrangements for pizza and childcare at the HSA meeting last night.  I can't tell you how much easier it made things for me. . . not only was it great for me, the kids had a terrific time as well, and the girls from AU were lovely." 

 - from a mom who came directly from the office after picking up her kids at aftercare!


This week and next, our students will participate in the first of two visiting science programs facilitated by the Maryland Science Center and paid for by Lafayette families who have generously contributed to the Bear Fund and the Raise-A-Paddle promo at last year's Auction.  Please see more information below about what our kids will be learning during this first visit.


One of the handouts at the General Meeting was an updated HSA Calendar.  A few dates have changed (the Auction, a Professional Development Day) and we added some specific dates for school events that we didn't know at the time of the first printing.  If you're like me, you probably have this calendar up on your fridge or on the family bulletin board.  If you did not receive one at last week's meeting, please be sure to use this updated version [link to document]  [I will email the pdf to TB under separate cover]


Please bring your family to Potomac Pizza for dinner on Monday night (October 7).  It's our first Potomac Pizza Night fundraiser of the year.  Potomac Pizza is a family friendly restaurant and this event is a fun way to mix and mingle with fellow Lafayette families!  20% of the evening's proceeds will be donated back to Lafayette! (details below)


Have a great rest of your week and don't forget . . .Thursday is Picture Day!



Have a fabulous week!


  --Gayle & Hope  


See HSA board members 

Join the HSA






Perfect Recipe?

What do you get when you combine 42 adults, 19 children, 6 Chi Omega sorority sisters, 2 teachers, and lots of pizza?  


An HSA general meeting, of course!


Thank you for giving our new format a chance!  Looking forward to seeing everyone the next time around! (Next general meeting November 21st @ 6PM)



And The Lucky Winners Are...


To celebrate the first month of school, on September 30th @ 5PM, we randomly selected three current HSA members to receive a fabulous gift.   The results are in, and the lucky winners are:


Alix and Scott Patterson.........................Two night stay at any 

Omni Hotel in North America

William and Marissa Jacobson................Two tickets to the Spring 


­­­­­­­­­­­­Judith Fratto...........................................Choice of 2 items in the 

Lafayette Apparel online store


A BIG congratulations to all of our winners, and a BIG, BIG thank you to everyone who has joined the HSA & contributed to the Bear Fund! 





null Fall Festival                              

The Fall Festival website is LIVE this week. Get the gory details online  

AND don't miss out on any part of this Monster party. Click here to buy your Fall Festival tickets TODAY!   Tickets are $20/child


Monster Joke of the Week:

Where does a baby ghost go while its parents are at work? 


Going Once, Going Twice  . . .Snap Up an Auction Chair Role!

We are looking for a couple of energized Lafayette parents to help lead the March 2013 Auction, Lafayette's biggest fundraiser.  Here is more information about some of the key jobs we are interested in filing. 


Online Auction Chair - We need an organizational whiz to lead the online action.  This crucial function involves organizing the donated items for the online auction and managing all of the data and entries.  This volunteer opportunity is ideal for someone who wants to be able to help from home or the office, on their own time.  Familiarity with Meastro is a plus. A detailed binder with information and instructions will be provided. 
Solicitations Chair - This chair will lead solicitation efforts for donations to the online auction and oversee the team of volunteers who assist in the legwork.  We are fortunate to have many repeat donors, and last year's auction chairs have distilled their experience and expertise into detailed instructions that will very much streamline the solicitation process. 


If you want to dive into supporting Lafayette, support fundamental school programs, and work with a really fantastic group of Lafayette parents and teachers, we hope you will consider volunteering. Please contact Auction Ways & Means Co-Chair Shannon Behm or Polly Snyder if you are interested or would like more information. 

Chancellor's Address 

DCPS is hosting the Chancellor's Address on the State of DC Public Schools on Thursday, October 17, 2013, 7:00pm-9:00pm, at Cardozo Education Campus, 1200 Clifton St NW.  A reception with light refreshments will follow the Chancellor's remarks where we will highlight interactive displays of academic programs and initiatives of interest.  DCPS' Leadership team, including Central Office Chiefs, Instructional Superintendents and school leaders, will be in attendance as well to engage directly with our parents, community and partners on the great things happening in DCPS this school year.



We hope to see you there.


Thank you!

Office of Family and Public Engagement

DC Public Schools 
No Parking Baby!


Drop off image We know that drop-off and pick-up are busy times around Lafayette.  Please be aware of the parking restrictions posted around the school.  Most importantly, there is no parking allowed on the east side of Broad Branch Road during school hours.  That's why there are bright orange cones on the curb with a "No Parking" sign sticking out of the top!  Not even for a minute while you run your child into the school and say goodbye!  Broad Branch is a bus route and there have been mornings when cars are parked on both sides of the street and the E6 cannot get through.  This is also a safety issue with regard to our children who are trying to cross the street.  If people continue to disregard the restrictions, Lafayette will request the MPD issue tickets to those in violation. 

Potomac Pizza Night October 7 

Buy a WLES Shout Out Today!


shout out dude Have a custom message read to your child during the morning announcements. It is a great way to say "Happy Birthday", "Good Luck" or just send a fun message to your child at the beginning of the school day.

Print and fill out this form, place it and a payment of $15 (checks made out to Lafayette HSA) in the WLES Shout Out box in the Great Hall. Announcements and payment must be received at least seven days prior to the announcement date. Please contact Eden Burgess (eve8garden@yahoo.com) for more information.
Picture Day, October 3!

(except Kindergarten & Mr. King's Class)


Pre-K and grades 1-5 (except Mr. King's class) will be photographed on Thursday by Bethesda photographer Freed Photography [www.freedspirit.com]. Both the "whole class" and individual phot


os will be taken outside, using natural light.


All kindergarten classes and Mr. King's class will be photographed on October 10, as well as any students who were absent on October 3rd.  Please let Gayle Moseley know if your child is absent so she can be sure your child's paperwork is available on the make-up day.


Freed Photography operates a little differently than the photographers we've used in the past. Proofs will be available on a password-protected site before ordering as many (or as few) photos as you like. See flyer. [insert link to flyer]   While the site will be password protected, all students photos will be viewable - if you would prefer to have your child's proofs emailed privately, please contact Gayle Moseley and provide your email address.


Picture Day Clothing Suggestions: solid colors and simple patterns photograph best; collared shirts or polos for boys look great; and avoid sweatshirts/sweatpants and t-shirts with large logos or letters. Some shots may show your child's entire body, so please consider this when choosing an outfit. That being said, photos can be cropped, so if you really like the smile and expression of your child on a full-body shot, you can request to have it cropped to just show the head and shoulders if you prefer.


Please feel free to contact Gayle Moseley with any questions you may have.

Walk or Bike to School Day, October 9


Walk or Bike to School Day is coming up on Wednesday, October 9th! Mark your calendars and get those sneakers ready to join us for this fun event!

We're currently seeking volunteers to "drive" the walking school buses and to host the prize tables at the school.

If you're interested in helping, please contact Katie Burke

PEP Hosts Noted Author Dr. Larry Cohen: Coaching Parents about Handling Childhood Anxiety -- November 7 and 8th


It's never too late to help a child unlock from anxiety and fear and learn to participate joyfully in all the ups and downs of life. Join PEP on November 7 and/or 8 to hear Lawrence J. Cohen, author of Playful Parenting and the newly published The Opposite of Worry, speak to parents about how empathy and playfulness can help children and teens move from anxiety, worry, and fear to connection, trust, and balance. 


During the evening talk, November 7, Dr. Cohen will tell parents how to use the strategies of lightheartedness and connection to help kids age 9 and older to move through fear and worry and develop an inner sense of security. His morning talk, November 8, will focus on playful parenting techniques to ease anxieties and build the confidence and coping skills of children age 2 to 8.


For more information or to register for the events, see http://www.pepparent.org/authortalk.html or call PEP at 301-929-8824.

Lafayette Student Publication

Sports Xtreme now available! Click here! 

Got Science?

Thanks to your generosity at the 2013 Auction & to the Bear Fund, the Maryland Science Center and their Traveling Science Program are visiting our school twice this year.  Get ready for exciting hands-on science fun, with programs both large and small encompassing a wide range of topics. This program is designed to educate and stimulate interest and enthusiasm for science.  Visits scheduled over the next couple of weeks will include hands-on lab experience for some, while others will be transported to space in a portable planetarium or Sky Lab.  See schedule details below.


Solid Liquid Slime!

October 1st - First Grade

October 2nd - Kindergarten

October 4th - Second Grade



Dive Right In

October 10th - Fifth Grade


Simply Circuits

October 11th - Fourth Grade


Halloween Candy Drive for the Homeless


It's almost Halloween and you know what that means... mountains of candy!  It also means it's time for the Third Annual Halloween Candy Drive for the Homeless. Please ask your children to consider sharing their Halloween bounty with some people who have very little.  For the past few years members of the Peace Club have collected candy for the Bethesda Cares homeless shelter.  Shelter staff tell us that the bags and bags of candy that we supply each year bring a little bit of joy to all who come to the shelter.  We have been able to deliver so much candy that there has been enough to give a piece of candy per day to everyone who came to the shelter for a whole year!  Before you shop for your candy please consider buying candy that is soft and not sticky.  Many homeless people don't have access to dental care and therefore sticky, hard candy - like Tootsie Rolls or Bit-o-honey - are really hard on their teeth.  We will only be bringing soft candy or hard candy you can suck on to the shelter.  Many, many people without homes are children and families. Please encourage your child to share some candy with someone less fortunate.   We will be collecting candy in the Oasis on Team 3 starting on November 1.


Thank you! --Linda Ryden, Teaching Peace

Ramer's Shoes Gives Back To Lafayette


It's time for rain boots, snow boots, and all of your Fall and Winter foot gear!  Head over to Ramer's Shoes, just off Chevy Chase Circle, beginning October 1st through October 31st, and they will take 10% off of your purchase when you mention Lafayette Elementary School.  Ramer's has generously agreed to give the 10% back to Lafayette as they are participating in our Portion of Proceeds Program for the month of October. 


Ramer's Shoes

3810 Northhampton Street, NW

Washington, DC  20015



Daily 9:30am - 6:00pm

Saturday 9:30am - 5:30pm


If you have any questions, please email Shannon Behm. 


Community Notices


Driver Needed Tuesdays until the end of October

I need a reliable person to drive my daughter from Lafayette School to her soccer practice every Tuesday.  Practice starts at 5:00 at Hardy Recreation Center which is at 4500 Q Street, off Foxhall Drive in Northwest D.C.  I pay per hour plus gas.  Please call Karen at




Our beloved nanny of nearly 8 years is now available to work for another family 2-4 days per week. We are flexible which weekdays she continues to work for us. Yahaira is 37 years old, she is a legal US citizen and she has a valid drivers license. She would ideally like to work for a family with a infant so that she can remain with that family for an extended period of time. Her references are outstanding. She is part of our family and we want to make sure she ends up with a kind, generous family. Please call Laurie for further information 202-329-6904 or e-mail lmacdad@aol.com.



Join us for game night at the Chevy Chase location of Barstons Child's Play!  Located at 5536 Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington D.C., 20015.  Stop by and play as long as you like!  Call (202) 244-3602 for more information.


Game Night

October 3, 2013  5-7 pm.  Free.

Featured game: 7 Wonders. (A staff favorite!) Ages 10+


Game Night

October 10, 2013 5-7 pm. Free.

Featured games: 10 Days in the USA & 10 Days in Europe.  A great way to learn geography!  Ages 10+





Bear with us as we respond to requests to remove former Lafayette families from the email list. We try to respond promptly but understandably we're getting a large number of requests these early weeks of school.

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.