Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home & School Association 
Teresa G. Gionis, editor

August 27, 2013
In This Issue
Letter from editor
Chinese lessons
Arts Integration
Lafayette Tennis
Girls on the Run
Strings Lessons
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors

From Principal
Lynn Main



What a summer we have had at Lafayette Elementary School.  Thousands, and we mean thousands of new books to unpack and distribute, extensive professional development for teachers on the Common Core State Standards, hundreds of registrations to process, all those children to place in new classes.  Teachers started arriving back the week of August 12th to set up their classrooms and make sure everything was ready for opening day. 



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Mark Your Calendar 


September 7 (Monday)  

NO SCHOOL, Labor Day


September 11 (Wednesday) 

Back to School Night (Pre-k, 1,3,5)


September 12 (Thursday) 

Back to School Night (K,2,4)


September 18 (Wednesday)

 "New Parent" social



Letter from the Editor


For those of you new to Lafayette, the Tuesday Bulletin is the communications arm of the Lafayette Home and School Association. It's where you will find important information from HSA officers and teachers and staff on news, events, and fundraisers at Lafayette. It's also where to turn for information on after-school curricular activities and volunteer opportunities at the school and within the community.

   The "Community Notices" section of each bulletin, akin to a classified-ad section, is where families can submit up to two ads per semester. The ads must have a clear Lafayette connection. We do not accept ads for most commercial businesses or real estate. For the convenience of families, we do post ads for camps, classes and after-school activities that take place at Lafayette and within the community. Please note that these programs are not run by Lafayette or the HSA.

     To meet our deadlines, editors need all submissions e-mailed to tuesdaybulletin@gmail.com by the previous Friday. Notices should include your name, phone number, e-mail address, as well as connection to Lafayette. 

     Thank you to parent editors Miriam Van Dyck, Suzanne Stokes Vieth, and Sheryl-Ann Gayle for joining me in producing the bulletin again this year.  


Editor Wanted!

The Tuesday Bulletin is looking for another editor. If you think you might be interested, please email me.


- Teresa G. Gionis, Tuesday Bulletin editor

  Singing note
Please see attached flyer for information on Notebusters, Lafayette's after school singing group. 

 >>Notebusters flyer

Chinese Language Lessons
Please see attached flyer for information on Mandarin classes available to Lafayette students. 

>>Chinese language lessons flyer


Registration Open for Cap City Little League National Division


Registration is open until September 7 for Capitol City Little League National Division - for children ages 5 and 6. This is a non-competitive introduction to baseball that runs from September 7 till early November. It's a great way for your son/daughter to get some exercise, meet new friends, learn the basics of baseball and become a part of the Cap City community.


Learn more at www.capcityll.org


Lafayette Tennis

Lafayette tennis for kids and adults starts after labor day. See attached flyer for details and registration information.

Girls on the Run 


Come Join the Fun! The mission of Girls on the Run is to inspire 3rd-5th grade girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.


 The GOTR season at Lafayette will begin the week of September 9th and end with a 5k run on November 24th. Practices will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 pm and led by Coach Erin de Jonckheere. Registration opens online at www.gotrdc.org on Monday, August 26th. Please contact Ms.de Jonckheere or Sarah Boone, GOTR Site Liaison, for more information. 

Music Strings Lessons

Please see attached flyer for information on music strings lessons at Lafayette.

>>strings flyer


Community Notices 



Prayer Group. Calling all moms who want to pray together for their children at Lafayette and/or Deal. We use the Moms In Prayer (http://www.momsinprayer.org) organization's guidance as we meet periodically to hold our children, teachers, staff and buildings up to God in prayer. Please email Liz McReady (lizmcf@yahoo.com) to find out more.


sponsor banner with kids

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


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Make a Submission
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.