Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home & School Association 
Miriam Van Dyck, editor

June 11, 2013
In This Issue
Field Day
Marquis de Lafayette Awards
Goodbye from Ms. Porter
From the Art Room
School Registration
Boundary WG News
Family Directory
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors

From Principal
Lynn Main




Last Friday it finally happened. Our incredible string of good weather luck finally ran out.  We made it through PK/K Field Day, the trip to Gettysburg, the Spring Fair, Fall trips to the farm, the fourth grade trip to Pierce Mill in Rock Creek Park, practically every event where good weather was needed.  And then came Field Day last Friday.  

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June 14 (Friday)

Pre-K Graduation


June 19 (Wednesday)

Fifth-Grade Promotion


June 21 (Friday)

Last Day of School, 12:15 dismissal

school sign  

From the HSA 

Jenny Murray and Gayle Moseley, co-presidents


We're coming down the homestretch!  Seven and a half more days of school!  The pre-K'ers will have their graduation ceremony on Friday and the 5th graders will be finished with elementary school next Wednesday!  Having a 5th grader, I'm a little saddened by the realization that my first baby girl will be in middle school next year.  I have many friends whose youngest child is making the transition and this will be their last week as Lafayette parents.  Lafayette is a special place where not only the children make lifelong friends, but the grown-ups do too.


Thanks to all who came out to the last HSA general meeting of the year.  The 2013-2014 Budget was approved.  If all goes as planned, our kids will continue to have Peace, enjoy two special science programs and our sports teams will be sporting new uniforms.  Also, a new electronic marquee will be installed in front of the school in time for the start of the new school year, which will become another vehicle to keep you informed of happenings at Lafayette.

-- Gayle and Jenny
Field Day Update
Marjorie McClure, Physical Education Teacher 
Field Day

Thank you to everyone who helped make field day a success.  The rains forced our field day inside for the first time in many years.    But with the community springing into action we were able to have a fun day for our kids.  A big thanks to all the volunteers who were able to come back for the afternoon sessions.  It was not what we planned on, but we made it work.


We will still be having our afternoon of tug of war, relay races and the water balloon toss.  Once we figure out the time we will let everyone know. Again, thank you to everyone for chipping in and making the day work.


Margie McClure
Physical Education Teacher


Marquis de Lafayette Award Winners


Last Thursday evening the HSA presented 7 Marquis de Lafayette Awards to well-deserving parents, staff and Lafayette community members who have made a significant contribution to the school over the years. We were honored to have family and friends of the award winners be present, and we are truly grateful to all of these individuals for their service and dedication to Lafayette. If you see these folks around school, please be sure to say "Congratulations!" 

  • Kelsey French Bzdek
  • Kate Mazza
  • Michael McCoy
  • William E. Mullan, Jr.
  • Andrea Perll
  • Elizabeth Porter
  • Robert Thurston
Goodbye From Ms. Porter
Ms. Stinson

Dear Lafayette community,      


I wanted to convey to you how thankful I am for your support over the 3 years I have taught music at Lafayette. As soon as I walked into this building I felt accepted and welcomed.....a feeling I deeply appreciated. 


Thank you for recognizing that music enriches our lives and that having a solid music program deeply benefits our school and community. While in other schools music programs are taking a major backseat or being cut, thank you for recognizing that music is an outlet to express ourselves when words fail, a wonderful way to bring unity to a group of people, is proven to improve and support reading and tracking skills and provides ways for us to understand other school subjects in a unifying way.  


I will miss being part of the Lafayette community but am excited for what lies ahead. My husband and I will be moving to Potch, South Africa for 8 months for a training program and then will move to Monrovia, Liberia. In Liberia we will be working  with 'The Last Well', an organization that digs clean water wells, plans to have clean water available for every Liberian within a 15 minute walking distance and shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  


Thank you for your part of this being a wonderful 3 years!           


Liz Porter

From the Art Room     
Laurie McLaughlin, Art Teacher Grades 1-5

Laurie McLaughlin


Arts Nights and Citywides behind us... Images published and sold... only one more show at Broad Branch Market to mount... and lots of thank yous to express!!!


Thank you to Laura Lindsley and Sharapat Kessler for coming EVERY week to do whatever needed to be done... from matting art to filling glue bottles, you helped me immeasurably and always with a smile!


Thanks to Brooke Evans for assisting me with 2 huge Lafayette traditions: the fifth grade quilt and IMAGES layout. You really made my job easier!


Thanks to Sue Wright for finding those volunteers, from room parents to arts night helpers... a huge and sometimes thankless job- you are my hero!


Thanks to all the room parent art volunteer coordinators... I know your job was not always easy!


Thanks to Eldad Moraru for making Arts Nights seamless and foodfilled!


Thank you to all the parent volunteers who came to their child's art class to help out, especially Patti Goodnow and Kelsey Bzdek who helped just about EVERY week!


And to those who came to help with other art room needs on an as needed basis... you are all a part of what makes the art program at Lafayette what it is!   MY DEEPEST APPRECIATION TO THIS AMAZING COMMUNITY!!!!!

School Registration Update 

We are close to having 70% of our projected enrollment registered for next year. This includes an entire new class of kindergarten students.  We would like to be at 80% by the end of the school year.  We will be open Wednesday, June 12th for late registration this week.  Please take care of this before summer break.  School staffing depends on meeting these target numbers.

School Boundary Working Group News

The Lafayette School Boundary Working Group has been meeting since December.  As the school year winds to a close, please note that: 

  • On May 20th, our community letter was provided to Chancellor Kaya Henderson and to cc'd elected officials. Nearly 700 people signed on.
  • On May 20th, a delegation of our working group met with staff representing CM Catania and articulated our key points.
  • On May 23rd, approximately 70 parents attended a meeting with CM Catania at Lafayette.  Several parents inquired about the school boundary revision process.  Catania shared that he will continue to seek transparency in the process and that he was moving to have any changes in school boundaries delayed so that parents would have at least one full year to contemplate their next steps.
  • The Working Group will continue to collect signatures for the community letter through our online system which will remain linked to the Lafayette HSA website.
  • The Working Group will continue to monitor this issue over the summer.  If you learn information or have questions, please contact Jared Cohen at jareddcohen@gmail.com

Thank you for taking time to learn about this important issue during the school year.  Have a wonderful summer.

Advertise in the 2013-14 Family Directory

Each year the HSA publishes a Family Directory that is given to every family in the school and is checked many times each week when arranging play dates, contacting room parents, scheduling volunteer activities, and the like. We invite parents and local businesses to support Lafayette by advertising in the Directory. With over 500 families at the school, your ad will be seen by many eyes!


We will work again this year with AtoZ Directories to produce a high quality, professional Directory.  There are full page ($350), half page ($225) and business card ($125) advertising opportunities available. As in past years, there will be a lottery for premium spots: the back cover, the inside front and back covers, and the divider pages.


Parents or businesses interested in a premium location or a regular ad should complete the ad form and send it to AtoZ by Friday, June 28, 2013. If you have questions, please email Jen DeSilva of AtoZ, or call 240-206-6273.


Thank you for supporting our school!

Last Chance to Buy IMAGES 2013!


Lafayette's Art and Literary Anthology with YOUR student's writing, art, and photos, will go on sale after school this Friday, June 14, in the Great Hall. We will also sell IMAGES before and after the 5th grade graduation on June 19. Books are $15 each or 2 for $28. Checks preferred, made payable to LHSA.


Community Notices 



Free Art Workshop for Lafayette students ages 5-10.  DC artists will lead a children's workshop collaboration with Transformer, an art space in Logan Circle this Saturday, June 15 from 10:30am - 11:30am at Transformer, 1404 P Street NW. Create unique postcards and be a part of a cross cultural dialogue with children in Beijing. If you and your child are interested in attending this workshop please RSVP by emailing Stephanie Kwak.


Interested in Cub Scouts for 2013-14?  Cub Scout Pack 52 is great way to build self-esteem, learn to serve the community, appreciate the outdoors, and have fun.  We will be meeting after school starting next fall and welcome new members.  Pack 52 is open to all boys who want to grow, learn and have lots of fun.  We enjoy the diversity of many religious traditions, family compositions and ethnicities.  For more information, please contact Chris Purdy or Carrie Cohen.


It's Justiiiiiiin-Kredible's Kid Party Live!  If you have kids or have friends with kids, ages 3-7, please check out my website.   I do everything from original kids songs, to musical games with the kids and will get them all dancing, laughing, and having a ton of fun!!! Contact me through email or phone (240-620-5884) and book today!     


Summer tutor available. Does your child do okay in school, but need summer course content review or want engaging enrichment?Consider working with an experienced tutor of elementary math (e.g., Kumon, Singapore, and Summer Skills), English language arts (reading and writing), social studies, science, and integrated subjects. I'm a lifelong resident with superb training in writing/composition studies, an advanced degree linguistics from Georgetown, extensive teaching and advising experience, and current Lafayette and Murch parent references. Please contact Maggie Ronkin at maggie.ronkin@gmail.com or 202-316-2263.


Art Workshop.  The Children's Art Studio wishes you and your family a happy and healthy summer! We hope your child will join us for a Saturday workshop, June 15 from 10 am-2 pm. The cost for the day is $75.  All welcome, children five years old and up.

Please email to save a spot for your child. We are also holding summer camps in July and August.  Check out our site for details. Our beautiful, cool studio is located on Wisconsin Avenue in Tenleytown blocks from the Metro, with ample parking.  


Camp Ramayana is a month-long fun filled summer camp that is just around the corner.  Registration is due June 11,2013.  You can find out more information and enroll online at our website: http://www.dancesidra.org/summercamps.html


One week Summer Camp for girls run by rising 8th grade Lafayette graduate!  I am offering a fun and creative introduction to summer camp for little girls ages 3-6 on July 1-3.   There will be games, kiddie pool, arts and crafts, and a trampoline at my house in Chevy Chase DC and visits to Lafayette Park, which is walking distance from my house.  I will be assisted by my sister and mom, and I am Red Cross certified.  Hours are 9 am - 1 pm each day and the cost is $20 per day. The camp is limited to six girls so please sign up ASAP!  Email me, Sophie Weich, or call me at 202-363-3193.


First Touch Soccer.  Please join us for Summer Camps.  All camps will be held at the Palisades Recreation Center Turf Field, for Half Days (9am-12:15pm) or All Day (9am-3:30pm).  Boys and Girls ages 7 and older, and all skill levels and abilities are welcome. Weekly fees are $160/player (Half Day) or $250/player (All Day). Dates are June 24-28; July 1-5; August 12-16; August 19-23; and August 26-30.  For more information, e-mail Mitch Dubensky or visit www.firsttouchsoccer.org

sponsor banner with kids

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


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Make a Submission
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.