Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home & School Association 
Sheryl-Ann Gayle, editor

June 4, 2013
In This Issue
Field Day
Arts Night DVDs
School Registration
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors

From Principal
Lynn Main



Over the past 12 years I think I have written about 450 columns for the Tuesday Bulletin. When I started I wondered how I was ever going to come up with something to write about almost every week of the school year. I found that just by walking around the school each week a new topic appeared as if by magic.   

>>read more  

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Mark Your Calendar 

June 5 (Wednesday)

Field Day:  Pre-K & K, all day

LSAT Meeting, 7:45 a.m.

June 6 (Thursday)

HSA General Meeting, 7:30 p.m.


June 7 (Friday)

Field Day, 1st-5th grades


June 14 (Friday)

Pre-K Graduation


June 19 (Wednesday)

Fifth-Grade Promotion


June 21 (Friday)

Last Day of School, 12:15 dismissal

school sign  

From the HSA 

Jenny Murray and Gayle Moseley, co-presidents


This Thursday evening at 7:30 is the final HSA General meeting of the year. We'll be presenting the 2013 Marquis de Lafayette Awards, getting a staffing update from Mrs. Main, and voting on the HSA budget for next year. We have made a few changes to the draft budget based on input from parents, so be sure to check out the updated budget on the website. If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, please use the proxy ballot to cast your vote. You can put your proxy ballot in the HSA Secretary's drawer in the grey file cabinet in the Great Hall any time before the meeting on Thursday.

Last Thursday we enjoyed the final Arts Night with performances from 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades, Strings, and the Recorder Club. Many thanks go to Ms. McLaughlin, Ms. Perll, Ms. Echave and Ms. Porter for putting together such a special evening. Thanks, too, to Eldad Moraru for coordinating and sponsoring this wonderful event.

The Lafayette Book Fair took place on Saturday at Politics & Prose. Thanks so much to Maura Walsh Rogan for organizing this event and the many parents who helped out all day at the book store.
Stay cool this week!
-- Gayle and Jenny
Field Day
Marjorie McClure, Physical Education Teacher 
Field Day
The PK and K field day is this Wednesday and our 1st-5th grades will have theirs this Friday.  All children should be prepared with comfortable clothing and sneakers for their day.  If it looks like it's going to be a sunny day I would suggest a hat (of course with name on it) and sunscreen applied before school, even if it is cloudy.  Please do not have your child bring any food or drinks outside to field day.  Water is fine but any juice or gatorade like liquid will attract bees.

Thank you to the many people who responded to our request for volunteers for our Friday field day.  If you did not get a chance to volunteer please just come in the morning and we will find a place for you to help.  For those who did sign up- Thank you!  If for some reason you are not going to make it please let me know ASAP.  All volunteers should have received some sort of email communication from me.  If you did not receive an email from me let me know ASAP.  I must have mis- typed your email address.

All 1st-5th grade students should have turned their bike waiver into their classroom teacher.  If you have not done so please do so by tomorrow.  If you have lost it there was one sent in an email explaining the fun, informative, and safe bike activity we have planned.

Are there any parents interested in a rematch of last years parent-teacher tug of war?  If so, organize yourselves (which we know you are really good at doing) and let me know if I should put that on the schedule.

I'm looking forward to our "iFit" field day.  The kids are going to get a great work out and have a blast while their at it.  Thank you to everyone who has so generously helped.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Margie McClure
Physical Education Teacher


Lafayette Arts Night Part 1 and Part 2 DVDs

dvd image If you want to share your child's performance with family and friends and show them what the other musical groups were doing, these DVDs are the solution.  You can see the classes singing, the bands playing, the percussion group pounding, the guitar players strumming and the step team stomping.  The DVDs are $25 each but if you order both of them (Arts Night 1 and 2) the bundled price is $40 for the first copy.  For additional copies to send to grandma and grandpa, the cost is only $10 plus shipping, if you want me to do it for you.
Download the attached order form and mail it to Paul Rosenbaum or drop it in the orange Lafayette Tennis box in the Great Hall. 

>>Order Form

Paul Rosenbaum
(202) 441-0925 


School Registration Update 
We have about 450 registrations right now.  We need about 100 more to meet our end of school year target.  The building will be open late on June 6.  There is a Home and School Association meeting that evening.  Stop by the office and register before you go to the meeting!



Community Notices 

PEP Parenting Classes and Workshops. School's nearly out, and then comes the change to summer routines. What changes would make things run more smoothly in your family? Kids cooperating and helping out? Reasonable screen-time limits? Homework packets done early?
Don't miss this opportunity to take PEP's core class, PEP I: Parenting 5 to 12 Year Olds, in an intensive 4-week format.  You will learn a practical and proven approach to raising responsible, courageous children who thrive.   See http://www.pepparent.org/peppep1.html for more information.
In addition, whatever your parenting challenge is, chances are there's a PEP workshop to help. All summer long, one-evening workshops will take on hot topics such as Dealing with Sibling Conflict, Challenging Behaviors of Toddlers and Preschoolers, and Managing the Internet. Check out the full schedule and register at http://www.pepparent.org/pepguide.html


Summer Stretch Fest! Join QuistMD at the Broad Branch Market on Saturday June 8 for our summer Stretch Fest! From 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.. Get a free chair massage or a free stretch out with one of our therapists, or join us for Active Isolated Stretching class at 11:30 (bring your towel or yoga mat). Meet our new osteopath, Kathleen Furey, or ask Dr. Haggquist your sports medicine questions. For more information, visit www.quistmd.com or email info@quistmd.com.

DCYOP Summer Session. If your child has been thinking about learning a musical instrument or wanting to play with other musicians, the summer is a great time to try it out with the DC Youth Orchestra Program. Open to beginning and intermediate string, wind, brass, and percussion students ages 4-1/2 to 18. Runs from July 9 to August 1 and everyone performs in a concert on August 2. Takes place at Eastern High School (1700 E. Capitol Street, NE) in the evening, so it can complement your child's daytime activities. Beginning students have classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Intermediate students have ensemble rehearsals Tuesday and Thursday evenings with sectional classes Wednesday evenings. Tuition assistance is available and we have a limited number of instruments for rent. For more information and to register go to http://dcyop.org/registration.jsp or call (202) 698-0123.

Summer Arts Camp @ CREATE Arts Center in downtown Silver Spring is filling up fast! Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Pottery, Cartooning & more. June 10 - August 30 in 1 and 2-week sessions. Camps run from 9 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. for ages 6-12 (13 & 14 years old can be CITs). Before and after camp care available. For more information and to register, go to www.createartscenter.org.

Pet and plant care.  Rising senior at St John's High School (sister of Lafayette student) will take loving care of your pets and plants while you are at work or on vacation.  Regular dog walks, home visits for cats and other small pets, plant care and house checks, all at reasonable rates.  Contact Ollie at 3littlepigspets@gmail.com or 202-441-5829.

Summer nanny share. My wife and I have secured a responsible nanny for 5 weeks this summer to work weekdays from 8:30am -6pm M-F from June 24-July 12, and again from August 19-23. She will be watching our two children ages 6 and 4. We are looking for a family with one child that would like to share with us at the cost of $7 an hour.  She is available to work the whole summer if you need additional care, but the full cost would be on your own or shared with a different family. We are happy to host at our home 3 blocks from school/park. Please call Alan 202-421-1025.

sponsor banner with kids

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


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Make a Submission
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.