Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Suzanne Stokes Vieth, editor
 May 21, 2013
In This Issue
From the HSA
Arts Night I
Field Day News
Eric Energy Show
We Need You!
Enrollment Update
Book Fair
Bike 2 School
Boundary Update
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
Make a Submission
Join Our Mailing List
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Lynn Main  
Lynn Main

Education in the United States today is obsessed with testing. Even at Lafayette we seem to be testing a lot (see April 23 Tuesday Bulletin in the archives). Having the right 'score' determines school ratings, teacher bonuses and staff raises in many school systems. DCPS is one of them. Teachers and principals spend hours disaggregating data looking for skills that may not have been mastered. The new buzz words right now are "targeted assistance." Look at the test results and reteach specific skills. We are actually almost done testing for the year. But this week I got to look at some drawings in Pre-K that demonstrate another way to assess children using authentic student work: student self-portraits.



Mark Your Calendar   
May 22 (Wednesday)
DC Theatre Cafe
May 23 (Thursday)
DC Theatre Cafe
Dialogue with David Catania, 7:00 p.m.
May 27 (Monday)
No School: Memorial Day
May 28 (Tuesday)
Lafayette Open House, 9:00 a.m.
May 30 (Thursday)

 Arts Night II, 6:00 p.m.


June 1 (Saturday)

Lafayette Book Fair at Politics & Prose, 9:00 a.m.


June 5 (Wednesday)

Field Day:  Pre-K & K, all day

LSAT Meeting, 7:45 a.m.

From the HSA

Jenny Murray and Gayle Moseley, Co-Presidents



Congratulations to Ms. Perll, Ms. McLaughlin, and Ms. Stinson for an amazing Arts Night last Thursday! This evening showcases our Arts Integration program at Lafayette, and it's really special to see it all come together. It was fun to see all of the well-dressed students performing on stage, and parents strolling the hallways to see their children's artwork. Thank you to Eldad Moraru for supporting the event, and to Sue Wright and all of the parent volunteers who helped to organize and staff the evening.


This Thursday evening we hope all of you will come out again for a different sort of evening. Councilmember David Catania, the Chair of the DC Council's Committee on Education, will be visiting the school. Mr. Catania will share his vision of education in the city, and then open it up to questions from the audience. If you have questions about the boundary and feeder pattern status, funding issues, the common core curriculum, Lafayette's renovation, or other education-related concerns, this is an opportunity to bring them up to Councilmember Catania. The meeting will start at 7:00 pm in the school cafeteria.


On a lighter note, "Eric Energy's Science Spectacular" benefit show will be on Thursday right after school. This fun show full of eye-catching experiments is appropriate for all ages. The cost is $10 at the door and the show runs from 3:30-4:30 in the school cafeteria. All proceeds benefit Lafayette.


Finally, don't forget to check out the proposed HSA budget on our website. We've made a bulleted list of all the major changes from this year to next, so it's easy for you to quickly review. Please send your comments or suggestions to us by May 29. The final budget will be presented to the membership for a vote at the general meeting on June 6th.


--Jenny & Gayle

Andrea Perll  

Pre-K and Kindergarten Arts Night: More Than Singing and Art

Andrea Perll, Pre-K/K Art, Music, and P.E. Teacher


Arts Night is always an exciting time at Lafayette. There is so much more to it than meets the eye! For Pre-K and Kindergarten students it's especially exciting since it is either their first or second time participating.The children did a fabulous job on Thursday night, which is not surprising given all that they have put into preparing for it. We began in Music class by reviewing all of the songs we have learned during this school year.There are usually clear favorites, from which we choose what we will sing on stage on Arts Night. We then talk about what goes into being a performer on a stage: how we stand, how we project our voices without screaming, how we wait in between songs, etc. We practice first in individual classes; then each grade level comes together and practices on the stage.


The Art part of Arts Night requires a bit more preparation. I hold onto all of the students' artwork during the year and choose something from their portfolio to display for Arts Night. After I make the choices, I show the chosen project to each student and ask him/her to give a title to the piece. (If a child is not entirely happy with the piece chosen, he/she will choose something else from his/her portfolio). Artwork is then matted onto construction paper, labels are typed up and attached, and artwork is hung. Read more... 


Field DayField Day News

Marjorie McClure, Physical Education Teacher 


Volunteers Needed

Thank you to everyone that has signed up to help on field day. We have had a great response so far. We are still in need of many more volunteers. Please sign up if you can help. Volunteers are needed from 8:45 a.m.-noon on Friday, June 7. This field day is for our 1st-5th grades. If you have already signed up you will receive information via email or a letter home with your child on the week of field day. Please email Ms. McClure or send in the red flyer that came home a last week.

Items Needed 
We are in the final stages of preparation for field day and are in the need of a few items--please check to see if you might have either of these items. We are going to be putting the kids to work on field day. We are looking for any gently used work gloves that would fit kids.
We are also looking for old lawnmowers that can be cleaned up and used for a "lawn mowing" relay. Of course it shouldn't be in working order. We are going to use it without blades or a motor. We just need it to roll when pushed. Even a kids plastic mower would work.
Please email Ms. McClure if you have either of these items.

Thank you for your support.
Eric EnergyEric Energy Benefit Show this Thursday, 3:30pm!!

Looking for a spectacular way to entertain your kids this Thursday after school? Come and see Eric Energy (www.ericenergy.com) perform cool, eye catching experiments during his science extravaganza in the cafeteria right after school! Eric Energy puts on amazing shows that are both interactive and educational for children of all ages. Tickets are $10 at the door (unless you purchased them in advance during the auction-your name will be on a list), and all proceeds benefit Lafayette. Questions? Contact Hope Scheller.

We Need YouCalling All Organizers, Event Planners,
& Party People!

Lafayette's HSA is searching for several volunteers to help spearhead next year's Fall Festival & Spring Auction! Here are the details for the Co-Chairs:

Fall Festival Co-Chairs (2)

The Fall Festival is an annual fundraising event for Lafayette's HSA which hosts our local families and community. This fun, family event kicks off the Fall season and the school year. Activities include: Moon Bounce, Carnival Games, Haunted House, Bake Off, Crafts & Movie Night and more. A great way to begin the Halloween season and celebrate Fall!


Two Co-Chairs are needed to organize, plan, manage and execute the event. Additional volunteers will support the co-chairs to lead and organize the various activities mentioned above. Information about past festivals with detailed notes will be passed along to ease the transition and planning. (Thank you Annie Bennett & Brendan O'Brien!!!) Support will be provided by the Ways & Means Committee.


Spring Auction Co-Chairs (2)                                           

The Annual Spring Auction is Lafayette's premier fundraising event. This parent-only party is perfectly timed as we shake off the winter blues and get ready for Spring. Typically held in early March, this is an evening that no one wants to miss and everyone talks about for weeks after!


Two Co-Chairs are needed to organize, plan, manage and execute this event. A team of additional volunteers needs to be assembled by recruiting parents and assigning tasks and jobs. A fully outlined notebook and "How To" guide for managing and running the auction will be turned over to the Co-Chairs. (ThankYou Hope Scheller & Julie Raley!!) Support will be provided by the Ways & Means Committee.


If you are interested and/or have questions and would like more detail please contact Shannon Behm [email protected] or Polly Snyder [email protected]  at your earliest convenience. We would like to secure our Co-Chairs by June 15th. Thank you in advance for your consideration! 

register now buttonEnrollment Update
Lynn Main, Principal
We are close to having 400 children enrolled for next year but that still leaves a lot of you with forms at home. This week will be open late on Thursday, May 23, the evening Councilman Catania is cming to Lafayette. We will also be open next week on Thursday, May 30 during Arts Night 2 for the older students. Register now. Don't wait for summer. And if you know any children who will be new to Lafayette next fall, please have them come up to the school and get registered, too.
politics & prose logoLafayette Book Fair at Politics & Prose 
Saturday, June 1st
9 am - 9 pm
Lafayette Book Fair at
Politics & Prose
Shop any time on Saturday, June 1 and 20% of your sales will support Lafayette! Bring the whole family and: 
  • Pick up required summer reading and any books you pre-ordered
  • Shop for gifts, music, cards and books
  • Come listen to the essay contest winners from 5:00 pm until 5:20 pm

BONUS: Enjoy some food or drink at Comet Pizza on June 1st and 15% of your check will support Lafayette!

Pedal Power Rules! 
Bike to school 
Bike to School Day on May 8th was a big success! Many thanks to all of you who rode your bikes, scooters or just used your feet to participate, and a huge thanks to all of the volunteers! The bike parade was a lot of fun and we're already looking forward to next year's Bike and Walk to School Day events. Keep up the good walking and biking everyone!
School Boundary Update 
Earlier this week, the letter was provided to Chancellor Kaya Henderson and copied to Mayor Vincent Gray, Council Chair Phil Mendelsohn, and Council Members David Catania, Muriel Bowser, Mary Cheh, David Grosso, Anita Bond and Vincent Orange. Thank you to the nearly 700 people who signed on to this letter asking our city officials to maintain the Lafayette, Deal, Wilson feeder pattern.

The School Boundary Working Group encourages all parents to attend the meeting at Lafayette with Council Member Catania, who chairs the Council's Education Committee. The meeting will be held this Thursday (5/23) at 7:00 pm. This is an important opportunity to have a strong showing and articulate our community's interest in maintaining the current feeder pattern and to share your views on other education issues.  
Community Notices 


Debut Exhibition:  RADICArt. RADICArt is pleased to announce their debut exhibition featuring original works by artists Marc Ginsberg and Jennifer Levy, in addition to select works of art from Lafayette Elementary School in NW Washington, DC.


May 31st - June 2nd

Friday- Sunday 6-9pm

1920 I (Eye) Street

Washington, DC 20006


For more info click here.


Summer Stretch Fest! Join QuistMD at the Broad Branch Market on Saturday June 8 for our summer Stretch Fest! From 10:30 am-12:30 pm, get a free chair massage or a free stretch out with one of our therapists, or join us for an hour-long Active Isolated Stretching class at 11:30 (bring your towel or yoga mat). Meet our new osteopath, Kathleen Furey, or ask Dr. Haggquist your sports medicine questions. For more information, visit www.quistmd.comor email [email protected]


Arts Night One DVD
If you need a Father's Day gift or weren't able to see the Arts Night One last Thursday, you can get a DVD of the show. First copy of DVD is $20, additional copies are $10 each. Drop a note with the check made out to Video Sport Action in the orange Lafayette Tennis box in the Great Hall or mail it to 6117 32nd Place, NW, 20015-2401. If you need a rush job for Father's Day, send an email to [email protected]. DVDs can be sent directly to your special party. Paul Rosenbaum 202 441-0925
There will be a DVD for Arts Night Two after the show takes place.
Lafayette Tennis Summer Camp
There are still spaces available in this fun tennis camp throughout the summer for tennis players between ages 5 through 15. Check www.LafayetteTennis.org for availability and more information. You can also contact Paul Rosenbaum at 202 441-0925 or via email 


Responsible housekeeper available: Nellie is available for morning housekeeping in the Lafayette neighborhood on a weekly or monthly basis. She has worked with our family for the last two years, and she is completely trustworthy, mature, conscientious, flexible, and hard-working. Nellie is fluent in English and Spanish, and has her own transportation. Please contact her directly at [email protected] or 240-505-8921. For a reference, contact Michele [email protected].


ISO French-speaking Nanny:  Looking for a reliable, caring and engaging French-speaking nanny to take care of our 7-months old twin daughters. Full-time and live-out. To start asap. Lafayette School community in Chevy Chase DC. Please contact us at 202-550-2829 or [email protected].

BOOK DRIVE FOR THE HOMELESS CHILDREN'S PLAYTIME PROJECT  Did you miss out on donating books for the Spring Fair?  Here is another good cause!  The Homeless Children's Playtime Project provides weekly activities healthy snack, and opportunities to play and learn for homeless children at emergency shelter and transitional house sites.  HCPP needs gently used books for the infants, children, and teens that attend their programs.  First Grader, Avi Weiss, will be collecting books in boxes located by the Lost and Found in the Great Hall until May 24th.  If you have any questions, please email Avi's mom:[email protected] 


Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to [email protected]. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.