Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Teresa G. Gionis, editor
 May 14, 2013
In This Issue
From the HSA
Arts Night
From the Art Room
Field Day
Teacher Thanks
Counselor Corner
House Tour Tickets
Boundary Update
Lafayette Sponsors
Make a Submission
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Lynn Main  
Lynn Main


It's hard to believe the school year is winding down. With the cool weather fooling the students into thinking summer is still a ways away, that antsy late spring feel in a school is missing. Everyone still seems very focused on school work and not so much on what they will be doing over summer break. It will only take a few warm days to turn that upside down.


Mark Your Calendar   
May 15 (Wednesday)
HSA Open Chat, 8:45 a.m.
May 16 (Thursday)
Parent Pick-Up Group, 2:15 p.m.
Arts Night 1, 6:30 p.m.

May 22 (Wednesday)
DC Theatre Cafe
May 23 (Thursday)
DC Theatre Cafe
Dialog with David Catania, 7:00 p.m.
May 27 (Monday)
No School: Memorial Day
May 28 (Tuesday)
Lafayette Open House, 9:00 a.m.
May 30 (Thursday)
Arts Night 2, 6:00 p.m.


 See full school calendar 

From the HSA

Jenny Murray and Gayle Moseley, Co-Presidents



Congratulations to our new HSA Board and LSAT representatives  who were elected during last week's HSA meeting We have a great group of folks to guide the HSA's efforts next year. After

the election, Linda Ryden gave a very informative presentation outlining the Peace Program at Lafayette.  Because only a handful of parents attended the meeting, we thought it would be helpful to provide a link to a visual of the presentation which was created by Lafayette parent Joe Fuld (Thanks Joe!):


On a line by line basis, we reviewed next year's proposed budget with those parents who attended the session.  We answered questions and took note of parent's suggestions.  We hope those of you who did not attend the meeting last week take the opportunity to review the proposed budget and contact us or stop by our Open Chat at the flagpoltomorrow morning after drop-off with any questions or suggestions you may have regarding the budget.  The final budget will be presented for approval at the last HSA general meeting on Thursday, June 6th.


With HSA funds already allocated for spending this school year, a new electronic sign will be installed in front of the school. With the new landscaping improvements provided by DCPS, changing the messages on the current marquee is quite a challenge!  The new sign will allow multiple messages to be changed and edited from inside the building.


On Thursday, May 23rd at 7:00pm at Lafayette, Councilmember David Catania,Chairperson of the DC Council's Committee on Education, will share his vision for education in the City, and then open it up to questions from parents. Like all HSA events and meetings, all members of the Lafayett community are invited and encouraged to attend.  We hope you will make plan to join us as this great opportunity to pose questions, voice ideas and

raise any concerns.


--Jenny & Gayle


Arts Night I this Thursday 


This Thursday, May 16 is Arts Night 1. Be sure to bring your check book or cash so you can get your personal copy of the beloved Lafayette literary magazine, "Images." Singing note   We'll also have the school store, The Bear's Den, open!  You will be able to stock up on Lafayette gear and spirit wear -- caps, t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, car magnets and more!


Volunteers still urgently  needed! At press time, only 3 of the 20 slots had been filled. Please sign up here for a one hour shift.

From the Art Room



This is the the of year for celebrations! In addition to ARTS NIGHT (May 16 for instrumental ensembles and grades Pre-K, K and 1) and the May 19 awards ceremony for the Jr. Duck Stamp contest, the DC Citywide Art Show reception is coming up May 23rd! The following artwork has been selected for this show:

  •          The Underground Railroad Code Quilts of 5th   graders Saige Gootman and Sheyla Gyles
  •          The Oil Pastel Drawing of a 1930's Barbershop by 5th grader DerY'onna Carr
  •           A Pencil Drawing of Duke Ellington by 5th grader Maya Canady
  •          The Linoleum Prints of 4th graders Samantha Jolles, Liam Kennedy, Alissa Simon, and Willa Beckerman
  •          The Kente Paper Weavings by 2nd graders Grace McKarn and Jenna Spaeth
  •          The Negative Space Recycle/Reuse tree by 2nd grader Ayleen Acosta
  •          The Hero Portrait of Amelia Earhart by 2nd grader Deidre de Leeuw en Bouter
Images 2013 News

 We know the Lafayette Community is anxious to get their hands on the newest edition of Lafayette's most read publication every year: IMAGES, Lafayette's Art and Literary Anthology, with art and writing by EVERY student and photos of every class, will go on sale at both ARTS NIGHTS and at other special events held at the school from now until the end of the year (as long as supplies last). PLEASE BRING YOUR CHECKBOOK to ARTS NIGHT to help keep cash exchanges down to a minimum. Anthologies are $15 each or 2 for $28. Make checks payable to Lafayette Home and School Association and please write "Publications" in the subject line. 

Field Day News



Over 50 volunteers are need for this year's FIELD DAY.  Field day will be held on Friday, June 7th.This is for students in grades 1st thru 5th.  Volunteers are needed for the morning session from 8:45-12 noon.  This is one of the kids' favorite activities of the year and it is not possible without the support of the entire Lafayette community.  If you are able to free your schedule please let me know by May 20th.  Please email me, when we get closer to the date you will receive an email with all the info needed to run your station.  

This years' theme is "iFit".  Plans are in the works for a fun and exciting day.Hope you can join us on June 7th.

Thanks for Our Great Teachers & Staff


We are so lucky to have the best teachers and staff here at Lafayette and last week parents, students and the H S A went all out to show them how much  we appreciate all that they do during Teacher Appreciation Week.  From morning announcements to seated chair massage sessions, from a delicious Broad Branch catered breakfast to the beautiful bunches of flowers that the kids brought in and the heartfelt messages they left on the big Thank You posters in the Great Hall, the hard working men and women who make Lafayette

so special felt the love of the Lafayette extended family.


Special thanks goes out to Ms Main and Ms Diesner for helping set up the special chair massages,  Tracy and her team from Broad  Branch Market who prepared breakfast and super volunteer Shannon Behm and her boys for their

help all week. A super special shout-out goes to Officer Nicholson, who not only helped the kids sign the Thank You cards all week but also helped us lug boxes, cut flowers and hang signs.


And the appreciation doesn't stop even though the formal Appreciation week is over. On Tuesday June 11, Lafayette parents will cater and staff a special cocktail thank you reception for teachers and staff to celebrate another great year of school. Stay tuned to this space for more details on how to volunteer and donate towards the cause. If you want to be on the planning committee, please email Jenny Backus. We will hold our first meeting in a fun location the week before Memorial Day.

Counselor's Corner

Although the school year is winding down, we still have plenty of exciting things going on here at the Oasis! One special announcement is that our school was just designated as the #1 fundraiser for the Pennies for Patients event we held in March. As you may recall, our pennies helped the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. There were many special awards and prizes given to individual classrooms, and our entire school is invited to attend a special Nationals baseball game on June 22 at a reduced ticket price. You can only get the special price at this website. What a great way to celebrate the last day of school! Thanks to all of you parents who helped make this fundraiser such a success. In other news, we are already starting to plan our guidance curriculum for the next school year and have lots of exciting ideas. We are interested in forming a parent advisory committee to help us select topics of interest to parents and kids throughout the school year. If you are interested, please contact me at Jillian.Diesner@dc.gov. You can stay up-to-date on all the Oasis news and events by checking out our counselor's blog.


The University of Maryland College Park is offering an amazing opportunity for your rising 6th and 7th grade students this summer.  "Mathletics" is an enrichment opportunity for students that will infuse rigorous mathematics with stimulating athletics to capture the interest of students with a zeal for learning.  The two week summer program will be offered through two sessions from July 8-Augst 2, 2013, and will be hosted at the University of Maryland College Park campus.  Please find attached the "Mathletics" flyer which provides the details for the program.  Feel free to distribute the flyer to students, parents, teachers and other colleagues.  Should you require additional information and or if you would like to set up a presentation at your school please email or call Ms. Sarah Baizer at 301-405-2591.  We look forward to working with you and your students in the very near future.

By Popular Demand -- 15 More Spaces Now Available for Home Renovation Tour


Are you thinking of renovating or adding on to your home?  "Imagine the Possibilities" while taking a tour of 7 homes in the Lafayette community on June 8th, 2013 to see first-hand what is possible for your home.  Homeowners will share their experiences and you will benefit from hearing what they like about their projects and what they would do differently. You'll leave with lists of architects, contractors and favorite resources.


A variety of projects will be included -- modest to ambitious -- some where homeowners who lived through the renovations others who packed up and moved out. Refreshments will be served!  Don't miss the chance to peek into homes where you've always wondered what the inside looked like!


$20 payable to the LHSA.  Contact Lisa Resch for a space on the tour or call 202-236-9527.

Boundary Update 
Thank you to the hundreds of parents and Lafayette alumni, neighbors and community leaders who have signed our letter to DCPS and key city officials about the upcoming boundary review process at Spring Fair and around the neighborhood this weekend. We will be sending the letter to the City and DCPS on May 20 so we are in the final stretch for signatures. It is so important to send a strong united message to DC School and Elected officials. And thanks to the tireless volunteers who gathered them all.

Please take five minutes over the next week to get your friends, neighbors and fellow soccer/baseball/swimming/tai kwan do/piano parents to sign. Just clink the link below to sign electronically.  Any and all eligible voting adults in each household should sign.

Thanks so much for your support and help. And don't forget that current DC City Council Education Chair and member-at-large David Catania will be at Lafayette on May 23rd for a meeting with our school community. We want to make sure he hears loud and clear how committed we are to maintaining our current feeder patterns of Lafayette kids going to Deal and then to Wilson.

Please sign the letter today and plan on joining folks on May 23rd here at Lafayette.

School Boundary Working Group

Community Notices



Tortoise sitter wanted. Are you 6 years or older and like tortoises? We are looking for somebody who takes care of our two precious tortoises from July 13th to August 5th. Tortoise care is easy: feed them twice a day. e-mail: heidinadolski@aol.com



BOOK DRIVE FOR THE HOMELESS CHILDREN'S PLAYTIME PROJECT  Did you miss out on donating books for the Spring Fair?  Here is another good cause!  The Homeless Children's Playtime Project provides weekly activities healthy snack, and opportunities to play and learn for homeless children at emergency shelter and transitional house sites.  HCPP needs gently used books for the infants, children, and teens that attend their programs.  First Grader, Avi Weiss, will be collecting books in boxes located by the Lost and Found in the Great Hall until May 24th.  If you have any questions, please email Avi's mom:anothaft@hotmail.com 



Thank You! On May 4th & 5th my daughter and I (also known as 'The Mighty Quinns') participated in the 2013 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, right here in Washington DC - more than 2,000 walkers wearing pink covered 39.3 miles over 2 days!  Thank you to the many faculty, staff, parents and students who donated so generously - my team raised $5,590, part of over $4.5 million raised by DC Walkers this year. This weekend was an amazing experience, one that would not have been possible without your generosity and support, and I am truly grateful."  Margaret Quinn


Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.