Tuesday Bulletin

Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 

Suzanne Stokes Vieth, editor
 February 4, 2013
In This Issue
From the HSA
Auction Tickets on Sale
WLES Shout Out
Jump Rope for Heart
Sweet & Malted Soiree
School Boundary Meeting
Middle School Fair
In Memoriam
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
Join Our Mailing List
Quick Links...
From the Principal 
Lynn Main  
Lynn Main

Each month when I take prospective parents on our regular Tuesday Tour, I get questions about recess at Lafayette. It is clear to me that these parents want their children to have some out-of-doors free time during the school day. They hear that recess is being severely limited in schools and seem reassured that at Lafayette we still value that free play time in the middle of the day. We also know that children learn better when they can take a break and get some time to move around. So we continue our recess traditions at Lafayette, going out as often as we can.


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Mark Your Calendar  


February 6 (Wednesday)

LSAT Meeting, 7:45 a.m.


February 7 (Thursday)

Counselor/Parent Pick-Up Group, 2:15 p.m.


February  7 (Thursday)

HSA Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m.


February 13 (Wednesday)

Jump Rope for Heart 


February 15 (Friday)

No School, Professional Development Day


February 18 (Monday)

No School, President's Day


February 20 (Wednesday)

HSA Open Chat, 8:45 a.m.


February 21, 2013 (Thursday)

Counselor/Parent Pick-Up Group, 2:15 p.m.


February 25 (Monday)

No School, Parent-Teacher Conference Day


 See full school calendar 


From the HSA 

Jenny Murray & Gayle Moseley, co-presidents 

Thanks to everyone who came out for Potomac Pizza Night last Wednesday. And thank you to Polly Snyder, Julie Waterman and Liz McReady for organizing. We had a good turnout despite the rain, and Potomac donated over $215 to Lafayette!


Please take note of two upcoming events...This Thursday is the Parent Pick-up group from 2:15-3:15pm in the Counselor's Oasis on the 2nd floor at school. The topic will be how to help your child include others and respect differences. All are welcome. This coming Monday (February 11) will be an open meeting hosted by the group of parents who've been following the school boundary and feeder patterns issues. They will give an update on what they've learned about the process and what they see as next steps.

Don't forget to sign up for the After-Dinner Drinks Party on February 23rd (email Jennifer Bertsch), and buy your tickets to the Auction Party on March 9th (tickets are $60 now, $75 at the door, so buy early!).


Have a great week!

-Jenny & Gayle


See HSA board members 

Auction Tickets on Sale Now 

Tickets are on Sale

Tickets for the event are $60 pre-sale and $75 at the door. Each ticket includes your auction reservation, as well as a $50 voucher to gamble in the casino. To purchase your tickets sign in to Maestro (it's easy to create a new account if you haven't signed in before), and click on the "Buy Tickets" tab. From there make a selection from the drop down menu and follow the prompts.


While buying your tickets, we hope you'll consider the option to "Sponsor a Teacher" for $25, or "Sponsor a Teacher and Guest" for $50. We love our teachers and staff, and since they do so much for our kids, we give them complimentary tickets to the event. So, we hope you'll help us cover the cost of these tickets.


Other Ways to Help Make the Auction a Success

  • Our donations deadline is creeping up fast... We can accept donations until Friday, February 15. Please keep the fabulous donations coming in!
  • Not sure what to donate? The auction can always use cash donations. We will put your money to good use by underwriting big items and packages to help raise more money for the school.
  • Do you own your own business? Want to get the word out to the Lafayette community? Why not advertise in our Auction catalog. Go here to learn more about advertising options and rates.
  • Try a Catalog Shout-Out! Say "hi" to a child, thank a staff member at the school, or congratulate a sports team or class for a job well done by purchasing a shout-out in the auction catalog! It's a great thing for grandparents or special friends and family members who want to support the auction and their special Lafayette student but can't be here in person. For $25 you get up to 150 characters (approximately 15 lines) and you can include a photo or other image. Go here to purchase or for more information.
  • Want to volunteer your time? We are still looking for volunteers to help decorate on Friday, March 8, in the evening. Please email us at [email protected] and let us know.


Thank you!

Hope & Julie 

Buy a WLES Shout Out Today!

Have a custom message read to your child during the morning shout out dude announcements. It's a great way to say "Happy Birthday", "Good Luck" or just send a fun message to your child at the beginning of the school day. Print and fill out this form, place it and a payment of $15 (checks made out to Lafayette HSA) in the WLES Shout Out box in the Great Hall. Announcements and payment must be received at least seven days prior to the announcement date. All proceeds go towards the Spring Auction. Please contact Eden Burgess for more information.


Jump Rope for Heart 

Marjorie McClure, Physical Education TeacherJump Rope for Heart


Are you ready to JUMP! Your kids are. What a great response we have had so far for our 14th annual JRFH event. Permission slips were due last Thursday. If for some reason you missed the deadline please get the permission slips in by tomorrow, Wednesday, February 6. All participants must have turned in a permission slip or registered online in order to participate. If the envelope you received is lost, or somehow never seen, you may get another from the JRFH display in the Great Hall or you may get one from Ms. McClure. Better yet, just go to www.heart.org/jump and register online.


Pledges are not due until February 28. When finished collecting please place funds in the JRFH envelope, fill it out completely, and then put in the JRFH box in the Great Hall. If you do collect pledges please try to convert any cash into a check. This makes the process more manageable. All checks should be made out to the "American Heart Association." If fundraising is done online just print out your report and turn into the JRFH box in the Great Hall.


Jump Rope for Heart is a great activity to teach our children the importance of community service and the importance of being moderately to vigorously active every day for 60 minutes. Thank you to the Lafayette community for embracing these two ideals. Let's do what we can to keep our children moving and continue to reach out to others in need.


Dates to remember:

January 31: Permission slips are due

February 13: We are Jumping. PK, K and 1st 12-1:15 pm

2nd -5th grade 3:15-5:00 pm

February 28: Last day to turn in pledges 

A Sweet & Malted Soiree

Saturday, February 23, 2013 8 pm


This is an intimate night for 50 Lafayette moms and dads. We cognac image provide a fun and relaxing night with yummy desserts, and you help us out with the rest!  The goal of this party is to accumulate bourbon, scotch, whiskey & other after dinner drinks for the "High Roller's Lounge" at the Casino Royale Auction on March 9th. Some bottles will also be offered for bidding during the online auction, March 1 - 10


The first 50 people to make reservations for this party incur the following simple price of admission:  each couple or individual attendee brings one bottle of an after dinner drink of their creative choice, to be opened and served at The Lounge during the "Casino Royale:  A Night in Monte Carlo."


This is a BYOB Party!  So, please also bring your drink of choice to enjoy at this soiree.


Space is limited, so if you'd like to attend, please email Jennifer Bertsch.

DCPS logo 




Update on Proposed DC Public School Boundary Revision Process

Monday February 11 at 7:30 PM

Last December, when news first broke about the upcoming DC Public School School Boundary and Feeder Pattern revision process, a meeting was held at Lafayette. Following that December meeting, a group of Lafayette parents have been gathering information about the process, meeting informally with elected leaders and city officials, and doing some basic research. Please join them on Monday, February 11 at 7:30 pm in the Cafeteria at Lafayette to get updated on what they have learned to date.
Middle School Fair


DCPS is hosting their annual Middle School Fair on Saturday, February 9, 2013, 11am - 2pm at Eliot Hine MS, 1830 Constitution DCPS Logo-dome Ave NE. All current and prospective families of rising 5-8th graders are invited. Attendees will learn about DCPS middle grades options across the city, as well as partner organizations that serve our schools. Representatives from all DCPS schools with middle grades will be attending. Please see the attached flier or the DCPS website for additional information.

In Memoriam


Ms. Sue Hosford


The Lafayette community is saddened by the loss of Ms. Sue Hosford, mother of third grade teacher Lisa Jensen. Ms. Hosford was a frequent classroom volunteer and recipient of the Marquis de Lafayette award. Services will be held as follows:


Saturday, February 16, 2013

4:00 pm 

Cedar Lane Unitarian Church

9601 Cedar Lane

Bethesda, Maryland 

Community Notices



PLAY BALL! :Capitol City Little League Baseball is pleased to announce that registration for the Spring 2013 season is now open! CapCity offers fun, neighborhood baseball and softball instruction and games for 5-12 year old boys and girls. The season begins in April and registration info and email is below. Click here to begin registration.


Registration for Baseball Majors (advanced 10-12 yr olds) will close on February 23. Registration for all other baseball divisions and all softball divisions will close on April 1, unless the divisions have reached capacity earlier. Games are expected to begin the weekend of April 13.


Register early! Early-bird registration ends February 15. Fees increase by $25 on February 15 and by another $25 on March 15.


Please note that the league is upgrading to a new registration system this year so ALL players will have to re-register even if they have played for CapCity previously. This should only take a few minutes. If you experience any problems, please e-mail us at [email protected].



HoopEd's President's Weekend One-Day Camps: No School Friday and No School Monday... Come Meet Us on the Courts!  

Join HoopEd and its fantastic team of coaches for either a day of Hoops or our famous All Sports and Games Camp. All camps are for boys and girls ages 6 to 13 and all skill levels and abilities are
welcome to join. Camps run 9:00am-3:00pm with AfterCare available until 5:30. Your child will be actively engaged with their friends while learning how to be an excellent team player for the affordable price of $60.00 per day ($70.00 w/AfterCare). Visit www.hoopeducation.com to register today!  

On Friday, February 15th our locations are:
St. Elizabeth's: All Sports & Games Mini Camps

Oyster: All Sports & Games Mini Camps
Lafayette: All Sports & Games Mini Camps

Stuart-Hobson: All Sports & Games Mini Camps
Stoddert: HOOPS Mini Camps

On Monday, February 18th our locations are:
Blessed Sacrament: HOOPS Mini Camps

Lafayette: All Sports & Games Mini Camps,
St. Bart's: HOOPS Mini Camps



Help a 5th Grader with a Research Project



My name is Maggie and I'm in 5th grade at John Eaton Elementary School. For my science project I am interested in looking at whether adopted children's interests are similar to their parents and whether their interests are more or less similar than a biological family. I have created a questionnaire to look at this. I need children who are adopted and children who are biologically related to their parents to answer the survey. I need one child and one parent from each type of family to answer the survey in order for this to work. For children, you must be ages 7-13. If you fall into one of these categories, please answer my questionnaire at the below link and have
your child answer too. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3M8JRR9

I would very much appreciate your answers, so please answer honestly. Thanks!  Maggie  

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!