Tuesday Bulletin

Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 

Sheryl-Ann Gayle, editor
 January 15, 2013
In This Issue
From the HSA
Counselor's Corner
Peace Update
Jump Rope for Heart
Pet Food Drive
Heifer Project
Casino Royale
WLES Shout-Out
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
From Principal Lynn Main
Lynn Main

I get a lot of travel brochures at my house with wonderful pictures and descriptions of places I really need to visit. Well maybe that will happen after I retire. But for the next few weeks, if you want to get some vacation ideas of your own, our prekindergarten classes are the place to be.


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Mark Your Calendar  


January 16 (Wednesday)

HSA Open Chat, 8:45 a.m.


January 17 (Thursday)

Parent Pick-Up Group, 2:15 p.m.


January 18 (Friday)

Spelling Bee, 9:15 a.m.


January 21 (Monday)

No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day


January 22 (Tuesday)

Lafayette Open House, 9:00 a.m.


January 25 (Friday)

Early Dismissal, 12:15 p.m.


January 29 (Tuesday)

Lafayette Open House, 9:00 a.m.


January 30 (Wednesday)

Potomac Pizza Night, 4:00 p.m.  


See full school calendar 

school sign  

From the HSA 

Jenny Murray & Gayle Moseley, co-presidents


As you may know, Lafayette is slated for a renovation sometime in the (hopefully) near future. We are still waiting to learn when that will happen, and what it will entail. Because of this impending renovation, the HSA is reluctant to support any capital improvements that may be undone by any renovation. To that end, we are brainstorming for ideas of ways we can assist Lafayette with improvements that will make it through the renovation and continue to benefit our students post-renovation. If you have any ideas, or if your teacher has mentioned something that would be helpful to him or her, please let us know.


Please be patient as Lafayette gets used to slightly different security measures. Outside doors will be locked most of the school day and you will need to be buzzed in at the main front door. Please be patient as the "buzzer" is not right at Ms. Bright's fingertips. If you don't pull the door open at the right moment, you'll have to push the button again to summon the office. The kinks are still being ironed out and it will take some time to get used to these new measures. Also, please be sure to sign in at the Security Officer's desk in the Great Hall so she knows you're in the building.

And one last note: Lafayette is hosting several boys and girls basketball games this month - if you've never been to one, we highly recommend it. It's a very intense and exciting one hour! Please check our website for the schedule and come out to support our athletes! All games begin at 4:00 p.m.


--Gayle & Jenny


See HSA board members 

Counselor's Corner 
Jillian Diesner, School Counselor

Our year has gotten off to a great start, and our character word for January is Responsibility. This month we are talking with children about the "jobs" they are responsible for doing, both at home and at school, about why these jobs are so important, and about what can happen when we forget our responsibilities. We will hold our January Character Spotlight Awards party at the end of the month to recognize those students who were nominated by their teacher for showing exemplary responsibility at school.

The parent Pick-Up group will continue to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 2:15 p.m in the Oasis, and our parent-generated discussion topics are listed below:

January 17Talking with your kids about violence and stranger safety
February 7Helping your child include others and respect differences
February 21Fostering a positive relationship with your child's teacher
March 7Homework and chores: how much is too much?
March 21Dealing with your child's test anxiety/school worries
April 18ADHD/Organization strategies for your child
May 2Fostering honesty and openness with your child
May 16Foods and your child
June 6Summer schedules and routines

We invite you to come and share your ideas on each topic; we are also open to discussing any other relevant issues that you'd like to be addressed too.  For parents who can't make the daytime discussions but would like a summary of the information shared, join our email list by sending a request to Jillian.Diesner@dc.gov. An evening meeting is being planned for sometime in February to discuss internet safety, so stay tuned for more details on that exciting event!

Lastly, in a joint effort between the counselors and Peace Program, we will begin a new before-school group for students in grades 3-5 on Building Emotional Intelligence (see flyer attached). This group will meet from 8-8:40 a.m. on Mondays, starting January 28, and we will practice mindfulness, calm breathing, and various other emotion-building skills. We are excited to be able to start off the week in such a positive and calming way with the students!

As always, please continue to reach out to the school counselors if you are having any concerns about your child's happiness, emotional well-being, or anything else. We are here to help in any way we can!

Jillian Diesner, School Counselor

Peace Update  

Linda Ryden, Teaching Peace  


Linda Ryden The last couple of months have been very busy in Peace Class.  We bought four goats, practiced mindful listening, role-played making tough choices, learned the THINK Test, practiced taking care of our anger, created a gigantic kindness quilt, collected 10 huge bags of Halloween candy for the homeless, paid mindful attention to trees, had our pictures in the Washington Post, practiced standing up against bullying, read a lot of books, sang a song with the whole school, did a lot of deep breathing, and much, much more.  If you would like to know more about what your second-fifth grader is doing in Peace Class please let me know.  I'm always happy to talk about peace!


- Ms. Ryden (linda.ryden@dc.gov)
Jump Rope For Heart
Jump Rope for Heart Ms. McClure, Physical Education Teacher

One of the kids' favorite activities of the year is just around the corner.  This year's Jump Rope for Heart will be held on Wednesday, February 13.  Please mark your calendar.

A packet will be sent home this week.  Please be on the lookout for it.  Once you have your packet if you have any questions please contact Ms. Perll, Mr. Jackson or Ms. McClure.

If you would like to volunteer please email Ms McClure if your child is in 2nd-5th grade.  PK and Kindergarten parents please email your child's classroom teacher.

Ms. McClure
Physical Education Teacher
Pet Food Drive Update 
Harriet Kuhn Harriet Kuhn, Lafayette Psychologist

Thanks go out to the Lafayette Community for contributions to the Lafayette Pet Food Drive that took place from December 10 until December 20, 2012.  We raised almost 200 pounds of food for the Rescuers Food Bank which supplies cat and dog food to the Washington Animal Rescue League's underserved medical center clients. If you are interested in learning more about adopting an animal or dog training classes or summer camp, please go to www.warl.org.  You can read about the food drive at warlkids.blogspot.com.
Heifer Project Update

As you know, the Student Council raised money for an organization called the Heifer Project. The Heifer Project donates animals to needy families all around the world. The animals provide them with a way to get food and money.
Lafayette raised almost $2,000 for the Heifer Project through the student council effort (which included a special charitable performance by the Great Zucchini) and Ms. Ryden's special project involving the 3rd graders. That's a lot of money!  Through the student council effort, we bought 2 pigs, 3 flocks of ducks or geese, 5 honeybees, 2 water buffalo, 2 sheep, and 2 goats.
 Thanks for making the Heifer Project so successful!
Casino Royale Update

March 1, 9:00 a.m - March 10, 12:00 p.m. Online Auction
March 9, 7:00 p.m - 12:00 a.m Casino Royale Auction Party - "A Night in Monte Carlo..."

Calling all volunteers...
Would you like to help transform the school for the night of the auction party?  Is hanging twinkling lights one of your favorite tasks?  Then we need you!  Right now we are looking for volunteers to help with decorations for the event.  We are also looking for a couple of volunteers interested in helping out at the beginning of the party and during the silent auction.  Please email Hope and Julie at lafayetteauctiondcps@gmail.com if you are interested.

Does anyone have Amtrak Guest Rewards, Airline Miles, or Marriot Reward Points they would consider donating.  We are in need of just a few to make a couple of fabulous auction packages come together.

Please contact Julie and Hope by email at lafayetteauctiondcps@gmail.com or on Hope's cell phone 202-215-7494 if you think you might be willing to donate.
Buy a WLES Shout Out Today!

Have a custom message read to your child during the morning announcements.  It's a great way to say "Happy Birthday," "Good Luck," or just send a fun message to your child at the beginning of the school day.  Print and fill out this form, and place it and a payment of $15 (checks made out to Lafayette HSA) in the WLES Shout Out box in the Great Hall.  Announcements and payment must be received at least seven days prior to the announcement date.  All proceeds go towards the Spring Auction.  Please contact Eden Burgess for more information.   
Community Notices



Camp Ligonier.   

What: Come hear about the Camp Ligonier's 99th summer of 2013.
When: This Wednesday 1/16 at 5:30 p.m. Join us for dinner at 6:00 p.m. too!
Where: All Saints Church, 3 Chevy Chase Circle, Chevy Chase, MD 20815.
Why: Ligonier Camp is a Christian outdoor adventure camp located in the beautiful Laurel Highlands of western Pennsylvania. Founded in 1914, LCCC has a long history of ministry reaching boys and girls ages 6-18 across the United States and abroad! For more information check out http://www.ligoniercamp.org/ or email Liz McReady (lizmcf@yahoo.com).   


Children's Chorus of Washington. Now Enrolling for Spring Semester 2013 (ages 6 - 18). Auditions are easy! No preparation or previous experience needed, just the love of singing!
Young people are asked to sing a simple song such as "Happy Birthday" and follow pitch-matching and easy rhythm exercises.
For more information visit us at http://www.childrenschorus.com or call (202) 237-1005 to schedule an audition.   


Wilson graduate looking to tutor or babysit. Cody Barnes, nephew of 3rd grade teacher Lisa Jensen, is looking to tutor and/or babysit. He is a Wilson High School graduate (class of 2012) and is planning on attending Reed College in the fall.  He is taking a year off between high school and college.  At Wilson, he had a 4.0 grade point average, was highly involved in the school's theater, and made honor roll every semester. During the week, he is free after school and in the evenings. On weekends, he is free all day including the evenings.  He has a car and is a very safe driver.   Please contact him at (505)204-6915 or at broncos.1993@gmail.com.     


New Girls Empowerment Group. Wilson junior Rosie Cohen (daughter of Peace teacher Linda Ryden) will be offering a free, 8-week program for 5th grade girls starting February 7.  "Girl Sense" will focus on media literacy, women's history, friendships and self-empowerment.  Workshops will include group discussion, videos, crafts, journaling and role-playing.  We'll meet from 4-5p.m. in the Oasis (on Team 3) on Thursdays.  (Arrangements can be made for your child to do homework in the Oasis after school until class starts).  To sign up or for more information please contact Rosie at cohen.ro.23@gmail.com.    

Expert tutor helps students find more satisfaction in learning. Fifteen years of teaching (and tutoring) experience specializing in English, writing, history, and study skills. Frequently tutor younger students in reading, phonics, and math; also teach SAT prep classes. Experienced coach for AD/HD, LD, and G/T students. Combined MFA degree in literature/creative writing. Have worked since 2003 with MCPS students in grades 2-12 at Burning Tree, Carderock Springs, Bannockburn, Pyle, Whitman, B-CC, and Churchill, as well as privates Washington Waldorf, Maret, and McLean of Maryland, among others. Plenty of references available; will come to you. For more information, call Bill Jackson, 301-229-2602, or visit www.billjacksontutoring.com.

New Year... Same Great HoopEd! "No School" One Day Camp on January 21, 2013. HoopEd All Sports and Games Camp is returning to Lafayette Elementary School! Boys and girls ages 6 to 13 looking for a friendly and active camp set up with lots of cooperative activities, traditional playground games and of course great teamwork are welcome. HoopEd All Sports and Games Camp is the perfect set up for players of all skill levels and abilities to learn, improve and have a ball! Our interactive coaches are set for a fun filled, low pressure camp environment and all we need is YOU!
Camp Starts: 9:00 a.m. (drop off as early as 8:30 a.m.)
Camp Ends: 3:00 p.m. (AfterCare Available until 5:30 p.m.)
Cost: Only $60.00 for the day / $70.00 with AfterCare
Please check out www.hoopeducation.com to register now!
**Come and See Why Over 70 kids in Your Area Spent their Winter Break with HoopEd!! This One Day Camp will Make Your Day!**"

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!