Tuesday Bulletin

Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 

Miriam Van Dyck, editor
 January 8, 2013
In This Issue
From the HSA
Technology Corner
WLES Shout-Out
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
From Principal Lynn Main
Lynn Main

I've waited to write this until Monday so that I could fill you in with some information about happenings around Lafayette over the winter break.  It was busy here even with the teachers and students taking a well deserved break.  Thanks to Mrs. Bright and Mr. Hover for manning the front office so I could also get some time away from school.


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Mark Your Calendar  


January 9 (Wednesday)

Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) Meeting, 7:45 a.m.


January 10 (Thursday)

HSA Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m. 


January 16 (Wednesday)

HSA Open Chat, 8:45 a.m.


January 18 (Friday)

Spelling Bee, 9:15 a.m.


January 21 (Monday)

No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day


January 25 (Friday)

Early Dismissal, 12:15 p.m.



See full school calendar 

school sign  

From the HSA 

Jenny Murray & Gayle Moseley, co-presidents


Welcome back everyone, and Happy 2013! We hope you had a fun and relaxing break. Now that we are embarking on a new year, we are happy to announce that the Lafayette website has a new look. We upgraded our site to a WordPress format so that it will be easier for our parent volunteers to update and maintain. All the information is still there, but with a fresh new format. Please take a look and let us know what you think.


Also, we are still looking for 3 or 4 parents who might be interested in being on the HSA Nominating Committee. These individuals help to find nominees for the HSA Board positions for next school year. They let interested people know what the responsibilities of the positions are and what they need to do in order to be a candidate. This is a great way to get involved in the school and your responsibilities are over once candidates are finalized in early April. 


Please contact Jenny Murray or Gayle Moseley if you might be interested. Have a great first week back! 


--Gayle & Jenny


See HSA board members 

Technology Corner 

Nathan Wieand, Technology Coordinator 


Welcome Back and a Happy New Year to All!

Mr. Weiand 

First in Math Reminders


Lafayette Elementary, like all other DC Public Schools, has a website license for First in Math.  First in Math is a web-based program that focuses on math skills, from basic single digit addition to complex algebra for students in grades K-8.  Teachers and students use the program during school hours, but it can also be accessed from a home computer with Internet access.  In fact, we encourage families to allow their children to access First in Math outside of the school day to supplement school-time use of the program.  In addition to being very educational, the program tracks student progress and thereby enables teachers to measure and assess student growth. 


Every week, the class that earns the most points or, in the case of First in Math, stickers is awarded the First in Math trophy for being the team of the week.  This accomplishment is broadcast over the intercom during Monday morning announcements and students are always proud to display the trophy.  This week, the team of the week went to Mr. Jewett's 5th grade class and the previous week's award went to Ms. Breslin's 2nd grade class.  As evidenced, First in Math stickers, and the trophy prize, are pinned to collective participation by the class.  It does not matter what grade level your child is in.


If your child forgets their First in Math username or password, please remember that you can always email me at nathan.wieand@dc.gov and I will be happy to send along the information.  When making a request, do not forget to include your child's homeroom teacher.  Thank you for participating in this school and district-wide effort to increase students' competence in mathematics.


Technology Donations


If your workplace is upgrading their technology and looking for a place to donate equipment, please remember that Lafayette welcomes donations.  We are primarily interested in Apple products as it is the standard technology complement in DCPS elementary schools.  Please contact me if you have any equipment that you think may be of use at the school.

Buy a WLES Shout Out Today!

Have a custom message read to your child during the morning announcements.  It's a great way to say "Happy Birthday," "Good Luck," or just send a fun message to your child at the beginning of the school day.  Print and fill out this form, and place it and a payment of $15 (checks made out to Lafayette HSA) in the WLES Shout Out box in the Great Hall.  Announcements and payment must be received at least seven days prior to the announcement date.  All proceeds go towards the Spring Auction.  Please contact Eden Burgess for more information.   
Community Notices



Mandarin Chinese Lessons Available.  Beginning Mandarin Chinese lessons will be offered Thursdays after school at Lafayette. Classes start January 17, from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m., and end May 30. Classes are taught by a native Chinese teacher trained to teach students in Washington DC-area elementary schools. Class tuition is $200, and is limited to six students. Please see the registration form. For more information, contact Lafayette parent Jan Jacobson by e-mail or phone, 202-362-3429.


News From First Touch Soccer and DC Youth Futbol Club.  

The First Touch Soccer 2013 spring break, spring clinics and summer programs are posted, and registration is open on the website at www.FirstTouchSoccer.org.  Also, the DC Youth Futbol Club has posted the 2013 spring schedule. They seek 40 more players ages 7-12 and teams to join the current roster of 60 to participate in an Academy-style soccer development program. Further information is available on the DC Youth Futbol Club website.  For additional information on either program, contact Mitch Dubensky.

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!