From Principal Lynn Main
This is normally the time of the year when I try to impart some words of wisdom about the holiday season and the end of the year. It's been very difficult for me to even begin to come up with anything new this year that doesn't sound insignificant after the news of the last few days.
Mark Your Calendar
December 19 (Wednesday)
HSA Open Chat, 8:45 a.m.
December 21 (Friday)
Winter Concert, 9:00 a.m and 2:00 p.m.
December 24 - January 4
Winter Break
January 7 (Monday)
School Resumes
January 21 (Monday)
No School, Martin Luther King, Jr, Day
See full school calendar
From the HSA
Jenny Murray & Gayle Moseley, co-presidents
We are all looking forward to winter break - a break from the school routine, homework, and packing lunches. As we close out 2012, we will be hosting our "open chat" tomorrow morning in the Great Hall from 8:45 - 9:30am. Also, if you've been meaning to join the HSA and haven't gotten around to it, you might want to consider joining before year-end so that you can take advantage of the tax deduction. We would like to see more families be part of the Home & School Association - it's only $25 for membership. HSA elections will be coming up in the spring, and membership will give you voting privileges.
Speaking of elections... we are looking for volunteers to be part of this year's Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is a group of 3 or 4 parents who help to find candidates for HSA board positions prior to the spring election. Committee members must be HSA members, but cannot be currently on the board or a spouse of someone on the board. Committee members are also not eligible to run for a board position. If you might be interested in volunteering for the Nominating Committee, please contact either Jenny Murray or Gayle Moseley.
We hope you have a fun and relaxing break and we'll see you back here in 2013 - Happy New Year!
--Gayle & Jenny
See HSA board members
"Casino Royale" Auction Requests
In Search Of... Does anyone wor k for or have a connection to a company who prints marketing information, business cards, letterhead or anything similar? The auction committee is in need of a company to donate printing services for a few things for our spectacular Spring Auction. Please think about anyone you may be connected to that can help us.
Please contact Shannon Behm or cell phone 202-413-5522 with any ideas or leads.
Does anyone have Amtrak Guest Rewards, Airline Miles, or Marriot Reward Points they would consider donating. We are in need of just a few to make a couple of fabulous auction packages come together.
Please contact Julie and Hope or on Hope's cell phone 202-215-7494 if you think you might be willing to donate.
Arts Integration, Jackie Snowden
As I reflect on the past year, I am very grateful for my health, my family and friends, and my job. I am very fortunate to have a job that allows me to impact the lives of children and therefore the world, as they will be the ones to whom it is entrusted. As President Obama has stated, "The future belongs to young people with an education and the imagination to create." While we are confident that we are providing them with an outstanding education, I also know that by embracing the concept of Arts Integration we are helping them to "create, connect, and inquire" throughout their lives." My daughter, who attended Lafayette in the 80s, when sharing memories with her daughter, often tells her, "It was a magical place." It was and it is, and I'm very grateful to be a part of the magic.
I wish each of you a very Happy Holiday Season with Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy, and Peaceful New Year!
Lafayette Pet Food Drive
The Lafayette 4th grade is sponsoring a pet food drive from December 10 to December 20 in support of the Pet Food Bank at the Washington Animal Rescue League (WARL). Several of the 4th-grade classes have been part of the newly introduced Humane Education Program and classes sponsored by WARL. As part of Lafayette's December theme of generosity, food will be collected to help stock the Pet Food Bank at WARL which helps low-income residents feed their pets throughout the year. Please bring in unused bags and cans of dog and cat food to place in the box in the Great Hall at Lafayette. The children will be calculating the total weight of all food collected and learning how to convert pounds to ounces as part of a math lesson. Thank you so much for your generosity. If you need any additional information, please contact Harriet Kuhn, Lafayette psychologist at or 301-379-8705.
Track Team Indoor Season: More Results See attached document for all the latest updates on indoor track results!
Buy a WLES Shout Out Today!
Have a custom message read to your child during the morning announcements. It is a great way to say "Happy Birthday", "Good Luck" or just send a fun message to your child at the beginning of the school day. Print and fill out this form , place it and a payment of $15 (checks made out to Lafayette HSA) in the WLES Shout Out box in the Great Hall. Announcements and payment must be received at least seven days prior to the announcement date. All proceeds go towards the Spring Auction. Please contact Eden Burgess for more information.
Community Notices Broad Branch Market has Christmas trees!
Please consider getting your Christmas tree at Broad Branch Market this year. The Market donates half of all tree sales to Lafayette! New Girls Empowerment Group Forming Wilson Junior Rosie Cohen (daughter of Peace teacher Linda Ryden) will be offering a free, 8-week program for 5th grade girls starting in February. "Girl Sense" will focus on media literacy, women's history, and self-empowerment. Workshops will include group discussion, videos, and role-playing. We'll meet from 4-5pm in The Oasis (on Team 3) once a week TBD. If you think your daughter might be interested or if you'd like more information please contact Rosie at |
Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!
These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!