Tuesday Bulletin

Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 

Miriam Van Dyck, editor
 November 27, 2012
In This Issue
From the HSA
Student Council News
WLES Shout-Out
Arts Integration
Counselor's Corner
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
From Principal Lynn Main
Lynn Main

When you get to be in third grade at Lafayette you learn to play the recorder. It's the first time for many of our students to blow in an instrument, move their fingers and read music simultaneously. Quite a challenge for our third graders. Reading music is especially interesting. You have to learn the musical alphabet, letters A-G. But you don't get to see the actual letters.  


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Mark Your Calendar 


November 29 (Thursday)

School Picture Make-up/Re-take Day 


November 30 (Friday)

Coats and Cocktails @ Inglima/Wieser Home, 8:00-11:00 p.m.


December 2 (Sunday)

Girls on the Run 5K


December 7 (Friday)

3rd Grade Recorder Concert, 2:00 p.m.



See full school calendar 

school sign  

From the HSA 

Jenny Murray & Gayle Moseley, co-presidents


We hope everyone had a nice, long Thanksgiving weekend and that you had lots to be thankful for.   


The annual Coats & Cocktails event is this Friday, which is already sold out for the "cocktails" part, but the "coats" part is never sold out.  Please find it in your heart (and closet) to donate your gently used (or newly purchased) coats, hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and boots (children's and adult sizes) so that we can pass them along to two elementary schools in our hometown.  Children and parents show up at these schools in thin jackets when it's bitterly cold outside.  Our generosity will help the principals have the means to offer their students' families something warm to wear this winter.  


As the weather is getting colder, it's not hard to imagine what it must be like not to have a warm coat to wear or a pair of gloves to keep your fingers from freezing.  So, if you're thinking your coat closet is a little too crowded right now, perhaps you can find it in your heart to grab that long wool overcoat you haven't worn since your office went casual five days a week, or the ski jacket you haven't worn since you went to Vail in '09, or the down jacket your six-year old claims is "too puffy" (true story) . . . please bring it to school and place it in the donation box in the Great Hall by this Friday.  You probably won't miss it, but the family across town might--Gayle & Jenny


See HSA board members 

New Student Council Elected  I voted sticker

Lafayette's student council election was a huge deal. Many fifth graders were competing for the positions of president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary.  


All Lafayette students from grades 3 through 5 participated in listening to everyone's speeches and voting on who they wanted to win. This year was the closest year than any other year. There was a run-off for president, vice president, and secretary. In the end, Saige Gootman won president, Maren Dunn won vice president, Kevin Oakley won treasurer, and Maddie Gold won secretary.


The student council's priorities are getting Open Library, Open P.E, air fresheners in the bathrooms, a Spring Outdoor Movie Night, more Wacky Days, a Spring Dance, a talent show, and a holiday fundraiser. So far, the progress in this is that Open Library is probably going to start in January. There are going to be two passes for it - a Work Pass and a Reading Pass. The Work Pass would be where you help put books on shelves, or help check out books. The Work Pass would only be for 5th graders. The Reading Pass would be for just reading, or looking for books.  


For Open P.E, there would be different days to do activities, so everything isn't crazy. Also, it wouldn't start until December. The dates for Wacky Day haven't been discussed yet and the talent show can't start until further into the year. Also, the Spring Dance wouldn't be until spring, and the holiday fundraiser hasn't been worked out yet, but will get discussed very soon. You will get more information about the fundraiser soon. That is all you need to know about the student council for now!--Maddie Gold, Secretary 

Buy a WLES Shout Out Today!
Have a custom message read to your child during the morning announcements. It's a great way to say "Happy Birthday," "Good Luck" or just send a fun message to your child at the beginning of the school day. Print and fill out this form, and place it and a payment of $15 (checks made out to Lafayette HSA) in the WLES Shout Out box in the Great Hall. Announcements and payment must be received at least seven days prior to the announcement date. All proceeds go towards the Spring Auction. Please contact Eden Burgess for more information.
Arts Integration
Jacqueline Snowden, Arts Integration Coordinator 


I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that we all paused to be thankful for all we have.

Our fourth grade demonstrated what they learned about Native Americans in their annual Pow Wow.  I hope you have had a chance to see the process of putting it all together on Ms. McLaughlin's documentation banner in front of the library.  It is truly an arts integrated, multidisciplinary event:  the history and language arts taught in the classroom, choosing which arts integration strategy to use to present, learning about and constructing Kachina dolls in art, along with faux buffalo hides, class flags, dream catchers, sand art, and regalia, learning Native American music, and learning original Native American sports, Lacrosse and archery, in PE.   

 >> Read More 

Counselor's Corner     


Greetings Parents!


Our Kindness Campaign continues for this last week of November. On November 30, we will celebrate this month's Character Spotlight award winners, who were nominated by their teachers for showing exemplary acts of kindness. Earlier this month our students participated in a rocking "Kindness Assembly" to learn more about how we can be kind to each other. In conjunction with our campaign, we've created a brochure for parents with the same information we shared with students. Check your child's backpack for the Kindness Campaign brochure, which should have come home last week. You can also see the brochure here.

We will continue to promote kindness throughout the remainder of the school year, as it is also one of our Big Rules at Lafayette. We ask you to keep doing the same at home! We will continue to discuss ways to help our kids be kind and generous (our character word for December) during our Parent Pick-Up group meetings on the first and third Thursdays in December. Please join us at 2:15 in the Oasis, and bring a friend!--Jillian Diesner, Ed.S., LPC
Community Notices


Are you looking for a way to connect your child to acts of kindness this holiday season? Be a Joy Maker combines online and offline action and creates an innovative method for young volunteers to harness the power of giving during the holiday season.  The premise could not be any  more simple:  for each act of service shared from now through December 18, Hasbro will donate one toy to Toys for Tots; up to 100,000 toys.  Yes, you read that correctly--if a child rakes some leaves, shovels snow, organizes a food drive, sings to a senior citizen, that child gets to have the service paid forward to another child in the form of a holiday gift. If you're saying to yourself "well, that's like doubling your impact," you are correct. And to make sure that we capture the stories of service and impact,  you can report back on our microsite(You don't have to leave your email address, so don't worry about getting spammed!) Questions?  Please contact Jackie Norris.   



Children's Art Studio Classes.  The Children's Art Studio, a local nonprofit located on Wisconsin Avenue in Tenleytown, invites your child to join us for Winter Classes.  Classes start the week of December 3 and include "My Grown Up and Me" in the morning, a mid-afternoon class for nursery school children, and afterschool classes for elementary school students and teens.  For more information, please e-mail or see the website.

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


Make a Submission
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.