Tuesday Bulletin

Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 

Miriam Van Dyck, editor
 October  23, 2012
In This Issue
From the HSA
Fall Festival
Bake Sale
From the Art Room
Candy Drive
Park Cleanup
Rental Fees Update
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
From Principal Lynn Main
Lynn Main


There is something new on team three this year: the first computer lab we have had at the school in a number of years. With the move of the entire fourth grade outside to the trailers, we finally had some space to use to create a lab for students and teachers. 


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Mark Your Calendar 


October 23 (Tuesday) 

Picture Day

October 27 (Saturday)

Fall Festival, 3-5:30 p.m.

October 31 (Wednesday)
Halloween Parade, 1:30 p.m. 
November 2 (Friday)
4th Grade Pow Wow, 9:00 a.m.
Half Day, 12:15 dismissal


See full school calendar 

school sign  

From the HSA 

Jenny Murray & Gayle Moseley, co-presidents


How about those Directories?  It's going be hard to misplace that hot pink sucker!  I know I use mine at least three times a week.  The HSA would like to throw out a huge "thank you" to the Directory Team:  Laura Comay, Kim Ford, Holly Rosenkrantz, Gail Reisman and the multitude of worker bees who helped put this valuable resource together, found advertisers, and distributed a Directory to every family at Lafayette.  Also, please take a look at all the advertisers throughout the Directory whose contributions helped defray the cost of printing.

Speaking of hot pink, have you seen the plethora of roses in front of the school?  It will be so nice to have that splash of color out front to welcome everyone to school.  I think we've all grown accustomed to the drab, patchy, eroded front hill that we choose to not notice it.  Kind of like that pile of papers on the kitchen counter, or the basket of laundry that never gets put away.  Now we'll want to notice it!

Fall Festival's on Saturday!  Come one!  Come all!  It's a fun-filled day for the whole family.  Bake some cupcakes to drop off at the bake sale table, eat some pizza, and get your face painted!   Dare to walk through the Spooky Harry Potter Haunted House or just relax with friends and watch the kids have a blast!

See you Saturday!


See HSA board members 

The Fall Festival is THIS FRIDAY 




Please, please, please volunteer! Many slots remain open.  The Fall Festival is parent-powered, and can only be a success with your help.  It's a great way to meet others in the community, support the school, and contribute to a very fun event!


This year's event will be a Harry Potter extravaganza, and will include:

* A Harry Potter costume contest - wizards and witches, let's see what you've got!  Judging will take place at 5:30, just before a special screening of "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone," in the Cafetorium.

* Our annual Fall Festival Pie Bake-Off - this year's categories are 1) Harry Potter inspired, and 2) Apple.  Break out your old family recipe and impress us!  Instructions for entrants are here.

* Bake Sale - always a big hit.  Dazzle us with your brownies, cupcakes, whatever (see more below)!

* Our first ever Butter Beer station, along with a Mad Science potion station!

* Carnival games, food and drink, crafts, and much, much more.

More details are available on the Fall Festival page at the HSA site, and Kids' Passes are on sale now at the site.  We can't wait to see you at the Fall Festival.  

Contact our Fall Festival chairs, Annie Bennett (abennett2000@yahoo.com) or Brendan O'Brien (bfobrien@gmail.com) with any questions.

The Fall Festival Bake Sale Needs You!

Please bring your goodies and treats to the Bake Sale table on Saturday, October 27 from 3 to 5:30. 

Thanks for your support!

From the Art Room 
Laurie McLaughlin, Art TeacherLaurie McLaughlin, Grades 1-5


The Lafayette art gallery has, or is currently showcasing, the work of every Lafayette 1st-3rd grader! (Don't worry 4th and 5th graders, you'll get your turn soon.)

A huge thanks goes out to art room volunteer extraordinaire parents Sharapat Kessler and Laura Lindsley, and au pairs Dulce Moreno and Junivo Cheng who helped hang much of the work!!! I am so excited to have extra help on a regular basis to assist with a myriad of art room jobs!

We hope you've enjoyed 1st grade line explorations, Matisse shape collages, color mixing gardens and warm/cool landscapes; 2nd grade Cuna Mola "shirts" and skeletons; and 3rd grade Arpilleras from Peru and Chile, and spooky charcoal landscapes.

Thank you also to all of my art room volunteer coordinators, who work hard each week to make sure I have an extra pair of hands in the art room, and often come in themselves when they can't find someone! They are SO appreciated!!! Make their job easier by volunteering your family (aunt, grandma, au pair, etc.) for at least 2 days this school year in the art room. No expertise needed... and I think you'll have fun!

Please remember to have your students wear dark colored or old clothes on art days... some paints and other materials stain, even though they are supposed to be washable.

Peace Club Announces Second Annual Halloween Candy Drive for the Homeless


Members of the Peace Club ask you to consider donating some of your Halloween candy this year to help homeless people.  We will collect your candy and deliver it to our friend and neighbor Wendy Adler who will bring it to Bethesda Cares homeless shelter.  


Last year we collected five giant garbage bags filled with candy.  Our friend Wendy tells us that the people who come to the shelter for food and other services every day were so thrilled to get a special treat.  Things that we take for granted, like a daily piece of candy, are a rare treat for people who are struggling.  


Please consider sharing some of your candy to put a smile on the face of someone who can really use it.  We ask that you sort your candy in advance so that we don't send over any candy that will stick in the teeth of the recipients.  Chocolate is especially appreciated!


We will start collecting candy on November 1.  You can bring your candy to The Oasis on Team 3.

Friends of Lafayette Park Cleanup

The Fall Cleanup of Lafayette Park will take place on Saturday, November 10 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.


Come help the Friends of Lafayette Park and your neighbors keep Lafayette Park beautiful! Enjoy the fall weather, meet your neighbors, and make it a family event. Kids are great helpers and welcome! And for older children, it's a great opportunity to pick up some community service hours. Light work only: a little raking, picking up litter, and other chores. Bags and rakes will be provided. For more information, contact Kimberly Cestari.

News on Extracurricular Rental Fees

Lafayette offers a multitude of enrichment programs for students before and after school.  This year, many of the directors of the programs learned that they must fill out an application to DCPS for use of space at Lafayette, that they must provide general liability insurance, and that they must pay rent.  These requirements have caused delays in a number of extra-curricular activities and threatened to shut some of them down, given the cost of the rent. 

On October 16, Councilmember Mary Cheh (Ward 3) introduced emergency legislation to halt the rental fee for this school year.  The legislation was approved unanimously by the City Council, enabling many extra-curricular enrichment programs at Lafayette (and across the city) to operate for the rest of the school year.  Details about the legislation are included in this Washington Post story about the situation. 


If you have questions about the legislation and how it might affect your program, please contact your City Councilmember.


Need an Extra Copy of the New Directory? 

By now, you should have received your copy of the 2012-2013 Lafayette Family Directory in your child's backpack. Each family receives one directory for free.  Could you use an extra copy of this much-used resource for your car, the office, or just around the house? Then see Ms. Bright in the front office. Extra copies are $5 and can be paid for with a check made out to Lafayette HSA. We'll also be selling them this weekend at the Fall Festival.

Lost & Found:  Sweaters, Jackets, and Sweaters Galore

With the ups and downs of fall weather, the lost & found is once again full of clothing left at school. Please check in with the lost & found. If you see something that's yours, take it. If you see something lying around, please hang it up on our handy new clothes rack by the side entrance to the school, near the front office. And, PLEASE label your children's clothing, especially the stuff that tends to come off when as the day warms up.


Community Notices


Support Deal MS at Politics and Prose.  Support the Alice Deal Middle School library November 3 and 4 by shopping at Politics and Prose. The Deal PTA will receive a portion of the weekend's sales that will directly fund the library's collection. Visit Politics and Prose on either day of the sale: identify yourself at check-out as a Deal supporter, and our library and Deal students will benefit. The store is located at 5015 Connecticut Avenue and is open Saturday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Start your holiday shopping early and help out our local middle school. Thank you from the Deal PTA!

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


Make a Submission
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.