AJFCA Newsletter
In This Issue

JCCA Announces New CEO 

The Honorable Ronald E. Richter, former Commissioner of New York City's Administration for Children's Services, has been chosen by the Board of Trustees of Jewish Child Care Association as the new Chief Executive Officer.

Currently a New York State Family Court Judge, Mr. Richter brings more than two decades of experience in child and family services and is highly regarded in the field. He will assume his responsibilities on May 18, 2015. He succeeds CEO Richard Altman who is retiring after 35 years of devoted service to JCCA and a total of 45 years in child and family services.
Peter Hauspurg, President of JCCA's Board of Trustees, said, "Ron Richter brings great expertise to this position and is an innovative and strategic thinker. He has a deep commitment to improving the lives of the vulnerable children and families we serve."

According to Mr. Richter, "I have worked with Richard Altman and JCCA for 13 years and respect their reputation for excellence. JCCA is an organization that puts young people first, taking some of the toughest cases and transforming lives. I want to build on that reputation and help shape city, state and federal policy on such critical issues as managed care, mental health and best practices for children and family services."

In the past 12 years, the number of JCCA programs has doubled to 40, the budget has doubled to $110 million, the staff has doubled to 1,400 and JCCA helps more than 16,000 children and families annually. JCCA serves vulnerable children of all backgrounds. Programs include foster care, mental health and preventive services, residential treatment, services to recent immigrants, education and early childhood services, and services to children with special needs. Its work is motivated by tikkun olam - the value in Jewish tradition that calls upon all of us to repair the world.
5 Tips for Adults with Disabilities Searching for a Job

jcs baltimore
by Mary Blake

Although the economy is starting to bounce back, searching for a job is still not easy, especially if you have a disability or any barrier to employment. But there are things that you can do to improve your chances of getting a job.
Here are a few tips to help you in your job search:
Get help - We all need a helping hand from time to time and luckily there are many resources, both public and private, that can be of assistance.  Click here for a few local resources and to read the entire blog.
New JFCS East Bay Caregiver Support Group 

Jewish Family & Children's Service of East Bay is proud to launch a new support group for people providing care for an elderly family member or friend. Facilitated by Nancy Rothschild, LMFT, the first meeting of the Caregiver Support Group will be on Thursday, April 2, with subsequent meetings on the first and third Thursdays of the month.

Caregiving can be an engrossing and stressful experience. In this twice monthly group, we'll have the opportunity to get to know and support each other while learning: how to care for yourself while caring for another; how to manage stress and anxiety; how to establish realistic goals and expectations; and where to turn in the community for help. Learn more here
Ruth & Norman Rales JFS Volunteers to Deliver Passover Items to Food Pantry Clients as Part of Good Deeds Day 

Volunteers from Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services will be participating in International Good Deeds Day, this Sunday, March 15th.

Participants will be delivering Passover items to clients of the Jacobson Family Food Pantry, a program of JFS, which serves residents in need in the Boca Raton, Highland Beach and Delray Beach areas.  The March 15th effort alone is expected to impact over 100 clients. The balance of deliveries to the remainder of Food Pantry clients will be made by JFS over the next 1-2 weeks.  The food purchase and bagging of over 400 units have been completed and was donated by Addison Reserve Country Club.   Event Co-Chairs for the Good Deeds Day event are Lisa Goodman, Patti Jacobs and Robin Siegal.
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D'Var Torah
Lee I. Sherman

On Monday evening, I had the privilege of attending the concert "Defiant Requiem: Verdi at Terezin" at Lincoln Center, a benefit for the Community Initiative for Holocaust Survivors of UJA-Federation of New York. Created and conducted by Murry Sidlin, the production is a multi-media tribute to the Jewish prisoners of the Theresienstadt Concentration Camp, who led by Rafael Schacter, performed this Verdi Requiem 16 times between 1943 and 1944, each time an affirmation of their will to survive. On stage at Lincoln Center were 4 soloists, 2 narrators, a 75 piece orchestra, and a chorus of 150. The combination of these individual artists brought forth an incredibly powerful performance.

This week's Torah reading, Vayakhel-Perkedei, gives us a detailed account of the artistry that resulted in the building of the mishkan, the Tabernacle that housed the most sacred of texts. Following God's design and instructions and led by two skilled artists, many of the Israelites contributed their own skills, time, and possessions to the larger community project. The effort made for each individual detail forms the magnificence of the whole.  

The success of the ensemble, whether a live concert or a building project, is dependent on the individual contribution of each individual participant and detail. We understand that this is how strong communities are built and how they succeed in expressing their powerful messages. Together, we are able to accomplish so much more, each building on the other.

Shabbat Shalom.               

JFNA Health & Long-Term Care Summit
The Jewish Federations of North America will hold its 7th Annual Health & Long-Term Care Summit May 20-21, 2015 in Cleveland, OH. This is the first time the summit will be held outside of Washington, DC and the first time registration is open to a larger audience. Lay and professional leaders from Jewish family service agencies are invited to attend. During the two days of the Summit, you can expect to walk away with a stronger base of knowledge in these areas:
  • Community Collaboration in building healthcare alliances
  • Best Case Practices from visionary healthcare Leaders in the non-profit sector 
  • Trend Forecasting from top Long-Term Care Experts & Analysts 
  • Positioning your provider to take advantage of new funding streams 
  • The role of Healthcare Foundations in supplementing government funding & private philanthropy 
  • Government Officials who have profoundly impacted the health and long-term care landscape
Click here for the agenda. Register here.
Help Your Medicare Patients "Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle" During National Nutrition Month� and Beyond cms
CMS reminds health care professionals that March is National Nutrition Month�- a time to "Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle" with informed food choices now and throughout the year. This year's theme encourages consumers to adopt a healthy lifestyle that is focused on consuming fewer calories, making informed food choices, and getting daily exercise in order to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and promote overall health. Learn more here.
"Now is the Time" Project AWARE-Community Grants samhsa logo
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services, is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2015 "Now is the Time" Project AWARE-Community (Short Title: NITT-AWARE-C) grants. The purpose of this program is to support the training of teachers and a broad array of actors who interact with youth through their programs at the community level, including parents, law enforcement, faith-based leaders, and other adults, in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) or Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA). Read the entire grant announcement here.
National Dialogue on Topics Important to Family Caregivers
Join this national online dialogue to talk about what you think is the most important topic in family support and what you think researchers should focus on over the next several years. Learn more about the online dialogue here.
HUD Announces $150 Million in Rental Assistance Grants to Expand Housing Options for People With Disabilities
Recently, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded $150 million in Section 811 Project Rental Assistance funding to help low-income people with disabilities remain in community settings and avoid homelessness. The funding was awarded to 25 State Housing Agencies to support permanent affordable rental housing and needed supportive services for nearly 4,600 households, many of whom are hoping to transition out of institutional settings back to the community. Read the HUD announcement and list of states receiving funding here.
It's Time to Move from Engagement to Empowerment
Why does so much of the language and activity from Jewish communal planners, educators and clergy stop short and aspire only to engagement, and not push through to the ultimate goal of empowerment? Read more here to learn why.
2015 AJFCA Annual Conference

Click here to REGISTER

Click here to book your room at the Hilton Miami Downtown.

Click here to view a tentative schedule (with dates and times), list of sessions and descriptions, optional Monday luncheons and details surrounding the Sunday evening Host Community Event and CEO Council.
AJFCA would like to offer a complimentary running group to attendees. If you are interested in leading running group please email Megan
National Solutions Summit
Last month AJFCA hosted a meeting of the Maryland and Delaware VISTA Sponsors, bringing together Corporation for National and Community Services state office staff and VISTA supervisors and leaders from across the two states to discuss VISTA strategy and regulations. AJFCA aims to strengthen its VISTA project through ongoing partnership and communication with other VISTA projects both locally and nationally.  February also marked the launch of a year-long celebration of AmericCorps VISTA's 50th Anniversary with a day-long event at the Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC. JSSA's VISTA member Adrienne Ognibene attended a pre-summit gathering focused on continuing the legacy of VISTA. AJFCA staff Jennie Gates Beckman joined her for the remainder of the day at the National Solutions Summit, where a group of several hundred "friends of VISTA" were treated to presentations and first-hand accounts highlighting the history of VISTA from an array of speakers, including the Honorable Harris Wofford, former U.S. Senator, and Wendy Spencer, CEO, Corporation for National & Community Service. 
"Turn the Tables" with Repair the World this Passover
Repair the World's second Turn the Tables national campaign is now underway. The new campaign is tied to Passover and will focus on the issues of gentrification and neighborhood change. We had a great deal of momentum around our MLK Day Campaign, and this campaign allows us to continue to grow the Turn the Tables brand and connect it to the important work Repair is doing in our communities. Please get involved by promoting the campaign.
  • Spread the word. Engage your community in the campaign. (Click here for sample messaging, tweets and Facebook posts.)
  • Host a discussion and/or take action. Consider leading a conversation at your Passover seder (or another dinner in April) and/or taking action through weekly challenges that will follow the Passover kick-off.

Click here for more information. 

The Changing Landscape of Community and Residential Supports for Persons with Disabilities Webinar Series
Professionals, self-advocates, and family members are invited to this 4-part webinar series presented by the Task Force on Jewish Residential Alternatives for Adults with Disabilities outlining the changing landscape of community and residential supports for persons with disabilities. Spring (March 18th) and summer (June 17th) sessions will provide participants with an understanding of self-advocacy and best practices related to life planning and transitions from school to emerging adulthood. Fall (October 21st) and winter (December 16th) sessions will focus on changing policy impacting the creation of and access to residential services as well as changes to Medicaid and other policies that impact access to an array of support services.

The series is offered free of charge to all AJFCA network professionals and available to clients of AJFCA members and professionals and clients at non-member organizations for a fee. Read more and register for each session individually or sign up for the entire series here. Contact Liz with questions.
Boards Can Use Business Lessons to Steer Nonprofits on Correct Course  huffington post
Nonprofit boards can help get an organization on track by cutting standing committees, building trust with management staff and conducting yearly assessments of the CEO and organization.There should also be strong collaboration between the board and management to bring in funds. Instead many boards "do not realize that a nonprofit can focus even more effectively on 'caring' missions, visions and values while operating under a business model," writes business professor Eugene Fram. Read the entire article here.
5 Big To-Dos for Monthly Giving Programs network for good
If you're serious about your monthly giving program, make sure that you follow these 5 Big To-Dos.
  • Big To-Do 1: Ask for Small Monthly Amounts
  • Big To-Do 2: Organize the Basics
  • Big To-Do 3: Make It Easy
  • Big To-Do 4: Think Long Term and Make a Plan
  • Big To-Do 5: Ask, Ask, and Ask Again

Click here to read about the Big To-Dos in detail. 

Nonprofits Benefit From Multigenerational Leadership
Nonprofits should create roles for young leaders as there are a variety of benefits from multigenerational leadership. These include improved learning, greater connection, more openness and a sense of vitality. Coaching young leaders and encouraging them to learn from their failures can help maximize their contributions. Leadership Freak blog. Read the entire article here.
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