AJFCA Newsletter
In This Issue
Agency Highlights
JFS Colorado Works with MAZON to Kick Off Solutions to Senior Hunger™ Initiative 

JFS Colorado  
In response to the escalating number of seniors struggling to put food on the table, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger has launched a new initiative, in partnership with the Association of Jewish Family & Children's Agencies (AJFCA), designed to help low income, food-insecure seniors get the nutrition assistance they need. Solutions to Senior Hunger™, which is generously funded by the Walmart Foundation, is designed to reduce the barriers that keep vulnerable seniors from enrolling in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Jewish Family Service of Colorado is one of 13 participating Jewish Family Service agencies nationwide that have signed on to participate in this new initiative. With support from MAZON and the AJFCA, JFS is conducting SNAP outreach and education to senior populations, administering SNAP application assistance for eligible clients, and acting as a liaison between the client and their local government agency managing SNAP.

"We are proud to be part of this important initiative that will educate and serve an isolated population that needs food assistance," says Shelly Hines, JFS Family Safety Net director.  "It's a great opportunity to collaborate with many other local agencies to provide important resources for seniors." The program serves low-income adults, age 50 and older of any faith, who do not currently receive SNAP benefits. Trish VanDusseldorp from JFS will lead outreach efforts at community fairs and festivals, senior lunch facilities, and other events throughout the year to educate seniors and help them enroll for SNAP benefits. She is also available to visit homebound seniors' residences to get them enrolled. 

Journey to Safety Event Inspires Crowd

jfcs boston  
Tuesday night's Jewish Family & Children's Service of Boston's Journey to Safety fundraiser, An Evening to Inspire, was an enormous success! More than 150 friends of Journey to Safety (JTS) gathered together at the Arsenal Center for the Arts in Watertown for a moving and inspirational evening that included music, monologue, and spoken word performances by celebrated artists and performers. JTS raised more than $133,000 to continue to prevent domestic abuse in the Jewish community and help those who have been abused find a path to safety, regardless of their background or beliefs.

This poignant and emotional evening reminded attendees that domestic abuse affects the entire community and that education and empowerment are vital to the prevention of domestic abuse.
View a photo montage made possible by Allegro Photography.

Calls & Webinars
Visit  AJFCA's Calendar
to learn more about free calls and webinars. For more information login to For Our Members on the AJFCA website, followed by Webinars. Contact Megan at 410-843-7327 with questions.

 Millenial Impact Talks Webinar:  Millenials & Boards
Rescheduled for April 1st

Tune in Tuesday, April 1st (previously scheduled for February 13th) to hear David Eisner Repair the World's CEO and Kari Saratovsky from KDS Strategies discuss how to build and leverage volunteer leadership boards. Learn the latest strategies and benefits for positioning Millennials on your leadership board. VIP log-in is required to access registration for this webinar, but AJFCA members have free VIP access. Please email Jennie if you are interested in participating.

An Hour Today Keeps the Auditors Away 
April 2nd, 2pm EST
Foothold Technology

 The Volunteer Fast-Pass:  A New Model for Background Screening
April 8th, 2:30pm EST
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March 28, 2014 
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D'Var Torah
Lee I. Sherman
President & CEO

I can remember times when as a child and I did not want to do something, say accompany my parents on a Sunday afternoon visit to an elderly relative, my parents would inform that I did not have a choice. Undoubtedly, I used that very response when my own children balked at participating in a family outing or gathering. I might not have said, "It will be good for you," but that was the import of the message. Sometimes you just have to plow through the unpleasant or uncomfortable, and trust that you will be better off, or, at least, not diminished by the time spent.  Anyway, that's the parenting narrative.

There are sections of the Torah that when we get there in our weekly reading may prompt the response: "Do I really have to do this?"  Yes, we do, and this week's parashah, Tazri-a, is likely to elicit this question from many of us. We read about various skin disorders and what it takes for the priest to declare a person as "clean" or "unclean." It does not seem overly relevant to our lives today, and certain descriptions can cause some discomfort. (Although, the good news for me in the parashah is that "If a man loses the hair of his head and becomes bald, he is clean.")

But, this is Torah and there is always a significance and relevance to it's words. For this week's reading, I am taken by the fact that it is the High Priest who needs to administer to and make determinations about the cleanliness of the individuals with the various skin conditions. Clearly, this is a function of enough importance that it merits the attention of this spiritual leader. The goal is to be able to include as many as possible in the community, regardless of physical aspects, and this merits time, effort, and the involvement of leadership. That is a valuable lesson for us all.    

Shabbat Shalom.
Mitch Joel

Dan Pallotta
Dan Pallotta
 Early Bird Conference Registration Ends March 31st 

Come learn with your peers. Click here for a list of workshop sessions.
Suzi Sosa

Early bird registration will end on
Monday, March 31st. Register for the conference at the discounted rate of $495. Registration will increase to $545 beginning Tuesday, April 1st.   
Action Alert:  Holocaust Survivor Services Appropriations
We are continuing to do everything we can to support Holocaust Survivors' ability to age in place. The Administration for Community Living, which oversees the Older Americans Act, has requested $5 million in OAA funding as a challenge grant for communities to raise money for Holocaust survivor services. Please ask your Representatives to sign this important Dear Colleague Letter authored by Representatives Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) to support funding for this project in the appropriations process. Feel free to forward this note on to your Members and let them know that there is a very short turn-around time for this letter. Signatures are due Monday, March 31st. Please let Shelley Rood know if you have any questions and if your Members agree to sign the Dear Colleague letter.
Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment - Ending Soon  health insurance marketplace
Health Insurance Marketplace open enrollment will close on March 31st. You can ensure that individuals and families in your community are informed about their health care options under the Health Insurance Marketplace. To date 5 million individuals have been enrolled. Click here for important information for consumers, updated materials, social marketing resources, and recent CMS announcements.
Top 10 Tips for Inclusive EngagementNPQ
Broad-and deep-engagement with community members is a fundamental building block of a successful community planning project. Authentic engagement is key because it makes all the difference to building stronger communities; it is a means to an end, and it is also an end in itself for the trust it builds, the ideas it sparks, and the new connections it creates.  Read the ten tips here.
Who Knows Five?  ejp full logo
Apparently there is no magic bullet. If you want to map your network, you have to do some hard work. Facebook and LinkedIn can help, as can a good CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool as well. But nothing beats asking your folks to identify who they are most connected to and starting from there. Continue reading here.
Share Your Agency's Marketing Materials
Share your agency's marketing materials with the AJFCA network at the 2014 Annual Conference. Choose one of your agency's marketing pieces to share with your peers and send 50 pieces to Montreal. Annual reports, brochures, flyers, etc are welcome. Materials should NOT arrive prior to Wednesday, April 30th
Agence Ometz
Attn:  Guylaine Wafer
Marketing Materials
1 Cummings Square
(5151 C�te Ste-Catherine Road)
Montreal, Quebec  H3W 1M6
AJFCA Older Adult Services Scan
In recognition of the growing concentration on older adult services among AJFCA member agencies, AJFCA is launching an Older Adult Services Initiative. As a first step in strengthening our Older Adult Services network and developing the reputation of AJFCA member agencies as experts in aging services we must first understand where our agencies stand in Older Adult Services provision.

Please participate in this first step by filling out the AJFCA 2014 Older Adult Services Scan before Friday, March 28th. The survey will take 20 minutes of your time and will provide important information necessary for developing and advancing AJFCA's Older Adult Services Initiative. Please contact Liz Woodward, Director of Older Adult and Disability Services with questions.
A Better Board Will Make You Better stanford social innovation review
Organizations with boards that are consistently effective attain that level of performance because their leaders heed three enduring principles.  Emphasize Engagement: to be truly effective, members of a nonprofit board must engage directly and deeply in the substantive work of their organization. Tend to the Top: one of the most important responsibilities of a nonprofit board involves hiring and evaluating an organization's CEO or executive director. Cultivate the Right Composition: what's the right mix of people for a nonprofit board? Perhaps the best answer to that question lies in the venerable idea of "the 3 W's": work, wisdom, and wealth. Continue reading here
Top 6 Donor Communication Mistakes to Avoid
According to the Association of Fundraising Professionals' Fundraising Effectiveness Survey Report, 105% of donors gained by nonprofits were offset by lapsed donors. Let that sink in for a minute: for every 100 new donors that came through the door, 105 walked out. Not exactly the growth most nonprofits are looking for. One of the best ways to improve your donor churn rate is to improve your donor communications. Click here to read the six worst donor communication mistakes, and some tips for how to avoid them.
How Nonprofits Use Social Media to Engage with Their Communities nonprofit quarterly
To better understand how nonprofit practitioners integrate social media and online communications into their strategies, the Case Foundation in collaboration with Social Media for Nonprofits, created an informal survey to help advance the conversation around how nonprofits use social media to engage their communities.  Continue reading here.
5 Fundraising Metrics Worth Monitoring in Google Analytics network for good
Data can be daunting. Not only can the idea of delving into numbers be intimidating, but there are also a ton of terms you need to wrap your head around before anything makes much sense. And even after you have a grasp of the terminology it's tough to know where to start.Learn here.
Generations and Innovation ejewish philanthropy
Each generation makes its unique contribution and develops its own approaches and tools to respond to the challenges it faces. With luck what each generation creates is transferred into the societal mainstream. Read more here.
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