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2013 AJFCA AC logo  

                        Monday, January 14, 2013  

AJFCA 41st Annual Conference
May 19-21, 2013
Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa
Phoenix, AZ

The deadline for submissions is February 18, 2013.

The Association of Jewish Family and Children's Agencies is pleased to sponsor the 2013 Kovod Awards competition for the following categories:  programs that utilize alternative funding sources, cutting edge use of technology to serve clients and published article. Winners will be recognized at the 2013 Annual Conference with a reception in their honor, mention in the conference program, and during the annual awards ceremony.  

Competition Categories

Programs that Utilize Alternative Funding Sources
This category invites agencies to share a program that utilizes an alternative funding source they have discovered or created. The alternative funding source should be innovative and creative; a new way to bring in money; a novel fundraising idea; a social enterprise initiative. A difficult economy has forced agencies to think outside of the box. The funding source will be judged on its success and impact as well as the return of investment and sustainability. Additionally, agencies must be able to describe the synergy between their organization, the program and the alternative funding source. Judges will assess the ability to replicate the alternative funding source at other agencies. A pdf file or link pertaining to this program/process/procedure must be provided.

Cutting Edge Use of Technology to Serve Clients
This category invites agencies to share a cutting edge use of technology to better serve clients. The originality of the technology as well as its effectiveness (i.e. how it has served clients and how accessible it is to clients) will be assessed. The agency must be able to track and analyze the effectiveness. Additionally, agencies must be able to convey the return on investment as well as ability to replicate at another agency. A pdf file or link pertaining to this program/process/procedure must be provided.

Published Article
This category invites agencies to share a published article. The article should reflect Jewish life and values and/or reflect the core principles of the organization including their mission and goal to better serve their community. The article does not have to be published in a professional journal or be centered around a research-based topic. The article can be for any purpose and published by the agency or by a third party. Judging will be based on audience reach/visibility of the article as well as the impact. Additionally judges will review the innovative nature and/or creativity of the style and content of the article. A pdf file of the published article and/or link must be supplied.

PLEASE NOTE:  All submissions must be made electronically.
Kovod Award Guidelines

  1. AJFCA member agencies in good standing are eligible.  
  2. Winning agencies will be recognized and honored at the Annual Conference. A professional or lay representative of the agency must attend the Annual Conference to receive an award. 
  3. Agencies may submit one entry in each category. The same submission cannot be entered in more than one category.
  4. The competition will accept submissions pertaining to programs that began on or after January 1, 2010. All submissions must describe current operational programs, and all contact and other information must be up to date. Publications submitted in previous Kovod competitions are not eligible unless, in the opinion of the judges, they have recently been significantly changed.  
Send an email to Megan Manelli at indicating which category(ies) of Kovod Awards you wish to apply for. All submissions must include the following:
  • Agency name and community
  • Agency size (A-E)
  • Contact information for the point person on the submission
  • Staff listing by title (of staff involved in program)
  • 200-word program summary addressing the criteria listed above
  • Total program cost
  • 1 marketing piece used by/for the program
  • List of 3 major outcomes and evaluation method(s) used to determine those outcomes 
You will receive a confirmation email for all submissions. If you do not, please contact Megan Manelli, to ensure your submission was received.

All entries must be received by close of business on Monday, February 18, 2013.

Judges are professional and lay leaders of AJFCA and their member agencies. They will consider creativity, design, content, and overall effectiveness for all submissions.

AJFCA Groups are determined by the AJFCA Operating Revenue Survey Report:
A:  Agency Operating Revenue over $2.5 million
B:  Agency Operating Revenue between $1 million and $2.5 million
C:  Agency Operating Revenue between $500,000 and $1 million
D:  Agency Operating Revenue between $150,000 and $500,000
E:  Agency Operating Revenue of $150,000 or less