 January 2013
 Someday, maybe all buildings will be wrapped in fabric sprayed with titania nanofilm, which purportedly cleans the air of pollutants. That is precisely what is covering Wendy - a big, blue solar-powered pavilion currently on view as part of Abu Dhabi's Sustainability Week.
Breaking out of the box, like what the spiky Wendy is trying to do, is what pushes change. So this year, when reassessing your green programs, leave room to try new ideas big and small.
For example, think about organizing a recycling competition instead of just sending out recycling reminder emails. Consider motion sensors for cubicle and task lighting to cut energy use if you cannot alter overhead lighting in an open plan office. Or p erhaps you might even like to build your own version of Wendy? It's a new year of possibilities. See More Photos |
 8 Tips to Fast-Track LEED Existing buildings can receive high scores without dragging out the LEED process if they follow these 8 steps, according to Buildings Magazine, which put together this tip sheet with advice from Great Forest and other industry experts.
It may seem like common sense, but some gung-ho teams end up focusing too much on optional credits and not enough on the nine prerequisites that must be met to achieve any level of certification, notes Anna Dengler, director of sustainability at Great Forest, a consultancy with considerable LEED-EB experience. If you're trying to earn EBOM certification as easily and quickly as possible, spending time up front on the prerequisites saves you the extra time, money, and frustration you'd otherwise incur down the road... Read the rest of the article |
D.C. Finalizes Benchmarking Regulations; Signs Sustainability Act
See how new regulations affect your D.C. properties
Washington D.C. has begun the new year with several moves on the green front.
- The Sustainable D.C. Act of 2012 was signed into law. Great Forest was part of the working group on waste and recycling that submitted recommendations to the Mayor. Backed with $4.5 million to implement sustainability projects across the District, the plan will include incentives for commercial properties to perform energy efficiency retrofits, install renewable energy generating systems, and explore other sustainable options. The full 20-year sustainability plan will be released in February. Ask your Great Forest representative how the new law affects your properties in D.C., and if you are eligible for grants and rebates.
- The District also released benchmarking regulation details and deadlines covering energy and water usage in large buildings. Owners of buildings over 100,000 square feet must report their 2012 energy and water use by April 1, 2013. Larger buildings must also submit data for 2010 and 2011. The scope of reporting expands in 2014 to include all buildings over 50,000 square feet. The District has also published new benchmarking results for over 200 public facilities managed by the Department of General Services. Click here for more information or call your Great Forest representative to find out if your building is affected.
 Vornado Recognized for LEED Achievements at 30 Properties in D.C. Region
Congratulations is due to Vornado Realty Trust's Washington Division for achieving LEED certification at 30 buildings in 2012, making them the largest owner of LEED certified buildings in the Washington DC region. Great Forest has worked with Vornado's Washington Division for the last 5 years, supporting their recycling programs and conducting waste stream audits at their buildings, both of which support Vornado's portfolio-wide sustainability initiatives as well as LEED certification through the LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance rating system.
 Exclusive Tour of Landmarked/LEED Former Armory in NYC, Feb. 11 Join Urban Green Council for an exclusive tour of 56 West 66th Street -- a landmarked, former armory building in NYC, which was adaptively renovated and reused. A Great Forest client, the building recently achieved LEED Silver certification. The original features of the 1900s building were restored and environmentally responsible systems were integrated into the 55,000 square foot space, which now houses a global media company. Sign up here. [Update: Sorry, this event is sold out]
 Did You Know...?
Many forward-thinking states are now taking a comprehensive look at their energy plans, and issuing directives to increase efficiency. Earlier this month, New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an Executive Order directing state agencies to increase energy efficiency in state buildings by 20% in seven years.
New York is also participating in a program called Build Smart NY, which will use state building energy data to prioritize projects that will deliver the greatest energy savings per dollar.
In neighboring state Connecticut, Governor Dannel Malloy unveiled a draft comprehensive energy strategy for the state that would expand energy efficiency programs for residential and business customers. The plan also will reexamine the state's renewable portfolio standards - which currently calls for 20% renewable power by 2020 - with an eye toward both raising the standard and increasing the mix of renewable options.
How does your state compare? Check out the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy's State Energy Efficiency Policy Database.
Great Forest Inc. 212.779.4757
2014 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10035 A pioneer in the industry with over 20 years of experience, Great Forest is one of the leading sustainability consultancies in the country. We improve environmental performance and reduce costs for clients nationwide ranging from Fortune 500 corporations to property management companies, hotels, retailers, financial and educational institutions, and municipalities.