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UU News

Monthly Newsletter of

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Greensboro

An Intentional Liberal Religious Community June 2015

In This Issue
Worship Services and Schedule
Reflections from Rev. Ann Marie
From the DYRE
From the Congregational President
Faith Formation
Justice Action Team Report

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Liberal Religious Community  

Distinctions of power, privilege, and estate, which apply outside these doors, do not apply within them.  Women, men, and children, persons of any color, culture, age, ability, economic status, or affectional orientation; skeptics and those pursuing common or unorthodox religious paths...
All Are Welcome Here!
Newsletter Notes


The deadline for the July newsletter will be Friday, June 26.

Send news items to [email protected]

The newsletter will be published on July 3.

Hard copies of this newsletter are available in the church foyer on the Visitor Table. 


Sunday and Special Worship Services and Schedule  

Sunday, June 7

Pop Ups and Fifth Wheels
Worship in the Park
Gibson Park

Sunday, June 14

Possessed by Possessions?

Rev. Ann Marie

Sunday, June 21


The Smallest Seed


Rev. Ann Marie

Sunday June 28

A Different Calling

Irving Zavaleta, Assistant Director of the Multicultural Department at Guilford College

Sunday Morning Schedule
10:30 - 10:55
Social Gathering
Informal Social Gathering prior to Worship. (Nursery Services Provided)
10:55 - 12:15
Adult and Youth Worship
Both adults and children start the service together. On most  Sundays the children leave the sanctuary for Youth Religious Education, which ends at 12:15.  Services labeled as "Worship for All Ages" are Intergenerational, shared by both children and adults.


Anything you cannot relinquish when it has outlived its usefulness possesses you,  and in this materialistic age a great many of us are possessed by our possessions.


                                                                                                                     Peace Pilgrim 


Wednesday Potluck


We share a potluck supper at 6 p.m. each Wednesday.

  Please bring your own table service.



Summer Film Series

The following films will be shown after the potluck on Wednesday evenings:

June 10 through July 22 "The Prisoner," a 1967 BBC series

July 29 "Mighty Times: The Children's March," a 2004 documentary produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center

Aug. 5 through Aug. 19 "The Prisoner"

Aug. 26 "Bullied: A Student, A School and A Case That Made History," a 2010 documentary produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center
Reflections from Rev. Ann Marie



During this season when many of us take a vacation from our normal routine, living for a few days perhaps in a tent, or at hotel, or in a friend's home, we might have the thought, "I could live with a lot less stuff"!  Then we get back home and there it all is!   I know when I go out of town, I feel free!  Free from having to worry about and to take care of so much stuff.  I could live with less.  

Do you ever feel possessed by your possessions?  Freedom is not just a lofty phrase related to democratic principles, it also has to do with how we live every day.  Less stuff, perhaps more freedom to be responsive to what really counts in this life, like friends and family and doing the things we really love to do.  Less stuff and we are less tied down to all the maintenance.  What might you be willing to part with to experience more freedom?


Yours in faith,

Rev. Ann Marie


From Cindy Dillard, Director of Youth Religious Education

Cindy Dillard 2013


The Treehuggers, our multi-age (preschool-5th grade) summer Sunday School program, will be focusing on our 7th Principle: affirming and promoting respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.   This month, we will begin the UUA curriculum "Circle of Trees" while also tending "The Children's Garden" and continuing our monthly "Taking It T-UU The Streets" care bag project.  Here is the schedule:


June 7: Picnic in the Park Service and Potluck at Gibson Park


June 14: Taking it T-UU The Streets care bag assembly and children's garden tending


June 21 and June 28: Circle of Trees with children's garden tending. 



Youth (6th grade and older) are welcome to volunteer in the classroom or may stay in the service. For more information or to learn how you can get involved, contact Cindy Dillard ([email protected]).




Camp can be a potentially life-changing experience for your youth, when they will make lasting friends and memories, learn more about the world, and deepen his/her ties to Unitarian Universalism.  Middle School Camp (for youth entering grades 7-9 in the fall) will take place July 5-11, while High School Camp (for your entering grades 10-12) will be held July 12-18.  For more information, check out this link: http://www.shelterneckuucamp.org/  

From the Congregational President Karen Madrone


For this month's column I'm going to give an overview of the work the board has done over the past year and do a projection into the next church year. The church year is from July 1- June 30.

My first year as Congregational President is almost complete. and my second year (two year term) is about to begin.  Lonnie Houck has competed his term as Treasurer, and Suzanne Deering has completed her term as Board Trustee. This year Cindy Williams was re-elected to a three-year term as Board Trustee, Robin Lewis was elected to a three-year term as Board Trustee, and Susan Hill was elected as Board Treasurer, a two-year term.


2014-2015 was UUCG's second year of Developmental Ministry.  The board was focused on our specific role within our church, namely discernment, strategic planning and oversight, and stewardship.  We began the year with an overnight retreat where we discussed the church governance structure, boundaries, and goals for the year.  We set goals that had us focus in on how to best work together, how to monitor board committees and how to be responsive when changes were needed.  We also created a new covenant that was specific to this year's board.


We began the year with the possibility of changing the bylaws.  There were many proposed changes, one of which was to reduce the size of the board from ten to eight.  We decided to table this idea and vote on it at the October Congregational meeting.


Governance committees and task forces made quarterly reports to the Coordinating Council and reported directly to the Board as scheduled.  Congregational committees stayed connected and informed through special reports to the Board and attendance at Coordinating Council meetings.  The board agreed to read Not Your Parent's Offering Plate by J. Clif Christopher to learn more about stewardship.  This led to productive discussions and a re-evaluation of our practices.


Through the work of the Finance Committee, the mortgage was refinanced at a lower rate.


Moving into the 2015-16 church year, we are focused on being prepared for a future called minister search. We have been getting the church ready for this through asking people to increase their pledge this year and setting aside money in a settled minister search fund.  We are also thinking strategically about making sure we have leaders who will be available to serve on a search committee.  This is a long process that we need to be thoughtful about as we continue to move forward.  


In the upcoming church year we will continue working on our policies, assessing what is needed and working towards completing them.  Our budget process has become very refined under the leadership of Lonnie Houck.  We are grateful for his service in helping both the board and the church learn more both about budgeting and forecasting.  


My first year as Congregational President was one of personal growth and challenge.  I believe that together we have created a framework that addresses long term planning as well as responding to concerns when they are raised.  I am grateful to the board for our work together this year and am looking forward to our next year together.



Please contact Karen Madrone, president, or Michelle Lee, vice-president, if you would like to talk more about ministry and governance.

Team and Committee Meetings and ways to help out
Membership in our movement entails the investment of both our time and talents to further our shared mission.  Please find ways to connect your personal contributions with those of others within our Spiritual Community to make our Church, Community and Culture the best it can be.  

Some of our Teams and Committees have regular meetings.  Others meet irregularly or virtually and accomplish their missions without regular meetings.  The list below contains the meeting time and location of those teams and committees that meet regularly.   Feel free to attend any of these meetings as they are all open.  We invite your participation in our church's governance and mission.

Ministry Team Meetings
All Ministry Team Leads meet with the Minister on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary to plan together for all church programming.  This is an open meeting.

Coordinating Council Meetings
The Coordinating Council (both the Ministry Team Leads and all Committee Chairs) meet quarterly (Feb, May, Aug and Nov) on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary.  The Council is co-chaired by Michelle Lee, VP and Rev. Ann Marie Alderman.  This is an open meeting.

Board of Trustees Meetings
The Board of Trustees meets on the 3rd Thursdays in odd months, and 3rd Tuesdays in even months at 7 PM in the Sanctuary.  This monthly meeting is where governance decisions are made for our Church.  This is an open meeting.

Communications Team
The Communications Team publishes the monthly newsletter and maintains the web site.  We also administer our social media presence.  We don't have regular meetings but there are several tasks that you could help with.  Please contact  Liz Gauger if you would like to join the Communications Team.

Fellowship Team Meetings

Everyone is invited to join this team that is always on the lookout to create opportunities for people to connect and have fun.  Contact Kay Bishop and Rick Tolley for more information on the Fellowship Team.  We sponsor the Wednesday night Potlucks and the Young Adult Gaming Group and many periodic fun fellowship events.


Healthy Congregation Committee  Meetings
For more information, contact


Justice Action Team Meetings 
The Justice Action Team meets on second Sundays after the service at 12:30 pm in the Library.  Opportunities for volunteering with JAT include hands-on nitty-gritty tasks and work toward policy change to benefit Greensboro's residents.


Membership Team
The Membership Team makes visitors welcome in our church and works to expand our membership.  Our team runs the visitor's table on Sunday mornings, contacts all the visitors who come to our church and organizes meetings and classes for new members.  Take a look at our bulletin board in the foyer and get to know our new members.  If you are interested in working with us, contact Judy Gecinger.  We also sponsor the Chalice Circles, which are coordinated by Laura Graham.

Music Team Meetings
The Music Team meets after church on the Sunday before the Ministry Team/Coordinating Council meeting.  This is typically the 2nd or 3rd Sunday of the Month.  Meetings are typically held in the Library.

Policy & Procedures Committee

If you are interested in participating in the research, drafting, and editing process of our policy manual, please request to join the Policies & Procedures Yahoo group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/UUCGPolicies/ , or send an email to  Michelle Lee
 Worship Team Meetings 

Our Worship Team  meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 3:30PM in the Minister's office.  Please contact Barbara Hands if you are interested in helping the Worship Team as a Team Member, an Usher, Service Leader or Service Coordinator.


Youth Religious Education Team

For meeting times and dates see the calendar or contact Team Lead Heather Rushforth.   

Natural Burial


Come Learn about Natural Burial on Sunday Mornings in June




Ken Knight and Nick Divitci will lead a 3 week introduction to green or natural burial from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Greensboro.  The dates will be June 14, 21 and 28.


Green or natural burial is the practice of burying the remains of  deceased persons without embalming and without cremation.  Green burial grounds are nature preserves  and the bodies of the deceased return to nature in the way that has been common practice for most of human history.  It is less expensive than traditional burials and it has a very low environmental impact.



We hope to raise consciousness about this way of burial and preservation of nature and to have enough people in our community to form a natural burial society and begin making such burials available here in Guilford County.


If you need childcare, please call the church office at 336/856-0330 at least 72 hours in advance.

Please come and bring your friends.




New Reading Group



Dear fellow congregants,

As we recognize injustice in the world, many UUs feel called to address it - and many churches across the country are taking action as part of the Standing on the Side of Love movement.  In keeping with this, the glbtq sub team of the Justice Action Team has been reorganized into the Standing on the Side of Love team. This team has decided to form a reading group centered around current issues of injustice because the first step to taking action is becoming more educated and aware.

The first meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 23 at UUCG.  We will discuss the first three chapters of "Learning to be White: Money, Race and God in America" by Rev. Thandeka, a UU minister.  This book is available on Amazon.  If you use the Amazon button on the UUCG website, the church gets a small donation.

If you are interested in joining, please contact Tim Leisman or just mark your calendar and join us.


Coffee Volunteers


Volunteers are needed for Coffee service the last two Sundays in June and each Sunday in July.  It is a gift of a time and joy we can all share.  Anyone can sign up; the sheet in on the bulletin board just outside the kitchen, next to the 'Flowers' sign up.  Servicing coffee is easy, and we will be glad to go through it with anyone interested.    


We would like to express a sincere "Thank You!" to the great folks who have volunteered to provide coffee after Sunday service. 


Karen and Robb Fulkerson  



 General Assembly




This year, the GA has found a way to include everyone in the discussion. The following workshops will be available to the UUCG members and friends, to be streamed in the sanctuary. Here's the schedule:


Thurs, June 25

1:45-3:00pm               Talk the Walk: Speaking Justice in the Language of Our Faith

4:15-5:30pm               GA Talks: Multigenerational Worship and Community Ministry

6:00-7:15pm               Choosing, Telling, and Bringing Stories to Life in Worship

7:45-9:00 pm              Commit2Respond: Growing Young Adult Leadership for Climate Justice


Friday, June 26

4:15-5:30pm               Accessibility & Inclusion Ministry: The AIM Program Experience

6:00-7:15pm               From iChurch to Beloved Communities

7:45-9:00pm               Class Diversity: Exploring our Past, Building our Theologies


Saturday, June 27

4:15-5:30pm               Congregational Polity and the Myth of Congregational Autonomy

6:00-7:15pm               E-Giving: Contributions for the 21st Century


For a description of these workshops, please go to:




National Public Radio Listeners Alert



Support WFDD and UUCG by purchasing a Day Sponsorship with the radio station on behalf of the church.



Myra Anne Gesse Dean invites church members to purchase sponsorships, as she has.  If several people buy sponsorships, the church will receive mentions on the local NPR affiliate for several days in a row.  It would be a great way to promote a church activity or event.   


For more information about the sponsorships, visit http://wfdd.org/day-sponsorships or contact Myra Anne at 336-327-2212 or speak with Jeff or Liz Gauger on the Communications Committee.



Ladies' and Men's Night Out


Ladies' Night Out  



Ladies are invited to our monthly Vietnamese dinner at the Saigon Restaurant the last Monday of the month -- June 29.  We meet at 6:30 p.m.  If we have ten or more, we have the option of having the chef prepare a communal meal for us.  It's usually a soup, two kinds of egg rolls and one or two entrees, costing a little over $10.00.  We also have the option of selecting from the menu.  It's a lively evening of table discussion, laughter and getting to know more about each other.  Newcomers are always welcome.  If you plan to attend please contact Mary Davis (212-0819) or Janet Plummer (294-6364)


Men's Night Out 


Join us the 2nd Monday of the month -- June 8 -- at 6 p.m. at Villarosa,  6010 Landmark Center Blvd, Greensboro, near I-40 and Wendover.  We also meet on the last Monday of each month at Applebee's on Battleground Avenue at 6 p.m.

Pastoral Care



The Buddy System


Do you live alone?  Do you connect every day with a family member?  Do you have a "Life Alert" system?


Why do we ask these questions?  Because stuff happens especially as we age; strokes; heart attacks; TIAs (mini-strokes); vertigo etc.


A friend of mine recently died because he fell at his home, and went undiscovered for four days.

He spent nine days in ICU and they worked unceasingly, trying to hydrate, and medicate his body to normal function, but it was not enough, and he died from multiple organ failure caused by dehydration.


Had he heeded advice to have a system; or had friends and family followed up with more urgency on un-returned calls ---he may still be a registered voter!


Could this happen to you?  Your Pastoral Care Team here at UUCG would like to help you prevent it.

By organizing a "Buddy System" we want to help you establish daily contact with someone else, i.e. family or fellow congregant.  If you do not reply to a daily call, we will contact emergency services to come to your rescue.


If you live in a retirement community, the staff takes care of these matters.  If you utilize in-home care;

or get Meals on Wheels, again staff is alert for non-responsiveness.  But there are many of us who maintain our independence and are proud of it---or maybe just stubborn?


So we urge folks who live alone, to contact the church office.  Your request to be part of the "buddy system" will be directed to the Pastoral Care Team, and you will be contacted to discuss and implement,this very important aspect of our commitment to each other's safety and peace of mind.


Joe Gecinger 


Faith Formation 

Adult Faith Formation will be "on break" for the summer, although there will be some special summer sessions starting this month!  For more information, contact Steve Pearsall.


Every Sunday Afternoon
Deep River Sangha, Buddhist meditation
 4:00 - 5:30




Justice Action Team Update 





 Our children will continue to think about and act on behalf of our needy friends by assembling care-bags during class on Sunday, June 14.  Last month, we assembled over 40 bags, and they had all been picked up for distribution by our friends and members in only two weeks.  Clearly, there is great need in our communities, and there is also great support to provide help.  Please consider donating non-perishable individual food and hygiene items to the collection basket in the lobby.  If you (or someone you know) travels, please gather the soaps, etc. and donate them to the lobby basket.  Financial donations are also welcome to help purchase materials for the care bags.  For more information, please contact Cindy Dillard ([email protected]).



Kudos to Volunteers at CHS Workday

On April 25 around 14 hard workers - and some sideliners to run errands - completed a very long ramp to provide access to a wheelchair-bound homeowner.  A staff member of Community Housing Solutions directed the work.  Several people helped the homeowner clean out areas of the home and rearrange supplies.  Workers, the homeowners and their grandson, and a neighbor enjoyed lunch and a brief rest in the community clubhouse.


Knowing I will miss a worker or two, I do thank all and specifically these: Rob Fulkerson, Ken Knight, Neema Pampo, Pat Meller, Joe Gecinger, Jim Kalinowski, Leslie Kalinowski, Becky Floyd, Jim Roeder, Stan Sprague, Lonnie Houck, Jessica Lin, Michelle Giorgi, and snack providers Karen Fulkerson, Janet Eley, Becky Floyd and Leslie Kalinowski.  Carla Duncan and Sara Bourquin coordinated the workday.  Does the day sound fun and rewarding?  Watch for the announcement of our fall workday with CHS.




Monday Night Dinner at Urban Ministry  

On the first Monday of each month, a group of volunteers from our church prepares and serves supper to the residents of the Urban Ministry shelter.   


For the past couple of months, we have had a small number of volunteers show up.   We need some new workers, especially younger ones, to be part of this important contribution to the welfare of some or our most vulnerable brothers and sisters.

Please contact Ken Knight if you have questions.  He can be reached at [email protected] or at 336/327-7214.




Share the Plate: June  

Donations will be given to Guilford Child Health and Triad Adult and Pediatric Medicine.






Peanut Butter Alert 

Thanks to everyone at the Unitarian Universalist Church who contributed to
the 101 pounds of peanut butter and nonperishable food collected last month for the Greensboro Food Bank.  You are greatly appreciated!
Becky Floyd








Board of Trustees 



Highlights of the May 21, 2015 UUCG Board of Trustees Meeting

  • Karen Madrone, President, noted that the UUA General Assembly is June 24-28 in Portland, Oregon and some of the workshops will be available online. Please see the information above about these workshops that will be live streamed in the sanctuary. 
  • The Board voted for Charlotte Hamlin, Marie Houck and Steve Pearsall to be UUCG's official delegates to the UUA General Assembly. Rev. Ann Marie Alderman will also attend.
  • Karen Madrone and Michelle Lee, Vice President, will attend the President's convocation July 10-12 in Raleigh.
  • Lonnie Houck, Treasurer, reported that our delta number (income vs expense) for the year is still positive by $2,336.Actual Year To Date pledge income is $1,166 under budgeted amount.
  • The proposed 2015-16 budget was approved at the May 17 Annual Meeting.
  • Benn Kuecker, Chair of Committee on Leadership Development (CLD), reviewed the names of the new members of Committe on Leadership Development: Marty Bergman and Thomas Burwell. Also Benn will serve an additional second two-year term. The CLD plans to have a leadership development workshop in late September or early October. Further details will be forthcoming.
  • More details are available in reports posted at the UUCG website   http://uugreensboro.org/for-members/members-only/ Go to "Board Reports 14-15" in May.
    • The next Board meeting will be Tuesday, June 16 at 7 pm and is open to all.

 Submitted by Sharin Francis



Community Events



Earthquake Relief 

To assist those in need following the earthquake in Nepal, visit Unitarian Universalist Service Committee 



June Birthdays  
Birthday Wishes to this month's honorees:

 Jeff Adams, Richard Parker, Katja Brown,
Pat Meller, Rosemary Lancaster, Roger Galloway,
Marian Stewart, Katie Klod, Joshua Brown,
Caroline Brown, Anna Beth Rushforth,
Kai Namaste, Jay Hultgren, Hudson Rushforth, 
and Leo Mattocks  
Attendance and Share Half donation

May 3






May 10



May 17
May 24













Share Half donations       for May: $394.50. The donations went to Community Housing Solutons.


Chalice Logo

UUCG Covenant 

We, the members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Greensboro, do covenant to:
  • Promote a search for personal meaning, respecting individual truth in a community process of quest
  • Speak and act with caring, courtesy and love thereby maintaining emotional, physical, and spiritual safety for all
  • Support UUCG and denominational efforts with our resources
  • Combat injustice while promoting equality
  • Nurture our children on their spiritual journeys
  • Hold ourselves to this covenant, especially during times of conflict and disagreement

UUCG Officers  

Karen Madrone, President                                                                        
Michelle Lee, Vice President                                                                   
Lonnie Houck, Treasurer                                                                              
Sharin Francis, Secretary                                                                            

UUCG Trustees

Suzanne Deering (2015)                                                                                         

Cindy Williams  (2015)                                                                                          

Katja Brown (2016)                                                                      

Sue Beck (2016)                                                                                              

Shawn Gagne (2017)                                                                                 

Jim Roeder (2017)                                                                                         

UUCG Staff

Reverend Ann Marie Alderman, Minister
Rev. Ann Marie Alderman may be contacted by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or on her mobile phone 704.770.8748.  She is usually in her UUCG office on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.     

JulieJulie Hamilton, Congregational Administrator
Office Hours: Please call church office for appointments
Office Phone: 336.856.0330 Cell: 336.687.4101 E-mail: [email protected]

Mark Freundt 2013 Mark Freundt, Director of Music
Office Hours: Please call church office for appointments
Office Phone: 336.856.0330, Cell: 336.908.1103 E-mail: [email protected]

Cindy Dillard 2013 Cindy Dillard, RE Coordinator
Office Hours: Please call church office for appointments
Office Phone: 336.856.0330  Cell 614.975.0126 E-mail: [email protected] 

                    Walter McCorey, Sexton

                    Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (times vary based on needs).

Ministry Team and Board Committee Contacts

Ministry Teams--Reporting to the Minister

Adult Faith Formation Team (formerly Adult RE)
Steve Pearsall and Nina Nameste
Building and Grounds Team
Ken Williams
Care Team
Sara Bourquin
Communications Team
Liz and Jeff Gauger
Denominational Affairs Team
Steve Pearsall
Fellowship Team
Kay Bishop and Rick Tolley
Fundraising Team
      Cabaret Auction Sub-Team

Lauren Houck 

Justice Action Team (formerly Social Action)
Sue Cole, Sara Bourquin, Becky Floyd
       Environmental Stewardship Greensboro
Vance Archer
       Food Drives and Food Donations
Becky Floyd
       Standing on the Side of Love
Karen Madrone
       Potter House Service
Ken Knight
       Red Cross Blood Drive
Tim Leisman
Pastoral Care Team

 see Rev. Ann Marie 

Membership Team
Judy Gecinger
Music Team
Sue Sherwood & Marilyn Clayton
Worship Team
Barbara Hands
        LabyrinthMichelle Lee

Youth Religious Education Team 

Heather Rushforth

Committees and Task Forces
Report to the Board of Trustees
Accountability Committee
 Karen Madrone, Acting Chair
 Harold Gunn
Archival Records Committee
Sharin Francis
Designated Gifts Task Force
Ken Williams
Finance Committee
Healthy Congregations Committee
Marie Houck
Human Resources Committee
Policies and Procedures Committeeopen
Strategic Planning CommitteeKatja Brown

Congregational Standing Committees
Report to the Congregation
Committee on Leadership Development
Benn Kuecker
Committee on Endowment
Ken Williams 
Coordinating Council
Rev. Ann Marie, Michelle Lee