Rachel reading to boy
How To Encourage A Love of Books with Your Child

Infants & toddlers can learn to sit and enjoy story time, here are some tips

By Julie Stevens, SLP
TEIS Speech Language Pathologist 
What parent doesn't love the idea of sitting with their infant or toddler and snuggling in to listen to a great story book? Perhaps one from your own childhood such as a Dr. Suess title or Goodnight Moon.....yet this magical moment of reading to your child falls apart as soon as he or she squirms out of your lap onto the floor, tries to eat the book, or even grabs and throws the book down. ...Read On!


Benefits of Pool Play 

By Betsy Gamza, M.Ed
TEIS Developmental Specialist

How many of us have memories from our childhood that involve summer and water? Trips to the beach, afternoons at the pool, swimming at the lake, even right in your own yard!  Read On!

12 Hands On Recipes for Toddlers
Let Your Toddler Help with Meal Prep & In Turn Expand His Willingness to Try New Foods

There are many ways your toddler can help you in the kitchen. And most toddlers love helping Mom and Dad cook, right? Cooking Light Magazine offers 12 healthy recipes your whole family will love, with ideas on how your toddler can work on fine motor skills such as pouring mixing, sprinkling, etc.

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Meet A TEIS Therapist


Tamara Guo, M.Ed. 

Developmental Specialist 


Tamara graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Child Psychology and Spanish from Juniata College and obtained her Master's Degree from the University of Pittsburgh in Early Education of the Handicapped Birth to 5. She began her career in the field of early intervention in 1990 first with Achieva as an assistant toddler group teacher and later at The Early Learning Institute where she spent 10 years as a Developmental Specialist, teaching toddler groups and seeing children for home based therapy.


From 2001-2007 she was the Child Development Specialist at Child's Way, the medical day care facility run by the Children's Home of Pittsburgh. She has worked for TEIS since May 2007 and currently is an independent evaluator in Beaver County. Her special areas of interest are working with premature infants, medically fragile children, children with multiple disabilities and children with Down syndrome. She chose early intervention as a career because she loves working with young children and as a pre-teen became interested in the field of autism (before there were any such programs or certifications for that specialty!). She is married, has two rescue dogs and her hobbies include travel, music, guitar, and most recently running half marathons with her husband..  


9 Ways to Help Your Child's Language Development

Your encouragement at homes goes a long way 

Parents play a critical role in a child's language development. Studies have shown that children who are read to and spoken with a great deal during early childhood will have larger vocabularies and better grammar than those who aren't. Here are some simple ways to nurture your baby's language development. click  HERE to read more!

What's Coming Up in July?

Check out these upcoming July
family friendly EVENTS!


See What Others Are Saying About TEIS


"TEIS provided us with the tools needed to understand our child and help him as he continues to progress."  ~Sarah K


"Sandy was an excellent resource for us. My daughter would be so excited every week to see her. She gave our family many helpful tips and tricks for getting our daughter to eat better."   ~Heather H



At TEIS, we specialize in Therapeutic Early Intervention Services for children from 0-3 years of age in Allegheny & Westmoreland Counites and Independent Evaluations in Beaver County. 

Your Child's Progress is our Passion! (SM)