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Center for Sacred Studies presents a New WISDOM BRIDGE teleseminar  

Presented by Amaru Qosco (Roberto A. Restrepo)
Translated and moderated by Eva Ackerman

INITIATION begins November 12th, 2013

Are we really human?...What is time?...What are we living for?...Does death exist?...What does it mean to be reborn?...Is there such a thing as a final experience?...


In The Path of the Mirror, we will embark together on a 6-week inner pilgrimage to gain life-transforming insight into these universal existential questions.

Amaru Qosco, the beloved teacher who brought you the "The Eagle's Vision" teleseminar, will be guiding us through this journey of consciousness with his radiant love and expansive wisdom. After spending his life immersed in the study and application of the Life Originating Principles of the original peoples of North and South America (some of which we began studying in The Eagle's Vision), Roberto has been granted permission to share these profoundly sacred ancient teachings with the outside world. His intention is to support us in the crucial and urgent work we must all do to restore and unify our internal and external worlds.

Join us for this Practical Mystery Course in which we will study and experience powerful esoteric practices each week that will deepen our understanding of the forces of Life, Death, Rebirth, Origin and Destiny, and thereby assist us exponentially on our paths. The weekly meditations build on each other alchemically in such a way that by the end each participant will be fully initiated into this line of study -- in the Andean lineage this Mystery Course template is referred to as a "Mirror Course".

Out of the awareness cultivated through this journey to the origin comes a profound transformation in the way we perceive and exist in the world, which allows us to access new and luminous clarity about what it is that we are truly here on Earth to do. Transform your perception of what it means to be a human being, and through that transformation, step into a new and awakened dimension of reality...one of boundless joy, divine communion and infinite freedom!!


Amaru Qosco (Roberto A. Restrepo) is a researcher of the original cultures and peoples of the Americas. His work is carried out with support of institutions like UNESCO, as well as Colombian and foreign universities. He is currently working with UNESCO PHI-LAC as the coordinator of the ACHALC Water and Culture Programs for Latin America and the Caribbean. He has spent various periods of time with indigenous communities all across the continent, and for years has conducted research in the important archaeological sites. He has published many documentary films and books, including the Trilogy of Knowledge, with UNESCO. His field of knowledge centers on the cosmovision, thought and culture of the original peoples of the Americas. lavisiondelaguila.com

A 6-Week interactive Audio Course
with a supplementary On-line Visual Component

The course begins Tuesday, November 12th
and meets from 5-7pm PST for 6 consecutive Tuesdays.
If you cannot attend some or all of the live sessions,
NO PROBLEM! All sessions will be recorded and sent out

 to all participants, along with the accompanying visual
 materials, each week after the session!!

Course Tuition: 240 US$   

Register Now Button  

What you will receive by participating in "The Path of the Mirror"


  • Certificate of Completion of the Path of the Mirror Mystery Course
  • Six 2-hour live sessions of Mystery Teachings guided by Amaru Qosco
  • 12 hours of recorded Mystery Teachings for future personal study
  • The opportunity to dialogue live with Amaru, ask him questions and receive support, guidance and feedback on your personal experience
  • Recordings of the six 45-minute guided meditations on topics such as Purifying Ancestral Memory, Meeting your Personal Nawal, and The Double Spiral
  • Pdf files of all the sacred images we will be studying and meditating on throughout the course
  • The ability to face and release your fear of death (which is truly fear of life itself) and the newfound FREEDOM that brings
  • Access to the awe and majesty of living your life fully in the here and now...as an instant and as an eternity

  • Esoteric ancestral techniques of inner understanding

  • A greater sense of ease in accessing the deeper mysteries of life
  • A heightened experience of communication with the unseen world
  • A permanent relationship with your Personal Nawal...an ancestral spirit guide, similar to a guardian angel, who will accompany you for your entire life
  • The experience of living your life as true blessing and a point of support for all those you meet by radiating this deep wisdom and elevated state of consciousness


Module 1: November 12, 2013

  • The concept of being human from original thought: Hopi, Mayan, Toltec, Mexica, Andean, Amazonian
  • Origin and destiny of the human
  • Humanity's path
    This week's meditation on the Double-Spiral will help us understand our origin and destiny as human beings, and clarify the meaning of our human experience.

Module 2: November 19, 2013


  • Between how we live and what we are
  • The here and now, as a way of relating to the before and after
  • The meaning of space-time, a daily practice
  • Inter-dimensional contacts 
This week's meditation on Purifying Ancestral Memory will assist us in liberating ourselves from linear thinking so that we may fully enter into the consciousness of the Spiral.

  Module 3: November 26, 2013 

  • The journey to the origin
  • A way of living and dying in order to be reborn 
  • Learning to truly live
  • Spiritual dimensions
In this week's meditation on the Path of the Spirit through the Dimensional Bodies we will dissolve our dense inner bodies in order to be left with our subtle, radiant bodies.
We will look through the mirror of life at the reflection of creation as a way to access the celestial spheres.

Module 4: December 10, 2013

  • A way of experiencing death
  • Breaking the barrier of fear and rebirth
  • We are one and we are all...what are we in the end?
In this week's meditation we will enter into a Meeting with Death, or experience Death within Life, in order to transcend it and liberate ourselves from fear.

                 NEW DATE!

  Module 5: December 12, 2013

  • Space-time of the Nawal
  • Living and being reborn accompanied by the Nawal
  • The profound experience of "seeing the Nawal"  
In this week's meditation we will be guided through a meeting with our Personal Nawal, a highly valuable spirit ally that will support us on our path of Being and being Reborn.

  Module 6: December 17, 2013

  • The vision of living and being reborn
  • Union with the Nawal of Nawals
In this final meditation on Rebirth we will develop our capacity to transcend space-time, and learn how the experience of living and being reborn transforms what it means to exist in the world...we are all a Quetzalcóatl, Kukulkán or Wiracocha!


Here's what people are saying about our last teleseminar with Amaru Qosco (Roberto Restrepo),  "The Eagle's Vision!"   


"Many thanks from deep in the heart for the wisdom shared in class.... I so appreciate your leaving plenty of time for questions, answers, and  discussion after the presentation.  You have given us much to meditate on and practice in daily life."  AB

"This has been the most amazing experience of my life so far! Thank you with all of my heart and soul for this."   VH

"It was beyond wonderful, magical and expansive. I am so happy I've joined."  FT

"The content was extraordinary - breathtaking." SD

"I love the information and the discussions! This is really special and I am grateful to be a part of this teleseminar."   ZH




Center for Sacred Studies - Office & Store
13550 Church St. PO Box 2904
Guerneville, California, 95446 

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