Dear One,

Amaru Qosco wrote this letter and asked that I share it with all of you; please take a few minutes and read it.  It is truly a call to Spiritual  Action.  I hope you will join us!

In my meetings with the traditional authorities, the spiritual  wisdom-keepers of the original peoples, in various dimensions, I have always heard that now is the key moment to take action in order to be able to cause the full opening of the Portal and our passage through it, accompanying the path of the Mother, Pachamama.  She is the one with whom we must be in an experience of unity, and this Unity includes everyone: The Sacred Manifest, Nature, and the Human Beings on our path of consciousness. 

These same wisdom-keepers have always told me that this particular Triad Cycle of the Portal: 2014-2015-2016 in going to bring about profound changes in us, in Pachamama, and in unused or misused manifestations of the elements, as a form of reciprocity for the way in which we have
carried out the sacred principle of Mutual Rearing; in other words, how we ourselves have (or have not) been caretakers of The Sacred Manifest, Nature, and our Human Family here on Earth.  I am not speaking about punishment or revenge, I am simply referring to the energetic reciprocity that expresses itself in response to how we act or behave in the world.

At the same time, the elders have shown that we can help this process to be more balanced and benign, but not just with simple know-how or science and technology.  Utilizing only these ways we are impotent and can not overcome this manifestation of reality. We need a hugely stronger and more complex method to achieve this, one that touches this mirror-reality in all of its reflections, everything in the great cosmic fabric of life, in all of the limits of the Pluriverse. This method is RITUAL which reflects the Law of Origin, or the greatest principle of our Spirituality.  Without recovering, exalting and carrying out our  rituals, in their magical manifested forms, our dialogue and reciprocity with the Sacred and Nature will not have the power and effect that we so urgently need.

This Mystery Course Initiation, The Path of the Mirror, seeks to do exactly that. It places us on the path of Ritual to provide for us, as a path of consciousness, our point of support during this unique, transcendent and profound moment of transition into the new era of the Fifth Sun.  
This is not a course that runs out upon the completion of its six sessions: it is a starting point of a great work that will be carried out with urgency over the next three years, and this is my loving
invitation to you.

With deep love and respect,
Amaru Qosco (Roberto A. Restrepo)

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Guerneville, California, 95446 

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