St. Joseph College Alumnae Association News
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Greetings SJC Alumnae!

Blessings to you all in the Season of Advent!

As we wait and anticipate a Greater Gift, the SJCAA Office is aware that Alumnae are concerned about delay of the Valley Echo.  A number of issues have affected its delay and will result in publishing a WINTER issue of the magazine instead of the traditional FALL issue. The Valley Echo will be mailed after the Christmas holidays.  


You should receive the print WINTER issue in early January. An online WINTER issue will be posted as soon as it is available, providing an option for browsing news in advance while the printing and mailing proceeds.


This disruption in sending class news is regrettable and we will do a better job in the future keeping the promise we made to send you "regular and timely communications."  Meanwhile, we've
been adding to our new website: Read below for details of how to engage with us year-round.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please be sure to renew your dues and contacts with SJCAA so that you receive all of our updates (including a special Christmas message).
Review & Request Prayers on the SJC Website
web prayer page
Only a month old, the new SJC website is receiving regular updates, to News, In Memoriam and Governance areas.

A popular area since  launch, the Prayer Requests page lets anyone post prayer requests for themselves, friends or loved ones. All requests are monitored and approved as soon as possible for display on various pages of the site. Once you've placed a request, you'll receive email updates of comments either on your request or others' prayer requests. Visit the Prayer Requests page and keep tabs on fellow alumnae as they travel through life's journey.

Browse the website > >    

May all of you enjoy a Peaceful Christmas and a Joyful New Year.

We look forward to celebrating with each of you at the 2013 Reunion, April 4-7, 2013 at the Wyndham Hotel in Gettysburg, PA.  We are so very grateful for your continued support.


Warm regards,


The Board of Trustees
St. Joseph College Alumnae Association, Inc.
Emmitsburg, Maryland


Maureen McPartland Smith '65, President
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Listen to our Alma Mater Online!
Singing All Together
Through the generosity of the Mount St. Mary's Chorale, you may hear the SJC Alma Mater online anytime from our website!  
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