News From the Churches of Southern Virginia
Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia      February 21, 2017
And a child shall lead them
By Ann Meyer, Christian Formation Director, St. Martin's, Williamsburg

Four times a year, on each fifth Sunday of the month, the youth of St. Martin's, Williamsburg, lead the 9:15 family service. Children of all ages volunteer to welcome parishioners at the front doors and others usher folks to their seats, hand out the Sunday bulletin, count attendance, pass the plates for the offering and alert those in each pew that it is their turn to take communion. Still others choose to read the Scripture (Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament) and lead the congregation in praying the Prayers of the People. Young people also indicate a preference to be the Verger for that Sunday and help to make sure that all youth participants are there and in place before the service begins and help the service to run smoothly. An older youth elects to give the sermon based upon the lectionary readings for that Sunday. In the photo, smaller children participating in a liturgical dance to a hymn which reflects the words of the Gospel. The congregation looks forward with anticipation to these occasions and always feels spiritually lifted by the competency and understanding shown by their younger members. 

The Rev. Nigel Mumford commended by Virginia House of Delegates

On February 13, the Rev. Nigel Mumford, priest associate at Galilee, Virginia Beach, gave the invocation at the Virginia House of Delegates. He was then commended by House with a standing ovation and the official commendatory document. Delegate Jason Miyares, spoke stirring words describing Mumford's service and the lives he has saved through his Welcome Home Initiative for combat veterans and By His Wounds ministry. Click here to watch Delegate Miyares introduction and click here to watch Rev. Mumford's invocation.

"Outrageous Justice" small group sessions start Mar. 12
By Carol Vipavetz, St. Martin's, Williamsburg

St. Martin's, Williamsburg, is part of a pilot program for "Outrageous Justice" small group sessions. Prison Fellowship has released a curriculum designed to make Christians aware of the need for justice that restores. God calls us to care about and respond to injustice. This program teaches participants about the complexities and challenges of our American criminal justice system and how we, as Christians, can promote justice and restoration for those affected by crime and incarceration.

The six-lesson study guide and accompanying DVD will be presented at St. Martin's in three 90 minute sessions, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 12: (1) Justice that Restores; (2) Justice that Responds
Sunday, March 19: (3) Justice that Listens; (4) Justice that Fits  
Sunday, March 26: (5) Justice that Transforms; (6) Justice that Redeems       

If you would like to participate in this free program, please reserve a spot by visiting the St. Martin's website, Click on "Outrageous Justice" in the drop-down menu under Sign Ups.
Grace Day School, Yorktown, now enrolling

Grace, Yorktown, Day School and Kindergarten programs are based on a developmental - interaction approach. We believe every child is a unique individual, full of potential, and ready to learn. As a church-sponsored school, we offer an interdenominational Christian environment. We accept children of all religions, race, and ethnic backgrounds.
Grace Day School offers creative half-day programs for 2, 3, 4 and 5-year olds. Two-year old program potty-trained optional. Kindergarten meets SOL requirements. Grace Day School is located at 111 Church Street, Yorktown, and school hours are 9:30 to 12:30. For more information, call 757-898-7520 or go to

St. Peter's , Norfolk, Day School Open House on March 19

St. Peter's Day School, Norfolk, is now enrolling children for the 2017-2018 school year. Join us for an Open House on Sunday, March 19 at 4 p.m. and learn more about our programs. We accept children ages 2 to 5 years, and offer full and half day programs, as well as a summer camp. Tuition rates for school and camp are very affordable. We are celebrating 55 years of service to the community. Call 757-466-9392 for more information. St. Peter's is located at at 224 South Military Highway, Norfolk. 

Enrollment for Fall 2017 has begun at Emmanuel Day School

Emmanuel Episcopal Day School is a half-day preschool program for 2�, 3 & 4-year old children which has been serving the community since 1966. The learning through play curriculum is geared to help children reach developmental milestones in a fun, nurturing environment. Registration for Fall 2017 is now under way. The registration form, tuition rates and more information can be found at Emmanuel Episcopal Day School has been enriching young minds for generations. Visit our Facebook page to see the wonderful learning activities going on in classrooms. Visit the school for a tour or contact Karen Kearse, Day School Director, for more information, 757-499-7393.

Upcoming Events 

Broadway for Better - Feb. 25, 6:30 p.m., St. John's, Hampton. St. John's is pleased to host this performance to benefit ACCESS AIDS Care, a non-profit organization serving HIV-AIDS affected individuals and their families. Ticket price includes complimentary wine and hors d'oeuvres. St. John's is located at 100 W. Queens Way, Hampton. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., show at 7 p.m. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at  
Pilgrimage Sunday - Feb. 26, 8 a.m., St. Paul's, Suffolk. St. Paul's, Suffolk, is celebrating its 375th anniversary in 2017.  As a part of our celebration we will conduct our Sunday service on February 26 as a pilgrimage by worshiping at  each of our four previous sites prior to a celebration of the Eucharist at our present location of 213 North Main Street. Chartered buses will leave from the front of St. Paul's at 8 a.m. sharp. The first location at Reid's Ferry on the Western Branch of the Nansemond River is somewhat remote. Dress for hiking. The other four sites are much more accessible. Because we are chartering buses and printing commemorative bulletins we are asking participates to make a reservation for the pilgrimage. Everyone in the diocesan family is welcome to join us for this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Please reserve a place either by calling the Parish Office at 757-539-2478 or
The Wren Masters in Concert - Feb. 26, 4 p.m., St. Paul's, Norfolk. The Wren Masters, the faculty Baroque ensemble of the College of William and Mary, will perform in concert at St. Paul's, Norfolk. Members of the ensemble are Sarah Glosson, baroque cello and viola da gamba; Ruth van Baak Griffioen, recorder; Thomas Marshall, harpsichord; and Susan Via, baroque violin. The Washington Post praised the group saying, "the Wren Masters play period instruments, and do so with admirable stylistic awareness. crisp ensemble, scrupulous phrasing, and a satisfying blend of mellowness and astringency in their collective tone." The concert is free and open to the public. For further information, call the church office at 757-627-4353. St. Paul's is located at 201 St. Paul's Blvd., Norfolk.

Cultural Series of St. Matthias': String Quartet of the Richmond Symphony - Mar. 5, 4 p.m., St. Matthias, Midlothian. The players include:  Ellen Cockerham Riccio and Daisuke Yamamoto - violins, Molly Sharp - viola and Cary Neal - cello. The quartet will perform a recital in two parts:  Part 1 - Ady's American Adventure, and Part 2 - Suzy's Birthday. The concert will feature selections from classical composers as well as American composers. The concert begins at 4:00 pm. Donations are appreciated. A reception will follow the concert. For more information contact John Murdock at 804-272-8588, ext. 103, or

Sacred Music in a Sacred Space: Choral Evensong for Lent - March 5, 5:30 p.m., Christ and St. Luke's, Norfolk.  The three choirs of Eastern Shore Chapel, St. Andrew's Church, and Christ and St. Luke's present Choral Evensong for the season of Lent, including Edward Bairstow's magnificent cathedral anthem Blessed City, Heavenly Salem.  Free-will offering, reception to follow.
Sacred Music in a Sacred Space: Music of Bach for voice and cello - March 26, 3 p.m., Christ and St. Luke's, Norfolk.  Organist emeritus Allen Shaffer, performing on the harpsichord, will be joined by soprano Billye Brown Youmans  and cellist Jeffrey Phelps for this special 5th anniversary concert of the Allen Shaffer Concert Series. Cantata arias, dance suites and the great Sonata in G Minor for cello and harpsichord comprise the program.  Tickets $10, Students Free.

My Beloved is Mine: Choral music from Song of Songs - Apr. 2, 4 p.m., Ohef Shalom Temple, Norfolk. Welcome the spring season with the combined choirs of St. Paul's, Norfolk, and Ohef Sholom Temple, Charles Woodward, director, and Cantor Wally Schachet-Briskin in "My Beloved is Mine" - choral music set to the exquisite love poetry from the Song of Songs. Settings drawn from the rich Jewish and Anglican choral traditions will include works by Bonia Shur, Edward Bairstow, Yehezkel Braun, Pablo Casals, Rene Claussen, and more. A highlight of the concert will be the world premiere of composer John Dixon's Behold, my fair one, dedicated to Bettie Minette Cooper. The concert is free and open to the public, and a reception will follow. For further information, contact Ohef Sholom Temple at 757-625-4295. 
Sacred Music in a Sacred Space: Music for Passiontide - April 9, 5:30 p.m., Christ and St. Luke's, Norfolk. Ensembles from Old Dominion University, led by Bianca Hall, present music for Passiontide, an hour long meditation of music composed for Holy Week observances.  Music includes Monteverdi's Christe, Adoramus te, Sch�tz's Die Sieben Worte Jesu Christi am Kreuz, and Bach's magnificent cantata 182 Himmelskoenig, sei willkommen.  Free.
Sacred Music in a Sacred Space: Organist Scott Dettra in concert - April 23, 4 p.m., Christ and St. Luke's, Norfolk. Virtuosic organist Scott Dettra, formerly Organist at Washington National Cathedral, will dazzle audiences with his formidable technique and stunning musicianship.  Cosponsored by the American Guild of Organists and the Virginia Arts Festival.  Tickets available at the door.
Sacred Music in a Sacred Space: Treble Festival Evensong - April 30, 5:30 p.m., Christ and St. Luke's, Norfolk. The youth choristers from area churches gather together to present a service of Choral Evensong.  Youth Choirs are the future of church music, and our inspirational choristers will lead us in an evening of song within the context of the Anglican tradition.  Participating choirs include Christ and St. Luke's, All Saints Church Richmond, St. Paul's Church Richmond, and others.

High Fiber Festival - May 20, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Hickory Neck, Toano. A festival celebrating the fiber animals, farmers, and artisans of our region. Proceeds and donations benefit local charities. Vendors and exhibitors welcome. Go to for more information.  
Sacred Music in a Sacred Space: Three Choirs Festival for Ascension Day - May 25, 7 p.m., Christ and St. Luke's, Norfolk. The Choirs from St. Paul's, St. Andrew's, and Christ and St. Luke's join forces to present a Three Choirs hymn festival for Ascension Day.  Noted organist and choral director Todd Wilson will lead the Choirs with Brass and Timpani in an evening of inspiration music spanning the centuries.
2017 Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, Spain - June 14-25, 2017, hosted by St. Paul's, Norfolk. Following the Camino Ingles (The English Way) of El Camino de Santiago de Compostela (The Way of St. James), this trek will follow the traditional path taken by pilgrims from England to Santiago. The Camino has been a pilgrimage route for 1,000 years. Our pilgrimage departs Washington on June 14, 2017 and returns June 25, 2017. This is a 110 Kilometer (68.5 Miles) walk in Northern Spain. We will walk between villages, have time of worship, reflection and fellowship. For more information, contact Vicky Koch at
News from the Churches of Southern Virginia is distributed weekly by the
Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia. Submit your news and photos to         Follow us on Facebook, Twitter