CATV Spotlight
February 26, 2016

The Oscars are coming up and that inevitably makes us think about horses.

19th Century photographer, Eadweard Muybridge, holds the lofty position of being the progenitor of film projection. Muybridge was approached to settle an equestrian question of the day - during a horse's trot and gallop, is there a point at which all of the horse's hooves do not touch the ground? After perfecting his method of photographically capturing horse locomotion, Muybridge made copies of his horse photo sequence, but articulated them as silhouettes on a glass disc, which he placed in a machine of his devising - a zoopraxiscope.  This machine using rotating glass discs "could project sequences of rapid movement informed by the camera onto a screen." That was a first.  In stills 2 and 3, Sallie Gardner (that's the horse!) isn't touching the ground.   So when you're settling in with your popcorn to enjoy the 88th Academy Awards, think about old Eadweard and his horse photography and his incredible invention that set it all in motion.

Get Down with this Funky Film Competition

The Premiere for CATV's Music Video Contest is happening soon. Save the date!
7 pm | Saturday, March 11, 2016 | Gates Briggs Opera House

It's free, open to the public, and gonna be a grand ole time.                                 

We're on Instagram

We've jumped on the Instagram train and it's a graphic ride. Follow us and stay updated with all things CATV.  All aboard!                              

It's Coming Back

The White River Indie Festival is on the horizon, May 13th - May 16th, 2016.  It's a great film fest showcasing works recognized for their artistic and social merit.  We love this local gem.  
Stay tuned to WRIF updates here, but also check out their website and Facebook account!
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