Producer Night Success
Let's keep up the momentum!
What a great evening of sharing and generating ideas!
We met new people, watched current productions, and heard from you - about video projects you're eager to make, your desire to collaborate with others, and ideas about how to improve producer connections.  

We're aiming to offer Producer Nights once a month, so if you missed this one stay tuned for the next.  Check out the items below for some highlights of the night.
Your Voice
We heard you. Community members are valuable resources; each of us has skills that can benefit the greater group.  An idea was put forth that CATV offer a producer database or bio page on our website to help facilitate connections and collaborations with others. We'd like to help make this happen - tell us about yourself and we'll get started creating a database.

Your Channel
We presented CATV's monthly video magazine, which showcases short format work produced that month.  It's an opportunity for producers to experiment with new techniques and stories or just share what you've made that month.  Take a look at what "Upper Valley Access" is all about.

Your Community
Let's work together.  We want to make these nights fun and productive. Please complete the survey linked below to help us better serve you.

Would you like to learn more about public access? Take a listen to the recent VPR piece of Central Vermont TV's Steven Pappas talk about public access television and its future. 
Looking for Collaborators
Dave Clark of Yellow House Media is looking for videographers to help film a music event he's coordinating at the Briggs Opera House in White River Junction on Friday, September 11, 2015.  Email him at if you're interested in helping film the event and/or edit the raw footage.