Master Lecture Series
  Saturdays, 1-2 PM @ Photoworks
  October 25 - November 15, 2014 

Master Lecture Series            Frank "Tico" Herrera           

4 Lectures with 4 Master Photographers

Attend 1 or more lectures?  $15 per ticket.
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Attend all four lectures?  $50 for all 4 lectures.
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Four veteran photographers - all award-winning, internationally acclaimed and brimming with experience and stories - will inaugurate Photoworks Master Lecture Series next month at Glen Echo Park. Please join our master photographers as they talk about their work and their passion for the telling image.

Photoworks Master Lecture Series
Saturdays, October 25 - November 15, 2014, 1-2 PM
October 25:  Frank Van Riper:  Photographing in a Foreign Country
November 1:  James Steele:  The Eloquent Black & White Landscape
November 8:  Frank Herrera:  The West Virginia Crosses: My Guggenheim Adventure
November 15:  Karen Keating:  Snapshots of Photo History - Process & Personalities

Ticket Information
Tickets for FULL SERIES (4 Lectures):  $50 - Click SUBSCRIBE button above
Advance Tickets:  $15 per person - Choose lecture below & click BUY NOW
Tickets @ the Door:  $20 per person

Location and Contact Information
All lectures are from 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Frank Van Riper's lecture will be on 2nd Floor, ARCADE BUILDING @ Glen Echo Park.
All other lectures will be held in the Spanish Ballroom ANNEX @ Glen Echo Park.
Photoworks Photography School and Gallery
7300 MacArthur Boulevard
Glen Echo, MD 20812

Lecture 1. Frank Van Riper, Venice

"Photographing in a Foreign Country" 

Saturday, October 25th, 1-2 PM
2nd Floor, Arcade Building @ Glen Echo Park 
Internationally acclaimed photographer, journalist and author Frank Van Riper will kick off PHOTOWORKS Master Lecture series on Saturday, Oct. 25th with a lavishly illustrated talk entitled "Photographing in a Foreign Country."  Frank, who leads photography workshops in Maine, Umbria and Venice with his wife and professional partner Judith Goodman, is the author of five books, including the international bestseller Serenissima: Venice in Winter.  In his talk Frank will combine gorgeous landscape and documentary photography with practical hints on how these photographs were made.  This lecture follows Frank's first Photoworks lecture last Spring, entitled 'See the Light' that drew back-to-back sold out audiences.
To purchase ticket, click on Paypal Link below.


Image by James Steele
Lecture 2.
"The Eloquent Black & White Landscape"

Saturday, November 1st, 1-2 PM
Spanish Ballroom Annex @ Glen Echo Park
Acclaimed landscape photographer James Steele's arresting black and white landscapes have been compared to those of the late masters Ansel Adams and Edward Weston. Working primarily in medium and large format, Steele's "scapes" of land, sea--and the human body--represent the finest in traditional and digital photographic imagery.  Jim has studied with Cole Weston, George Tice, Joyce Tenneson, Christopher James, Carson Graves, and Martha Casanave.  Besides teaching at Photoworks, Jim has taught at the Art League School in Alexandria, as well as at the Smithsonian and VISARTS.  His work can be seen in studio #343 at the Torpedo Factory Arts Center in Old Town.
To purchase ticket, click on Paypal link below.

Lecture 3.
FRANK "TICO" HERRERAImage by Frank Herrera
"The West Virginia Crosses:  My Guggenheim Adventure"

Saturday, November 8th, 1-2 PM
Spanish Ballroom Annex @ Glen Echo Park
The most senior of the speakers in the Photoworks Master Lecture Series, Frank 'Tico' Herrera has been teaching at Glen Echo since Photoworks began more than 40 years ago.  An unsurpassed black and white darkroom printer, in 1985 he was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship to document clusters of Roman crosses that were being erected all over West Virginia by a millionaire businessman as part of a religious mission called "Cast Thy Bread." This effort, as well as Tico's large format, black and white photos, generated both news and controversy. Besides showing "lots of pictures" and telling "lots of stories" during his appearance on November 8, Tico will discuss "the effect(s) on the vernacular landscape by the introduction of dogma-laden symbols and vice-versa."
To purchase ticket, click on Paypal link below.


Image by Karen Keating
Lecture 4.
"Snapshots of Photo History - Process and Personalities"

Saturday, November 15, 1-2 PM
Spanish Ballroom Annex @ Glen Echo Park 
Rounding out the Master Lecture Series on November 15th will be Karen Keating, an acclaimed documentary photographer and author.  Keating, who also is the Director of Photoworks, as well as an award-winning 25-year darkroom photography teacher at Washington's Field School, will present "Snapshots of Photo History--Process & Personalities."  The lecture will cover the highlights of photography's 175 years:  from early processes, to important personalities like 'Father of Photography' Alfred Stieglitz, to Farm Security  Administration (FSA) photographers of the Great Depression, to war photographers from the Civil War to the present. Karen also will discuss the digital revolution in photography as well as the fascinating cross-fertilization that occurs when old and new technologies mix.
To purchase ticket, click on Paypal link below.


Look for "SUBSCRIBE" button at the top of this email
and pay via Paypal.

Photoworks Photography School and Gallery
7300 MacArthur Blvd, Glen Echo, MD

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7300 MacArthur Blvd, Glen Echo, MD