April 18, 2013
| Vol 7, Issue 8
It's hard to believe that it's mid-April already and that our last Winter Market is this Saturday! Thank you to everyone who continued to shop farm-direct all year long. We had a great season and we hope you did too!
In the market this week, you can expect to find even more spring produce, including asparagus! Our knife sharpener, Dragonfly Forge, is back. Sage & Sea Farms will be in the market with drinking vinegars and ProFarm Produce starts their season with pickled and fresh asparagus. This is the last week for Persephone Farm, until their summer season begins in late June. Be sure to stop by and wish them a fruitful Spring!
And soon, May 4th to be exact, we expand again, welcoming back many of your favorite vendors and adding delicious new products to the mix. This season, you can find Japanese curry, locally brewed beer and hard cider, heritage ducks, heirloom vegetable seeds, camolina oil, hand made tortilla chips and more. Starting in May, the market will be open every Saturday at 8am, through October.  The Hollywood Gleaners collects food from farmers after each Hollywood Farmers Market, and distributes this food to low-income seniors in our community through the Hollywood Senior Center. They will be holding their annual volunteer orientation Wednesday, May 1st from 6:30-8pm (location not yet determined, RSVP to find out where the orientation will be). Come find out how you can help the Gleaners and find out about their exciting expansion plans! They are looking for people with program management, marketing, event planning, and fundraising experience, as well as people to come glean with them on Saturday and Sunday. RSVP to gleaners@hollywoodseniorcenter.com! And speaking of volunteering, Hollywood Farmers Market's annual volunteer orientation is a week from Saturday, on April 27th! See the below article for more information.
See you at the market!
Volunteer at the Hollywood Farmers Market!
"Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in."
-- Unknown
Interested in volunteering at the Hollywood Farmers Market this season? Come out to our annual Volunteer Orientation on Saturday, April 27th from 10am to noon, at the Rose City Park Presbyterian Church at 1907 NE 45th Ave (meet at the office door on Sandy Blvd). We'll cover volunteer roles, changes to the 2013 season (including new programs and events), and other information about the market, and do a short "rehearsal" of the market setup and breakdown.
 The Hollywood Farmers Market wouldn't be possible without the help of its volunteers. Every Saturday it takes about 20-25 volunteers to keep the market running smoothly. A few early-riser volunteers show up at 7 am to set up the market's equipment (canopies, umbrellas, tables, chairs, signage) before customers begin arriving. During the market, volunteers answer customers' questions, pass out fliers about upcoming market events, allow vendors working solo to take breaks, do crowd counts, and anything else that comes up during the course of a busy market. Then, at the end of the market, they take all our equipment down and repack our storage space. Volunteers enable our market to function and they make it fun!
If you're interested in learning more about volunteering but can't make it to the orientation, no worries; contact Ari Rosner at 503-803-7279 or send him an email at volunteers@hollywoodfarmersmarket.org and he can schedule you and orient you on market day!
Market Vendors
Here's a list of all the great vendors you'll find at the market this week!
Alderman Family Farm
Alsea Acre Alpines
Deck Family Farm
Deep Roots Farm
Dragonfly Forge
(Knife Sharpening)
Gabriel's Bakery
Gales Meadow Farm
Herr Family Farm
Linda Brand Crab
Mocha Roma
Montiel's Cocina/Micro Mercantes
Nature's Best - Oregon Honey
Nature's Wild Harvest
Olympic Provisions
Pacific NW Kale Chips
Persephone Farm
Peak Forest Fruit
Pine Mountain Ranch ProFarm Sage & Sea Farms
Sun Gold Farm
Sweet Briar Farm
Sweet Leaf Farm
THINK Unique Gardens
Willapa Hills Farmstead Cheese
Lloyd Farmers Market
Looking for another market to buy your midweek groceries?
The Lloyd Farmers Market (managed by HFM) is also running year-round this winter, Tuesdays 10am to 2pm at the Oregon Square Courtyard on NE Holladay Street between NE 7th Ave and NE 9th Ave. Go to www.lloydfarmersmarket.com for more information and to sign up for weekly updates.
Days: Every Saturday, May - Thanksgiving 1st & 3rd Saturdays, December - April
Hours: May - October, 8am - 1pm November - April, 9am - 1pm
Location: NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd). In the Grocery Outlet parking lot!
For more information, check us out online at www.hollywoodfarmersmarket.org.
See you Saturday!
Hollywood Farmers Market