February 28, 2013
| Vol 7, Issue 5
It's almost March which means the first March market is right around the corner on March 2nd! Along with the meat, fish, cheese, bread, fruit and hardy winter vegetables you've enjoyed all winter, this Saturday, you'll find vegetable starts! Believe it or not, now is the time to get your garden going. Check out the article below to learn more about getting an early start to your summer garden.
Last week was the final week for Mt Hood Organic Farm, but Kiyokawa Family Orchards still has a large variety of apples and pears for you to enjoy. We will be without coffee for one more month, so be sure to caffeinated on your way to the market. And check in at the Info Booth to see if Columbia River Salmon, Treaty of 1855, was able to catch enough fish to bring some to market.
Don't forget, we're here, rain or shine,  for the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month, through April. And our SNAP match program, Fresh Funds, also runs year round!
See you at the market!
Starting Your Vegetable Garden From Gales Meadow Farm:
Gales Meadow Farm will have hardy vegetable  starts this week, including lettuce, beets, chard, kale, onions, broccoli, and more. These little vegetable plants were started from seed 6-7 weeks ago. The farm's "hoophouses" provide the plants with shelter, gentle bottom heat, and close to 100% of the available light. They are sturdy because they get all their nutrients from organic potting soil, with no extra nitrogen. They have been outside to harden off for a few days.
They are ready to be transplanted any time, but if your garden isn't ready yet, they can stay in their pots for another two weeks. Keep them outdoors in a bright spot with full or partial sun, and don't forget to water them if it should happen stop raining.
These early hardy vegetables don't need much fertilizer. Some compost and a small amount of a complete organic N-P-K fertilizer dug into your soil will be enough. Naomi's Organic Farm Supply, the Urban Farm Store, and Portland Nursery can supply these.
There are multiple plants in each of the pots. Take the whole soil ball out of the pot, gently free one plant at a time and plant it to about the same depth it was in the pot. Pay attention to spacing; think about how big the mature vegetable will be. There is more specific information on spacing on our website http://galesmeadow.com/plants/planting_tips
As soon as you are done planting, water the bed thoroughly, and water it again in the morning and evening of the day after planting, unless it is raining. Use some slug protection. Pay attention to your plants every day. Don't let the weeds compete with them, and don't let the bed get too dry. You be able to harvest from them in a few weeks.
Small Farmer & Rancher Day |
March 18th, 2013 is Family Farmer & Rancher Day at the State Capitol in Salem!
Mark your calendars for Monday, March 18th and join Friends of Family Farmers at the State Capitol in Salem to support small farmers and ranchers in Oregon.
Bring your voice to the small farm and local food issues that are important to all Oregonians - urban and rural, producers and eaters alike. Let's demonstrate the strength, vibrancy and contributions of our farm and food community to Oregon's economy!Click here to learn more about Friends of Family Farmers, their agenda for the day and their top legislative priorities.
Market Vendors
Here's a list of all the great vendors you'll find at the market this week!
Alsea Acres Alpine
Columbia River Salmon, Treaty of 1855*
Gabriel's Bakery
Gales Meadow Farm
Kiyokawa Family Orchards
La Fountain Herbal
Nature's Wild Harvest
Peak Forest Fruit
Persephone Farm
Pine Mountain Ranch
Sun Gold Farm
Sweet Leaf Farm
*Dependent on product availability
Lloyd Farmers Market
Looking for another market to buy your midweek groceries?
The Lloyd Farmers Market (managed by HFM) is also running year-round this winter, Tuesdays 10am to 2pm at the Oregon Square Courtyard on NE Holladay Street between NE 7th Ave and NE 9th Ave. Go to www.lloydfarmersmarket.com for more information and to sign up for weekly updates.
Days: Every Saturday, May - Thanksgiving 1st & 3rd Saturdays, December - April
Hours: May - October, 8am - 1pm November - April, 9am - 1pm
Location: NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd). In the Grocery Outlet parking lot!
For more information, check us out online at www.hollywoodfarmersmarket.org.
See you Saturday!
Hollywood Farmers Market