Our winter market series continues this Saturday with live music! The Cankickers, an old-timey, upbeat three piece, will play from 10am-12:30pm. They are a touring band that's really fun for the whole family, so let's show them lots of love!
And while you're dancing, you can pick up your weekly groceries! This February, you'll find organic seasonal produce, lots of apples and pears, meats, cheese & seafood (it's crab season!!), pastries & breads, walnuts, dried beans, delicious breakfa st burritos and more! Nourishment won't have coffee at this market, so be sure to stop and grab a mug full on your way to the market. The January markets were the last for Wintergreen until May, but La Fountain Herbal is back with their hand crafted goats' milk soap.
And don't forget, we're here, rain or shine, for the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month. And our EBT match program also runs year round!
See you at the market!