November 15, 2012
| Vol 6, Issue 37
It's time to harvest all your favorite foods at the market this weekend! Not only is it the week before Thanksgiving, but this is the last market for several of our vendors this year. So bring a basket or two and be sure to stock up on goodies like pasta from Classic Foods and wine from Laurel Ridge Winery, who is offering great deals this weekend! And of course, you can get fresh cranberries, turkey, apples, pears, your favorite seasonal vegetables, grains, pickles, jams and even more to complete your Thanksgiving feast! And we'll still have delicious breakfast options, coffee (Mocha Roma is back this week!), your favorite baked goods, farmstead cheeses and more.
Here at HFM, we are feeling very thankful this season. We are thankful for the community that supports us and for all those who make this market possible. We are thankful to be a part of two year-round markets. And we are thankful for all the farmers, chefs and food producers who are a part of this market, rain or shine. Thank you to the Rose City Park Presbyterian Church, Grocery Outlet and New Season Market for your generosity throughout the season! Thank you to all the volunteers who make the market possible, year after year! And thank you to you for supporting this local economy and growing this community each week!
Although this Saturday marks the end of the season for several vendors, many of your favorites will continue to come to the market into the winter. Check out the list to right to see which vendors will be coming to markets on December 1st and 15th. Vendors with an asterisk will be staying into the January/February/March markets as well.
See you at the market!
Recognize these guys? They're the Adam and Eve of our national creation story, symbols of a season and a holiday, served up every Thanksgiving. But wait, aren't those fusty, intolerant, land-grabbing Puritans somewhat problematic as national icons? Sometimes the best way to maintain tradition is to update it, so I visited the Farmers Market to re-encounter and re-imagine our harvest holiday symbols.
First up, that image of plenty, the overflowing cornucopia. The settlers saw America as a land of infinite fertility and abundance - the game, water and land seemed inexhaustible. Now we know that our resources are finite. We appreciate the interconnected systems that must be protected in order for us to eat sustainably. We know that local and sustainable is better than industrial and genetically-modified. I see the new cornucopia as a market basket, overflowing with local goods.
Next, the turkey. The turkey is so associated with Thanksgiving, some refer to it simply as 'Turkey-Day.' Turkey was a game-bird for colonists. It was a factory-bird for most of us growing up. Now it's a personal choice. Many of us enjoy our Thanksgiving feasts with no bird on the table at all. And for those of us who do put a bird on it, the Farmers Market offers poultry that's raised organically and humanely. The new turkey is an honored guest.
The Pilgrims. They're complicated. A very American nuance of their story is that the Pilgrims came to these shores in pursuit of religious freedom, but Puritanism was itself an oppressive religion. (Remember the Salem witch trials?) As a nation, we have grown more sensitive to the dark side of the Pilgrims' story, especially the cost to Native peoples. Looking around the market, I see people of many colors, ages, nationalities and traditions happily selling and shopping. Perhaps the new Pilgrim is an immigrant seeking freedom and opportunity in a land of diversity. Or maybe the new Pilgrim is you, me, all of us. Wandering the overflowing aisles of the market, abundance all around, we get to be the Adams and Eves of whatever's next.
Finally, there's the feast itself. Thanksgiving is a blend of ancient harvest festival, patriotic holiday and clan hootenanny, all of which comes together in a single, central ritual: the family feast. Whether we are in biological, blended, or chosen families, we make our various ways to the Thanksgiving table. There we laugh, love, fight, feast, and further cement our bonds. At the very heart of this event, tied closely to the Farmers Market, is ever and always the food. The new feast has traveled full circle to meet the original feast, a celebration of continuity sustained by the land we live on.
Miriam Garcia is a folklorist-foodie, freelance writer and guardian of a super-secret chicken soup recipe. You can contact her at Miriam_G@me.com.
At the Market
November Hours: 9am-1pm
Music & Entertainment
Buzz Holland Duo
Community Booths
One Tribe Homeschool
Friends of Trees
Winter Markets
December through April
1st & 3rd Saturdays
9 am - 1 pm
December Market Vendors
Vendors with an asterisk will be staying past December, into the January/February/March markets as well.
Alsea Acres Alpine*
Dancing Light Ranch (Dec 15 only)
Deck Family Farm
Delphina's Bakery
Dragonfly Forge
Gabriel's Bakery*
Gales Meadow Farm*
Kiyokawa Family Orchards*
La Fountain Herbal
Linda Brand Crab*
Masala Pop Mickelberry Gardens Micro Mercantes Mocha Roma Mt Hood Organic Farms* Nature's Best Oregon Honey Nature's Wild Harvest* Nourishment* Olympic Provisions Peak Forest Fruit* Persephone Farm* Pine Mountain Ranch* Sage & Sea Farms (Dec 15 only) Sun Gold Farm* Sweet Briar Farm The Boxer Willapa Hills Farmstead Cheese Winter Green Farm
Featured Product
November 17th, 2012
Eagle Organic Cranberries
For a short time each season, Eagle Organic Cranberries bring their delicious cranberries to the market for us to enjoy. These cranberries are dry harvested, (as opposed to bog harvested that is typical for larger cranberry growers), so they stay fresh longer and retain more of their valuable anti-oxidants. Fun fact about cranberries: their color is not an indicator of how ripe they are but rather the level of anti-oxidants in each berry. The darkest cranberries will have the most anti-oxidants. The market staff at Eagle Organic Cranberries comes stocked with delicious recipes and preparation tips, so be sure to ask how to best enjoy these seasonal treats!
Elderberry Honey Tonic
Mickelberry Gardens
Mickelberry Garden's Elderberry Honey Tonic promotes wellness and health for the whole family! It's made in a traditional fashion with elderberries, echinacea, and propolis. Propolis is an anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory bee product and contains many anti-oxidants. Mickelberry Gardens has just joined the Hollywood Farmers Market community and will be in the market through December!
Pickled Salmon
Linda Brand Crab
Are you in charge of the pickle plate (again) this Thanksgiving? Well, now you can wow your family and friends by adding a bit of Linda Brand Crab's house pickled salmon. Cured and then stored in a brine, the wild troll caught Chinook Salmon is finished along side onions to add some complex flavors. This recipe for pickeld fish is very popular in Finland and Norway and a real treat for the holidays.
Pasture Raised Turkeys
Pine Mountain Ranch
Deck Family Farm
Have no fear, the turkeys are here! Pine Mountain Ranch and Deck Family Farm will both have frozen turkeys available at the market this week. If like me, you forgot to reserve yours early, you can breath a sigh of relief. Both farms will have a variety of sizes available but you may want to get to the market early if you need a big guy. Each farm has a unique growing method so be sure to ask what makes them so special (and special they are!).
Days: Every Saturday, May - Thanksgiving 1st & 3rd Saturdays, December - April
Hours: May - October, 8am - 1pm November - April, 9am - 1pm
Location: NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd). In the Grocery Outlet parking lot!
For more information, check us out online at www.hollywoodfarmersmarket.org.
See you Saturday!
Hollywood Farmers Market