

Save Water, Energy, Money and the Environment

Volume 12, Number 8

 August 2016 

Calling Volunteers!
Energy Upgrade CA
Home Upgrade
Sanitation Districts
West Basin
City of Torrance
L.A. Metro
August / September 2016 Events & Workshops
A Worthy Read
Interesting Domestic and International Articles Discussing the Environment, Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation

Upcoming HHW/E-Waste Collection Events


There has never been a better time to help out and be recognized.

Check out our volunteer program and learn how to get involved.   
You can make a huge difference! 

 Visit Our Cities

El Segundo
Hermosa Beach

Manhattan Beach
Palos Verdes Estates
Rancho Palos Verdes
Redondo Beach
Rolling Hills
Rolling Hills Estates

Residents in San Pedro, Harbor City /Harbor Gateway & Wilmington
County Unincorporated Areas in South Bay

SBESC Social Media


Find us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterView our profile on LinkedIn


Don't forget to follow our Partners on social media as well: 


Energy Upgrade California - FacebookTwitter


SoCalGas - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube


Southern California Edison - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube


Los Angeles Department of Water & Power - Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr


Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County - Facebook


West Basin Municipal Water District - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest


L.A. Metro - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube


City of Torrance - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Periscope

Did You Know?

On average, 30-60% of the water Californians consume is used outdoors. 

Message From the Executive Director of SBCCOG

At SBESC, in addition to engaging South Bay residents at outreach events, we also offer valuable volunteering opportunities to those eager to make a difference in their community. Our volunteer base contributes not only community service hours to help deliver our partners' messages to the public, but also to develop programs and undertake research opportunities. We partner with academia to provide our cities with educational and public policy resources, and we are always providing college students with opportunities to use their expertise and get experience in their field of study. Learn how to volunteer with us here
Also, at the height of summer, let us not forget to conserve water both indoors and outdoors. Conserving water does not mean major lifestyle change--shorter showers or turning off the water while you brush your teeth can make a difference. Learn easy ways to conserve water each and every day here

Jacki Bacharach
Energy Upgrade California
Golden Bear BINGO

Energy Upgrade California has introduced a new online BINGO game.  Help California Stay Golden and enter the Golden Bear Bingo Sweepstakes for a chance to win an Energy StarŪ Appliance (valued up to $2,000) and other cool prizes.  For more information, visit and start playing!!  Cover spaces on the digital Game board by answering questions about saving energy and water.  One space will be covered for each correct answer.  When all Board spaces have been covered, you may register to enter the Sweepstakes by completing the required registration fields and click "submit". Sweepstakes end December 24, 2016.
Home Upgrade
Learn to use Statewide Rebates and Get Free Lunch

Tell your employer: Invite The Energy Network to host a free energy efficiency Lunch & Learn at your company. Here is how it works.The Energy Network offers to hold an on-site Lunch & Learn workshop at your company while providing a catered lunch. During the one-hour workshop, a representative from The Energy Network will provide information on how homes use and waste energy, what homeowners can do to prevent energy loss and how they can tap into the statewide rebates to pay for the upgrades.The information provided is applicable to all single-family homeowners in Los Angeles Country.
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Energy-Efficient Appliance Buying Guide
Learn how to choose the right energy-efficient appliances to help you conserve energy and save money. If you're ready to upgrade to a new energy-efficient appliance, you have a lot of great options. SoCalGas has put together a buying guide to help make sure you buy the right one for your specific needs.

Southern California EdisonSCE  
FREE Basic Heating, Ventilating,
& Air Conditioning (HVAC) Seminar: August 26th at SBESC's Office in Torrance
Attend this FREE Basic HVAC seminar and learn:
  • The basics of HVAC systems in both residential and commercial applications
  • Ways to improve the performance of your HVAC systems
  • How to reduce the operating costs without sacrificing comfort

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Refrigerator Exchange Program

The LADWP's Refrigerator Exchange Program provides new energy-saving ENERGY STARŪ rated refrigerators in exchange for qualified older model refrigerators, FREE of charge. 

Travel Pal
"Go Green" and "Go Healthy" to Your Next Event!

Do you belong to a group that meets regularly maybe a bridge or book club? Maybe you belong to a meet-up group that goes on bicycle rides each weekend or once a month or maybe you and your friends are planning a big Labor Day party. Well why not "Go Green" and "Go Healthy"?  By logging in and registering to use "Travel Pal" - the South Bay's new trip planning tool - you will have a fun and easy way to both explore and plan your travel options to the event but also to learn about what each choice means in terms Green House Gas emissions you might save and the calories you might burn.  

Sanitation Districts of LA County
Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
Your Food Waste is Clogging up California's Landfills. Here's How Recycling Could Fix It
Each year, Americans throw out 66 billion pounds of food - organic material wasting away at the bottom of a landfill.
While successful programs recycle tons of aluminum cans, glass, plastic, cardboard, and newspaper and help account for 63 percent of waste diverted from landfills in California, you can't say the same about table scraps. With no widespread re-use and few programs, food waste has emerged as one of the biggest categories of refuse filling up the nation's landfills, making up 18 percent of the trash buried in California landfills, according to state records.

West Basin Municipal Water DWest Basinistrict 
West Basin's New Greywater Workshop Series

As part of its efforts to expand water conservation programs for its communities, West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) has launched its first-ever greywater workshop series. The workshops are designed to educate residents on the safe and legal use of greywater and showcase an innovative technique to reduce residential water use. A total of five classes have been scheduled in the District's service area this summer.

City of Torrance 
City of Torrance
Lending Library
For your summer reading you may wish to know that in 2013, the South Bay Cities Council of Governments and Torrance Public Library entered into an agreement to house a small collection of reference books and resource materials on energy efficiency practices, water conservation, transportation options, climate action planning, and recycling measures that were previously at the South Bay Environmental Services Center and are now at the Katy Geissert Civic Center Library.The purpose was to give the public better access and thereby create a deeper appreciation and understanding of environmental issues, programs and available services.The agreement has recently been extended for another three years. Enjoy!
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L.A. Metro
Metro's BIF Business Advisors are Here to Help!
Metro launched its first ever pilot Business Interruption Fund (BIF) in spring of 2015. The BIF is focused on providing financial assistance to "mom and pop" businesses directly impacted by transit rail construction along the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project, the Little Tokyo area and 2nd/Broadway segment of the Regional Connector and the Purple Line Extension, Phase 1. Metro contracted with Pacific Coast Regional Small Business Development Corporation (PCR) to serve as the BIF fund administrator. Serving as the fund administrator, PCR brings over 30 years experience supporting small business communities throughout Los Angeles County. In collaboration with Metro; the dedicated team of business professionals has been instrumental to Metro awarding over 200 grants to small "mom and pop" businesses in a total amount exceeding $3.7 million.

Also, learn about other Metro programs such as Vanpool and ExpressLanes.

August & September 2016 Events & Workshops 
Click Here to See Upcoming Workshops & Events