A Worthy Read
Interesting Domestic and International Articles Discussing the Environment, Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation
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To read the South Bay Cities Council of Governments' latest edition of its newsletter,
Where Does Your City Rank in the
SCE Energy Leader Partnership Program?
Platinum Tier
20% Energy Reduction
City of Lawndale
City of Lomita
City of Manhattan Beach
Gold Tier
10% Energy Reduction
City of El Segundo
City of Hawthorne
City of Inglewood
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Silver Tier
5% Energy Reduction
City of Carson
City of Hermosa Beach
City of Redondo Beach
City of Torrance
Valued Level
City of Gardena
City of Palos Verdes Estates
City of Rolling Hills
City of Rolling Hills Estates
Did You Know?
Lumens measure how much light is emitted from a bulb. More means brighter. So when buying bulbs, think lumens, not watts.
Message From the Executive Director of SBCCOG
We are in the middle of a very busy month at the South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG). The fourth Friday in February is always our General Assembly - our major conference of the year. Each year we feature a different topic and on February 27 from 8:45 am to 2:30 pm, we will focus on "A View From the Front Porch: Neighborhoods in the South Bay." The conference will include speakers discussing what makes a good neighborhood, what is our vision for the neighborhood of the future and what some of the challenges are that cities will face to realize their vision.
The General Assembly is free thanks to our many sponsors whose names you can find when you register for the event at www.southbaycities.org. Registration is required so we know how many people to plan for.
This year, we also want to start the conversation on our topic before the event. That is why we are encouraging your comments on our topic now. We want to know what you like about your neighborhood and what defines a neighborhood to you. Please post your comments on the event's Facebook page to help us get this dialogue going and let us make this upcoming General Assembly the most interactive experience yet! It's also a great opportunity to network with others throughout the South Bay. And there are city and sponsor exhibits to view.
I hope you will consider joining us. All you have to do is RSVP here.
South Bay Elected Officials Serving on Regional Bodies
The SBBCOG wants to acknowledge the recent success of our South Bay elected officials in serving on regional bodies: - Inglewood Mayor James Butts was elected to represent the Southwest Sector on the Metro Board
- Torrance Mayor Pat Furey was elected to Chair of the City Selection Committee which is the body that makes appointments to regional agency boards
- Manhattan Beach Councilmember David Lesser was elected to the Library Commission representing Supervisorial District #4
- Rolling Hills Estates Councilmember Judy Mitchell was re-elected as an alternate to LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission)
You can see all of the positions on the Los Angeles County City Selection Committee webpage here. Return to Top |
Southern California Gas Company
Gas Heating
Heating is the number one energy expense for most customers. In fact, heating can account for more than half of your total gas bill. Switching to a natural gas furnace or upgrading to a more energy-efficient model can help save you money. Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas�) provides weatherization and furnace repair/replacement to qualified limited-income customers.
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Southern California Edison
State Commission Ruling Allows Electric Utilities to Invest in Electric Car Charging
Over the next few years, electric car drivers in California should find it easier to recharge their batteries while they're away from home, thanks to a recent decision by the state to allow utilities such as Southern California Edison (SCE) to invest in electric vehicle charging.
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L.A. Metro
FAQ: Do I need to own a van to start a Metro Vanpool?
No. In fact, Metro Vanpool Program vehicles must be leased through Metro's partner vanpool leasing agencies. These companies lease commuter vanpools on a month-to-month basis, and the lease includes insurance and maintenance.
More FAQs
FAQ: How will the Metro ExpressLanes toll revenues be used?
Gross toll revenues will first be used to cover the costs to operate and maintain the Metro ExpressLanes. Per State law, net toll revenues must be reinvested in the corridor where generated in transit and/or carpool lane improvements (i.e., net tolls generated on I-10 must be used on improvement projects on/near I-10).
More FAQs
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Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
REMINDER: Palos Verdes Recycle Center to Close
Due to significant unavoidable rising costs and the availability of alternate facilities and programs, the Palos Verdes Recycle Center (PVRC) will close permanently on March 31, 2015. Operating losses and the cost of site improvements required by new state regulations make the continued operation of the PVRC infeasible. A public information meeting to learn about other recycling centers in the area will be conducted in the Frances Young Hall at the South Coast Botanic Garden at 6:30 p.m. on February 17. The address is 26300 Crenshaw Boulevard, Palos Verdes Peninsula, 90274.
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West Basin Municipal Water D istrict
"Water is Life" Art Contest 2015
Students in grades 3rd-12th attending eligible public and private schools in West Basin's service area are encouraged to participate in the "Water is Life" Student Art Contest. This contest will inspire students to learn about our precious and limited water resources while thinking of creative ways to promote water awareness and conservation.
City of Torrance
Torrance Transit System's 75th Anniversary
The Torrance Transit System, a municipally operated transit system in the South Bay, celebrated its 75th Anniversary on January 28, 2015. Torrance Transit marked the occasion with a special event at the Torrance Cultural Arts Center in the Toyota Meeting Hall. From very humble beginnings and just three buses in its fleet, Torrance Transit has grown into a regional presence with 63 buses, 11 routes and more than 4 million passenger boardings each year.
Staff Spotlight
Jenny Rivera - Office Assistant
Jenny is a Southern California native who moved away 10 years ago and worked with the State of Kansas in Human Services as an Eligibility Case Manager. She is now back in So Cal for good, with a passion for helping needy families and working with communities to provide additional resources to strengthen families. Her current goal is to learn more about helping the environment while joining forces with those already practicing preservation of natural resources.
We look forward to Jenny's contributions and welcome her to the team!
Legislation Corner
Jerry Brown 'Not Ready' for Mandatory Water Restrictions in Drought
Gov. Jerry Brown said on February 6th that he remains reluctant to impose mandatory water restrictions on Californians, saying the state is doing "pretty well" conserving water voluntarily as it enters a fourth year of drought. Brown's remarks came as U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell announced additional funding for drought relief projects in the West, including about $29 million for California's Central Valley Project.
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Cities in the News
GTrans Remakes Gardena's Municipal Bus Lines into a Flashier, Modern Fleet
Gardena Municipal Bus Lines is freshening up the look of its fleet in a new marketing campaign designed to boost ridership. Soon, the 1970s-style white city buses with their characteristic green-and-yellow stripe will no longer be seen crisscrossing the South Bay and into downtown Los Angeles.
Instead, the 65-bus fleet is being repainted with big splashes of emerald green and a giant, assertive "G." GTrans is the rebranded name of the modernized bus system.
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Volunteer Recap
Vibha Joshi Talks About West Basin's Rain Barrel Program
I was able to help out at the first giveaway for the Rain Barrel Program at J. Serra High School in Gardena on January 10th 2015. It turned out to be a busy day as there was a good mix of volunteers from Serra High School and South Bay Environmental Services Center filling out registration forms and loading rain barrels into local residents' vehicles. All available rain barrels were given away to South Bay residents. It even rained, so I enjoyed interacting with participants and volunteers alike, eager to put these rain barrels into action.
Rain barrels are useful water conservation tools. West Basin staff, Gus Meza gave me insight into their benefits, "collecting and reusing rainwater reduces the amount of water flowing into storm drains, local waterways, and ensures that every drop of water is being used efficiently."
Each barrel is 55 gallons in capacity, 24 inches in diameter and 40 inches tall. They come in black or Terra-Cotta. If you are interested in getting one, call (310) 371-4633 to register for the next event.
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February 2015 Events & Workshops
Click Here to See a List of Upcoming Workshops & Events