

Save Water, Energy, Money and the Environment

Volume 10, Number 10

 October 2014 

Calling Volunteers!
California Public Utilities Commission
L.A. Metro
Sanitation Districts
West Basin
City of Torrance
Staff Spotlight
Legislation Corner
Cities in the News
Holiday Light Exchange 2014
October 2014 Events & Workshops
A Worthy Read
Interesting Domestic and International Articles Discussing the Environment, Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation

Mayor Eric Garcetti Announces New Water Use Restrictions for Los Angeles 


LED There Be Light: 3 Share Nobel for Blue Diode


California Leads on Climate Change, Says 50-State Tool


Environmental Sustainability at Los Angeles Air Force Base


Energy Star's "Home Energy Yardstick"


Avoid the Energy Efficiency Sleeping Pill


October Begins Water Year with Prospect of Tighter Restrictions 


A-Z Food Storage Tips


Upcoming HHW/E-Waste Collection Events


There has never been a better time to help out and be recognized.

Check out our volunteer program and learn how to get involved.   
You can make a huge difference! 

 Visit Our Cities

El Segundo
Hermosa Beach

Manhattan Beach
Palos Verdes Estates
Rancho Palos Verdes
Redondo Beach
Rolling Hills
Rolling Hills Estates

SCE Customers in
San Pedro, Harbor City
 / Harbor Gateway & Wilmington

County Unincorporated Areas in South Bay 



Southern California Gas Company  


Southern California Edison


West Basin Municipal Water District  


 En Espaņol


Southern California Gas Company

Southern California Edison


Sanitation Districts of LA County

Metro - "El Pasajero"




Find us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterView our profile on LinkedIn 

To read the South Bay Cities Council of Governments' latest edition of its newsletter, 
South Bay Watch,
click here

Where Does Your City Rank in the 

SCE Energy Leader Partnership Program?


Platinum Tier
20% Energy Reduction 
City of Lawndale
City of Lomita
City of Manhattan Beach


Gold Tier
10% Energy Reduction 
City of El Segundo
City of Hawthorne
City of Inglewood

City of Rancho Palos Verdes


Silver Tier
5% Energy Reduction 
City of Carson
City of Hermosa Beach
City of Redondo Beach
City of Torrance 
Valued Level
City of Gardena
City of Palos Verdes Estates
City of Rolling Hills
City of Rolling Hills Estates

Did You Know?

A plastic bag on average is used for 5 minutes, yet it can take 1000 years to break down. 

Message From the Executive Director of SBCCOG


October is not only the month that we celebrate Halloween - the year's spookiest holiday, but also it is "Energy Action Month". This is a great time to combine the two and stress the importance of energy efficiency with your whole family. From having your children use LED flashlights when trick-or-treating or not being wasteful when purchasing candy to looking through your wardrobe to see what you already have that can contribute towards a costume, there are many ways you can contribute to a sustainable Halloween this year.


And, be sure to check out our "A Worthy Read" column, with articles addressing LED technology's Nobel Prize honors and how California is leading the country in climate change preparation. Also, read the articles below to catch up on what our partners are offering during Energy Action Month.


Jacki Bacharach


California Public Utilities Commission
Look for a Climate Credit from the State of California on Your October Utility Bill

This month your electricity bill will include a credit identified as the "California Climate Credit." Twice a year, in April and October,* your household and millions of others throughout the state will receive this credit on your electricity bills. 

*Billing periods vary by utility and may not always coincide with a calendar month. If you don't see a Climate Credit in the bill that arrives in October, it will appear in the bill you receive in November.

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Southern California Gas CompanyThe Gas Company

Seminar Schedule: Sustainability, HVAC and Industrial


SoCal Gas has released its fourth quarter seminar schedule. Covering an array of topics, see what is offered here


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Southern California EdisonSCE  

INFOGRAPHIC: Saving Electricity in Your Home


(Click below to see enlarged graphic.) 



Visit the "Home Energy Guide" for more tips


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L.A. Metro
Building Interest to Start a Vanpool Serving My Area


If you don't already know of at least five people who share a similar commute to yours and are interested in vanpooling, go to our on-line matching service and register here for a list of people who live and work near you and have a similar schedule. If there are 10 or more "matches," you may have a good pool of people to start a vanpool. Also, you may want to ask the Human Resources Representative or Employee Transportation Coordinator at your company for a zip code list of co-workers who may live in your area, or along your route to work. In addition, our partner vanpool leasing agencies can help you find riders.

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For help with starting a vanpool, give SBESC a call (310) 371-7222.


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Sanitation Districts of LA County

Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County

Bixby Marshland Open for Tours First Saturday of Every Month


The Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County restored the 17-acre Bixby Marshland on its treatment plant property near the intersection of Figueroa and Sepulveda in the City of Carson. This marshland is a unique habitat located in an urban setting.  The Marshland is open for free tours on the first Saturday of every month from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Group tours are scheduled by appointment. For more information, or to set up a tour, contact Sanitation Districts at (562) 908-4288, ext. 2301. 

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West Basin Municipal Water DWest Basinistrict 
West Basin Receives Half a Million Dollars for Saving Energy and Water at Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility


West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) was awarded $538,530 by Southern California Edison for implementing energy-efficient improvements during its most recent expansion of the Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility. With its latest expansion, the facility has increased the production of recycled water to potentially produce 62 million gallons of water every day, at full capacity.

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*Don't forget about Water Harvest this month: 

Saturday, October 25th

10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.


City of Torrance 
City of Torrance

Save Water, Save Money with Turf Rebates


Did you know that approximately 40 to 50 percent of the average single family water use in Torrance is for lawn irrigation? With the current drought situation at a critical level, it is more important than ever to conserve. To reduce water use, Torrance has partnered the Metropolitan Water District in a Turf Replacement Program to replace grass with plants that are more water-wise. To obtain the Turf Replacement Rebate, applications must be submitted and approved prior to the work being done. Get more tips on water conservation, and find out more about this program and other rebates...
Staff Spotlight 
Terrina Hall 


Terrina joins the SBCCOG team with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications from California State University, Dominguez Hills. She enjoys film and video editing in her spare time and looks forward to working at the Center, assisting with various tasks around the office as well as staff projects. We welcome Terrina to our team


Legislation Corner 

Drought Spurs Historic Laws to Limit California Groundwater Extraction

In the final hours of a two-year legislative session, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a package of bills on September 16 which are designed to regulate groundwater extraction for the first time in the state's 164-year history.

Cities in the News 
Contractor Drills into Inglewood Gas Line - SoCal Gas Reminds Residents to Call 811 before Drilling


A contractor drilled into an underground natural gas line in Inglewood on October 9th, but no one was hurt. The problem was reported about 10:45 a.m. in the 11000 block of Van Ness Avenue, said Javier Mendoza of the Southern California Gas Co.


A contractor drilled through the gas line, causing the leak, Mendoza said. He urged people to call 8-1-1 before digging at construction sites or in their yards, so SoCal Gas can provide them with the locations of underground lines: "the safety of our customers, employees and the communities we serve is the highest priority at SoCalGas."


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Holiday Light Exchange 2014
November 13th & 14th
9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Trade one working string of old, electricity-guzzling incandescent holiday lights, for one new, energy efficient LED.

Quantities are limited. Trade-ins are first come, first served, while supplies last and limited to one box per household.

Participants must be a South Bay SCE or DWP customer & must bring a utility bill or driver's license for verification.

See Flyer for Disclaimer & Details of Event 


We would like to thank our sponsors for making this year's exchange possible: 


$1,000 Sponsor: 




$500 Sponsor:







$250 Sponsor:


AEG Energy Services

Continental Development Corporation 

CREE LED Lighting

GSE Solutions

Susan Jones 3 Leaf Realty


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October 2014 Events & Workshops 
Click Here to See a List of Upcoming Workshops & Events