

Save Water, Energy, Money and the Environment

Volume 10, Number 6

June 2014 

Calling Volunteers!
L.A. Metro
Sanitation Districts
West Basin
City of Torrance
Legislation Corner
Cities in the News
June 2014 Events & Workshops
A Worthy Read
Interesting Domestic and International Articles Discussing the Environment, Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation


Upcoming HHW/E-Waste Collection Events


There has never been a better time to help out and be recognized.

Complete our volunteer application.   
You can make a huge difference! 

 Visit Our Cities

El Segundo
Hermosa Beach

Manhattan Beach
Palos Verdes Estates
Rancho Palos Verdes
Redondo Beach
Rolling Hills
Rolling Hills Estates

SCE Customers in
San Pedro, Harbor City
 / Harbor Gateway & Wilmington

County Unincorporated Areas in South Bay 



Southern California Gas Company  


Southern California Edison


West Basin Municipal Water District  


 En Espaņol


Southern California Gas Company

Southern California Edison


Sanitation Districts of LA County

Metro - "El Pasajero"




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To read the South Bay Cities Council of Governments' latest edition of its newsletter, 
South Bay Watch,
click here

Where Does Your City Rank in the 

SCE Energy Leader Partnership Program?


Platinum Tier
20% Energy Reduction 
City of Lawndale
City of Lomita
City of Manhattan Beach


Gold Tier
10% Energy Reduction 
City of El Segundo
City of Hawthorne
City of Inglewood

City of Rancho Palos Verdes


Silver Tier
5% Energy Reduction 
City of Carson
City of Hermosa Beach
City of Redondo Beach
City of Torrance 
Valued Level
City of Gardena
City of Palos Verdes Estates
City of Rolling Hills
City of Rolling Hills Estates

Did You Know?

"It's a well-known fact that energy efficient homes save their owners money but now a new study shows that they're also better mortgage investments."

Message From the Executive Director of SBCCOG


Consider what outdoor activities you can do while beating the heat (i.e. seeking shade at your local park or getting wet at the pool or beach). Also check out local community events like the Carson Citizens Cultural Arts Foundation's "Annual Juneteenth Celebration" on June 14th or the "Lennox Family Festival" on June 21st where we will be handing out informational materials to assist you in staying cool while saving money. If you must be inside, instead of using air conditioning during peak hours at your residence, seek refuge at public establishments such as your local library.


With temperatures escalating this summer, the threat of blackouts and water shortages become more probable. Take time to read over Southern California Edison's Time-of-Use (TOU) rates which aim to place less stress on the grid during peak hours and look over West Basin Municipal Water District's "conservation tips" to see how you can cut back on water as drought conditions continue to impact available resources.


And one last tip - make sure to enjoy our great summer in this very special place that we call the South Bay!


Jacki Bacharach


Southern California EdisonSCE  

How Time-Of-Use Rates Work for Businesses


Time-Of-Use (TOU) is part of a statewide initiative designed to keep the electric grid reliable so everyone will have power when they need it. 


Unlike flat rates, TOU rates vary by the time of day the energy is used. With these new rates, your bill will be affected by both when you use electricity and how much you use. The majority of business customers have already transitioned to TOU rates, and the remainder will transition by January 1, 2015.

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Southern California Gas CompanyThe Gas Company

Middle Income Direct Install Program (MIDI)


Energy Upgrade California™ Middle Income Direct Install (MIDI) Program is a no-cost program targeted to customers whose income just exceeds the upper threshold for qualification in the Energy Savings Assistance Program.


Through MIDI, qualified customers can receive home improvements at no cost that may increase their home's comfort, improve indoor air quality and help conserve energy which could lead to lower utility bills. The program also helps reduce the amount of money a property owner needs to invest in order to participate in the single-family or multifamily home upgrade programs.

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Bill Assistance for Residential Customers


As of June 1st, income guidelines have changed for the state-sponsored California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) and Energy Savings Assistance Programs. 

"SoCalGas is committed to enrolling as many of our eligible customers as possible into our assistance programs," said Rodger Schwecke, Vice President of Customer Solutions for SoCalGas.

See if You Qualify


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L.A. Metro
What is a Vanpool?


With gas prices rising, traffic congestion increasing, and energy resources dwindling, smart long-distance commuters are seizing the opportunity to turn an often costly and frustrating daily commute into a more pleasant experience. It's called vanpooling.


Vanpools are similar to carpools, except they generally involve more people. A vanpool is a group of 5 to 15 people who regularly travel together to work 30 miles or more (roundtrip) in a comfortable van at least 13 days out of the month. Typically, riders pay a monthly fare and maintenance fee, while drivers ride at a discounted rate in exchange for driving and maintaining the van.


Vanpoolers can shave an average of 20 minutes off of their commute time by using carpool lanes, and lower the stress and expense of driving alone. And now, with the Metro Vanpool Program, new and existing vanpools will save even more money. Get in. For more information about starting a vanpool, please contact the SBESC, 310-371-7222.

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Sanitation Districts of LA County

Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County

No Drugs Down the Drain


As our partners at the Sanitation Districts
of LA County will tell you, once it was
common practice to flush medications (also known as
pharmaceuticals) down the toilet. Your doctor or
pharmacist may have even directed you to do this. We
know now that these substances are bad for our
environment - the ground, water, and air around us. 

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West Basin Municipal Water DWest Basinistrict 
Conservation Tips
Conserving water doesn't have to mean a major lifestyle change. It can be as simple as taking a shorter shower or turning off the water while you brush your teeth. Learn more easy ways to conserve 20 gallons a day. 
Board of Directors: Notice of Vacancy


West Basin has a vacancy on its Board of Directors. The Board will be accepting letters of interest and resumes for candidates to fill the vacancy. Those wishing to apply to be considered for appointment to the Board, click here for instructions. Resumes must be received by 5:00p.m. close of business on June 18, 2014.


City of Torrance 
City of Torrance

Free New App: "Torrance Graffiti" 


The City of Torrance is committed to maintaining a graffiti free community, and therefore residents and business owners can call the City's graffiti hotline at 310-781-7149 to report incidents of graffiti. Graffiti that is reported to the City is removed within 24 hours at no cost to the property owner. General Services would also like to announce the availability of a FREE smart phone app for reporting graffiti in Torrance. The free app, named "Torrance Graffiti" is available for the iPhone on the Itunes App Store and on Android devices through the Google Play App Store.

Legislation Corner 

California School District Hires Energy Consultant for Prop. 39 Upgrades
Approved by the voters in California in November 2012, Proposition 39 closed a corporate tax loophole to generate billions in revenue over a five-year period. Half the money collected - an estimated $550 million annually - will go to the California Clean Energy Jobs Act, which is a program created to fund K-12 school and community college energy efficiency projects. The recently signed Senate Bill 73 spells out the details of how the grant funds will be allocated to California's K-12 schools and community colleges, and it includes a number of requirements to ensure Proposition 39 funds deliver the expected energy efficiency and cost savings.

EPA Unveils New Proposal Targeting Greenhouse Gases

New federal regulations announced June 2nd aim to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants by 30 percent by 2030.

The draft proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency has sparked opposition from industry groups who say the changes would be prohibitively expensive. But the proposal's backers say the rules are needed to cut carbon pollution that scientists say contributes to climate change.

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South Bay in the News 
San Pedro Receives State Grant to Add More Green Space to Port Town


Deemed generally to be "over-paved and over-asphalted," San Pedro has received a $250,000 state grant to create a greening plan for the port town.


Funding, provided by urban greening grants from 2006's Proposition 84, will be used to come up with a "waterfront-to-hills" plan that will bring elements such as green "nodes," pocket parks, trails and more trees and landscaping throughout the port community.

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Car2go Car-Sharing Service Arrives in South Bay 


A new car-sharing service has pulled into the South Bay as cities try to encourage residents to embrace public transportation while acknowledging that the car is still king in Southern California.


As of Friday, June 6th, drivers can sign up for pay-per-ride access to a fleet of Smart cars that will be parked on public streets and available to rent for $15 an hour or $85 per day.

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June 2014 Events & Workshops 
Click Here to See a List of Upcoming Workshops & Events