

Save Water, Energy, Money and the Environment

Volume 10, Number 4

 April 2014 

Calling Volunteers!
April 2014 Events & Workshops
Energy Manager Today: New Appliance Efficiency Standards
L.A. Metro
What is the California Climate Credit?
Sanitation Districts
West Basin
City of Torrance
Tax Corner
South Coast AQMD
A Worthy Read
Interesting Domestic and International Articles Discussing the Environment, Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation


Upcoming HHW/E-Waste Collection Events


There has never been a better time to help out and be recognized.

Complete our volunteer application and submit it by email or mail.   
You can make a huge difference! 

 Visit Our Cities

El Segundo
Hermosa Beach

Manhattan Beach
Palos Verdes Estates
Rancho Palos Verdes
Redondo Beach
Rolling Hills
Rolling Hills Estates

SCE Customers in
San Pedro, Harbor City
 / Harbor Gateway & Wilmington

County Unincorporated Areas in South Bay 



Southern California Gas Company  


Southern California Edison


West Basin Municipal Water District  


 En Espaņol


Southern California Gas Company

Southern California Edison


Sanitation Districts of LA County

Metro - "El Pasajero"




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To read the South Bay Cities Council of Governments' latest edition of its newsletter, 
South Bay Watch,
click here

Where Does Your City Rank in the 

SCE Energy Leader Partnership Program?


Platinum Tier
20% Energy Reduction 
City of Lawndale
City of Lomita
City of Manhattan Beach


Gold Tier
10% Energy Reduction 
City of El Segundo
City of Hawthorne
City of Inglewood

City of Rancho Palos Verdes


Silver Tier
5% Energy Reduction 
City of Carson
City of Hermosa Beach
City of Redondo Beach
City of Torrance 
Valued Level
City of Gardena
City of Palos Verdes Estates
City of Rolling Hills
City of Rolling Hills Estates

Did You Know?

Product shipments were valued at $7.6 billion of recycled paperboard in 2011. This is up from $7.2 billion in 2010.

- U.S. Census Bureau

Message From the Executive Director of SBCCOG


It may be hard to imagine that before 1970, a factory could spew black clouds of toxic emissions into the air or dump tons of toxic waste into a nearby stream, and that was perfectly legal. They could not be taken to court to stop it. How was that possible? Because there was no Environmental Protection Agency, no Clean Air Act, no Clean Water Act. There were no legal or regulatory mechanisms to protect our environment.


In spring 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day as a way to force this issue onto the national agenda. Twenty million Americans demonstrated in different U.S. cities, and it worked! In December 1970, Congress authorized the creation of a new federal agency to tackle environmental issues, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


Even though April 22nd is Earth Day this year, we celebrate the preservation and betterment of our environment all month-long. And for us, April is arguably the busiest time of the year. Look out for us at your community's Earth Month celebration and visit our table to see the latest rebates, incentives and ways to save water, energy and money. There is so much that you can do to impact our planet and there has never been a better time to act! And if each of us does our part, we can make every day Earth Day!

Jacki Bacharach


April 2014 Events & Workshops 
Click Here to See a List of Upcoming Workshops & Events

Southern California Gas CompanyThe Gas Company

13th Annual Municipal Green Building Conference and Expo - April 24, 2014


The Municipal Green Building Conference and Expo is Southern California's longest-running and largest sustainability and green building event focusing on the unique needs and concerns of municipalities.


Hosted annually by the Los Angeles and Orange County chapters of the U.S. Green Building Council and Southern California Gas Company, this event brings together thought-leaders in the industry with local government agencies, municipal policy makers, policy implementers, leading architects, and building industry professionals to further the development of a sustainable and energy efficient future for Southern California.


More than 20 educational sessions will feature strategies and best practices for success with the changes surrounding the new Title 24 Regulations, new CALGreen code, LEED v4, and CHPS National Core Criteria update.

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Southern California EdisonSCE  

Enjoy the Rewards of Recycling


Get $50 by simply recycling your old, working refrigerator or freezer. SCE will:

  • Haul away your old, working refrigerator or freezer for free
  • Dismantle the appliance in an environmentally safe manner. Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) refrigerants, mercury, polyurethane foam insulation with CFC 11, glass, and oil are removed before recycling metals and plastics

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Attention Faith Based Business Entities: SCE Free Direct Install is Here in the South Bay


Today's economy is especially challenging for small faith based business entities.  The South Bay Cities Council of Governments through their South Bay Environmental Services Center has teamed up with Southern California Edison to provide FREE equipment to your small qualifying faith based business entity that will reduce your energy use, carbon footprint and energy bill.  Read on for more information on how you can take advantage of this program.


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Energy Manager Today
California Marches to Beat of Own Drummer with New Appliance Efficiency Standards

The California Energy Commission will establish efficiency standards for 15 product categories including lighting, consumer electronics, and water-using products, resulting in $2 billion in energy bill savings, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).


The commission's next step is to publish draft standards and hold stakeholder workshops on all the products before finalizing the standards.


While more stringent efficiency standards would save energy, they will require manufacturers to comply with more than one set of standards.

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L.A. Metro
Compare Driving Cost to Vanpool Costs


Calculate your average monthly cost of driving your car vs. vanpooling to work in four easy steps. Metro's Commute Cost Calculator does the math... plug-in your numbers below and compare - Metro vanpools can save you hundreds of dollars over the cost of driving alone. 

Calculate Here

Metro Experiments With Capturing Wind Energy from Passing Trains in Subway Tunnels


A March 31st report summarized an intriguing experiment conducted in the Red Line subway tunnel from August through September 2013. Metro installed a unique 10-foot multi-blade mass airflow collection equipment (MACE) in the Red Line tunnel between the North Hollywood and Universal City stations, a segment of the tunnel that sees trains reaching speeds of up to 70 mph. Each time a train left the station, the MACE fan blades would start spinning, thus capturing energy for up to a minute before and up to two minutes after the train passed by.


The amount of electricity produced by these train initiated events was nearly double the amount that had originally been anticipated; the MACE generated an average of 77.7 kilowatt hours (kWh) per day. It is projected that the 10-foot MACE section could generate more than 28,000 kWh per year - enough to power about 12 homes in California for one year, or turn out approximately $6,000 per year in electrical production. In addition, a single 10-foot MACE unit could potentially help Metro avoid using electricity that would have generated more than 17 tons of CO2 emissions annually if created from natural gas, or more than 30 tons of CO2 emissions annually if created by a coal-powered plant.


Due to the regularity of the speed and schedule of Metro trains, the power generated is far more reliable than above-ground wind and solar power, and the electrical power generated can be used in various ways. It can be stored within the subway electrical system for use to avoid power spikes in usage during flex alerts or high demand periods. In AC format, the power could also be stored and used to provide power for electric vehicle charging stations, station and tunnel lights, escalators and more. And because the project is entirely underground, no CEQA environmental clearance process was required.


Since the end of the pilot program, Metro staff has been analyzing the data captured. Over the next year, Metro staff will follow up with a report evaluating the best use of MACE generated power and the feasibility of installing MACE into existing and new rail line tunnels
Metro's Story Here


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What is the California Climate Credit?
Savings on Electricity Bills & More

Millions of Californians will see savings on their electricity bill, in April and October for residential customers and monthly for small businesses, from a state program to fight climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


The Climate Credit is designed to help all of us in California fight climate change and clean the air. You don't need to do anything to get the credit, but if you want to join California's efforts to tackle climate change, there's a lot you can do.

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Sanitation Districts of LA County

Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County

Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Sewer Service Charge Rate Increase in Joint Outfall System Districts


Sewer service charge rates in the Joint Outfall System (JOS) have always been kept at a minimum, especially during years of tough economic conditions. However, as costs continue to rise due to inflation and regulatory requirements imposed by state and federal authorities, the JOS Districts are now proposing a service charge rate increase.

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Bixby Marshland


The Bixby Marshland is a 17-acre marsh located to the northwest of the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant (JWPCP) in Carson. The Bixby Marshland is a remnant of a formerly extensive, natural-freshwater wetland known as the Bixby Slough. But over the years, most of the Bixby Slough was destroyed due to development. To restore the Bixby Marshland, the site was populated with a large number of native plants and re-graded to improve the flow of water. A pump was installed to lift storm water and urban runoff from Wilmington Drain into the marshland. After going through the marshland, the water exits back into the Wilmington Drain. Through this restoration effort, the site has been rejuvenated, renewing the marshland's health and increasing its value to wildlife.


The marshland is open on the first Saturday of the month from 8am-12pm. Docents are onsite to provide tours to those interested or self-guided tours are also available. Tours for groups may also be scheduled by appointment. To schedule a tour, please call 562-908-4288, ext 2301.


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West Basin Municipal Water DWest Basinistrict 
FREE High-Efficiency Toilet Exchange in Hawthorne - Saturday, April 26th, 2014


Save up to 36 gallons per day with drought-tested, water approved high-efficiency toilet. Pre-registration is required, so please call (866) 861-0784.
City of Torrance 
City of Torrance

YouTube Channel


Support CitiCABLE and Subscribe to the City's YouTube Channel! The City is already at 332 Subscribers and is constantly growing!  Tell your friends and family and get the word out! 

Tax Corner 

Did You Use Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency Last Year?

Tax day is approaching quickly, and if you took advantage of the Extended Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency by December 21, 2013, you can submit a 5695 form to receive your 2013 tax credits. If you made qualifying energy-efficient home upgrades last year, don't forget to finish out the process and receive your tax credit.


For the full list of products that may have applied to this expiring tax credit, read on. If you purchased certain energy-efficient products during 2012 or 2013, you could be eligible to receive a tax credit for 10% of the cost up to $500, or a specific amount from $50-$300 for the six following product categories.

South Coast AQMD 
Electric Lawn Mover Exchange Program


Save some green by trading in your old, operable gas-powered lawn mower, replace it with a high-performance electric mower and score up to 75 percent in savings! 


Choose from two brands and five models Mowers are cordless, lighter for easier operation and more than 50 percent quieter than a traditional gas-powered mower. Pre-registration is required and starts Wednesday, April 16, 2014.

Program Dates & Locations Here 


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