New York Section AWWA Announces
Launch of Redesigned Website
The redesign includes technological and aesthetic enhancements which provide improved navigation, better organization of content that also incorporates SEO, and utilize current web technologies. 
The Section intends for the new design to better meet the needs of its members and visitors by making the site more functional, intuitive, and appealing for site visitors. In addition, the site has been updated to feature the new Section logo and branding elements.
*For best optimum viewing use web browsers Google Chrome and IE 11.
Congratulations 2014 Award Recipients 
Picture left: Tuesday, May 13 Celebration Dinner & Awards Presentation
Picture right: Wednesday, May 14 Awards Breakfast
At the New York Section American Water Works Association's (NYSAWWA) Annual Water Conference and 100th Anniversary in Rochester, New York the Section awarded a total of sixteen organizations and individuals. 


Awards included: 
  • George Warren Fuller Award - Michael Marino, PE/Associate, CRA Infrastructure 
  • John M. Diven Jr Award - Amanda Bauner, PE/Associate, Greeley and Hansen 
  • John Lechner Award of Excellence - Jamie Howard, DN Tanks | DYK and Natgun 
  • Special Recognition Awards presented to: Gary Sullivan, AWWA Senior Section Relationship Manager; Amanda Bauner, PE, NYSAWWA 100th Anniversary Chair and Greeley and Hansen; Joseph Baier, NYSAWWA Past Treasurer; Neil Bonesteel, NYSAWWA Past Assistant Treasurer
  • 2014 Operator of the Year - Mike Terrore, Monroe County Water Authority  
  • 2014 Young Water Professional of the Year - Kathryn Hoek, PE, Hazen and Sawyer 
  • 2014 Project of the Year Small System - Packed Tower Aeration for Well No. 6, Port Washington Water District | Engineer: D&B Engineers and Architects, P.C. 
  • 2014 Project of the Year Medium System - Thurber & Seneca Street Pump Station Improvements, Onondaga County Water Authority | Engineer: GHD 
  • 2014 Project of the Year Medium System - VOC and Nitrate Removal at Plant No. 6, Hicksville Water District | Engineer: H2M architects + engineers 
  • 2014 Project of the Year Large System - Catskill/Delaware Ultraviolet Light Disinfection Facility, New York City Department of Environmental Protection | Engineer: ARCADIS 
  • Section Safety Award - Onondaga County Water Authority 
  • Recognition for Service to the Water Industry - Kris Hackenfort, Metropolitan Water Board 
  • Operators Meritorious Award - Michael Boufis, Bethpage Water District 
2014 - 2015 NYSAWWA Slate of
Board of Governors
The New York Section American Water Works Association announces its 2014-2015 Board of Governors. 


Board of Governors Executive Committee: Chair - Kevin Castro, GHD; Past Chair - Daniel Seaver, Latham Water District; Vice Chair - Richard W. Tobin, Plainview Water District; Treasurer - Dennis Kelleher, H2M; Assistant Treasurer - Jeffrey Zdrojewski, CDM Smith.


Board of Governors: Section Director - Connie Schreppel, Mohawk Valley Water Authority; Trustee A - Martin Aman, Wayne County Water & Sewer Authority; Trustee B - Chris Wheland, City of Troy; Trustee C - Judith Hansen, Kingston Water Department; Turstee-At-Large A - Jamie Howard, DN Tanks; Trustee-At-Large B - James Roberts, New York City Department of Environment Protection; Trustee-At-Large C - Richard Ruge, New York American Water. 
Updates from AWWA
 Congress Passes Bill Establishing WIFIA

The Senate voted 91-7 on May 22 to pass legislation authorizing the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act that AWWA and other water groups have been seeking. The House approved the bill 412-4 two days earlier. The bill now goes to President Obama for his signature. 

Mark Your Calendar

Edwin C. Tifft Jr.
Water Supply Symposium
September 16 - 18, 2014
Holiday Inn
Electronics Parkway, Liverpool, New York
In This Issue
NYSAWWA Website Redesign
Congrats 2014 Award Recipients
2014-2015 NYSAWWA Board of Governors
Updates from AWWA
Annual Water Conference & 100th Anniversary Celebration Event Photos

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Water and Wastewater Education and Outreach Committee

WWEOC Value of Water Children's Booklet now available!

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2014 Sponsors
Pristine Water Sponsors
Clear Water Sponsors