The WBC News, June 29, 2010 |
Fall FastTrac Course Announced! |
Sept. 9 - Nov. 11, 2010, 6:00-9:00 pm for 10 consecutive Thursday nights, $400
A 10-part series for the aspiring or new female entrepreneur. Practical, hands-on business development course that will help you to define and evaluate your business concept. When you complete the program you will have a blueprint identifying the next steps to take toward entrepreneurial success.
For more information contact |
Starting a Successful Business |
July 26, 2010 5:00 - 7:00 pm, $25
This two hour workshop is designed to give you, the aspiring female entrepreneur, the information needed to evaluate your business idea, determine start-up costs and define a customer market. In this workshop you will explore the feasibility of your business idea with a focus on pricing, legal entity set up, building your team, capital needed to get started, and where and how to find that financing.
We'll help you make the dream of owning
your own business a reality! |
Pursuing the Elusive Start-Up Grant |
In the past few months, a large number of inquiries have come in to the Women's Business Center from women wanting a grant to start a business. Unfortunately, regardless of what you may have seen on the internet, television, or publications, grants for women to start a for-profit business are largely non-existant.
While the Women's Business Center doesn't provide funding to businesses, we do want to educate you on starting and running your business efficiently and intelligently. We offer a number of opportunities to learn about raising money to get your business started.
So, invest in educating yourself . . . . . and you'll see the results!
Read On to learn about some of the educational
opportunities that the WBC has to offer. |
School's Out - Time to Start a Small Business! |
Do you know a teen who has what it takes to start a small business this summer? The SBA has a special website, Teen Business Link, dedicated to helping teens start their own businesses, with information on business ideas, money matters, legal issues, success stories from other teens, and more. New college grads are also in a great position to start their own ventures and live their dreams. |
WBC WorkshopsBusiness Innovative Research Grant Workshop |
Starting a Successful Business
July 26, 2010 5:00 - 7:00 pm, $25
FastTrac New Venture for Women
Thursdays, beginning September 9, 2010 6:00 - 9:00 pm, $400
10 consecutive weeks, ending on November 11, 2010
For more information or to register, contact
Small Business Innovative Reserach Grant
The US Government provides over $2 billion annually to hundreds of small, high tech firms through SBIR and Small Business Tech Transfer and Research (STTR) programs. These programs are aimed at high-risk, high-payoff technologies in areas such as life science, information technology, manufacturing, defense and homeland security.
Sept. 2, 2010 11:00am - 1:00 pm, $50
Financing Options for Your Business
This workshop helps entrepreneurs understand the variety of funding sources that are available for their business and where to find them.
Sept. 16, 2010 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, $50
The Process of Raising Capital
This workshop helps entrepreneurs understand the proces of raising capital.
Oct. 14, 2010 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, $50
Kelly Scanlon to Lead NAWBO Board |
Kelly Scanlon, president of Thinking Bigger Business Media, Inc., a media company that connects entrepreneurs with the resources needed to grow their businesses, has been elected Chair of the National Board of Directors for the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO). Scanlon was installed for a one-year term on June 9 at NAWBO's 2010 Women's Business Conference in Washington, D.C., which attracted hundreds of U.S. and global women entrepreneurs. The organization celebrated its 35th anniversary at the conference.
American Micro Acquires MIKC |
American Micro Company, a regional provider of digital document conversion services and software, announced on June 24, 2010 the acquisition of Microfilm and Imaging of Kansas City (MIKC).
The acquisition allows American Micro to expand its capacity for local document conservation services while positioning itself for future growth. According to American Micro CEO Mark Zecy, the acquisition of MIKC was a natural fit of two well-recognized companies. "MIKC has an outstanding customer reputation in Kansas City," said Zecy. "We are looking forward to capitalizing on their generations of industry knowledge and experience."
Read more... |
Cheryl Jernigan Named to "Ulimate Think Tank" |
 Cheryl Jernigan, founding board member of the Greater Kansas City Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure has been selected to serve on a new panel of more than 60 top-ranking scientists, clinicians and advocates to guide the extensive research program of Susan G. Komen for the Cure�, the world's largest breast cancer organization.
The distinguished experts from a wide range of disciplines and seven countries will serve as inaugural members of Komen for the Cure's new Scientific Advisory Council (SAC). They will provide scientific peer review for the breast cancer grants and programs that Komen funds on an annual basis. The Scientific Advisory Council will also provide Komen leadership with guidance on breast cancer education and public policy.
Do You Have Something to Say?
Bloggers Needed mall Business Innovative Research Grant Workshop |

Coming Soon is the new website, This site is being designed as a one-stop for women who are looking to achieve financial independence and can be assisted by the programs offered through Women's Employment Network, Women's Business Center or Women's Capital Connection. One site feature will be a weekly blog topic, giving women the opportunity to share their experiences, advice, or expertise on a topic, issue, resource, or program that relates to employment, women business owners and financial independence. With this blog, we hope to create an online community for women that is both informative and supportive. Do you want to position yourself as a subject-matter expert? Promote a business? Offer advice, expertise, or a valuable experience from which others can learn? If so, then WE NEED YOU to share by writing a 500-600 word article that can be posted on the OneKC for Women website. Our goal is to have a library of articles from which we can select each week's blog topic. Authors will be notified before their article is posted. And please, feel free to submit more than one! All submissions should be sent via email to |
Women's Employment Network Announces New Slate of Officers undefinedmall Business Innovative Research Grant Workshop |
The Women's Employment Network is pleased to announce its new slate of officers of the Board of Directors. Kate Ferrell Banks led the April Board Meeting where the following were elected to lead the Board for the 2010/2011 fiscal year:
Cheryl Smith, Chair Founder & President of Kansas City Home Care, Inc.
Alice Ellison, Vice-Chair VP of Community Relations for Blue Cross & Blue Shield
M. Suzanne Hall, Secretary Trust Officer with Country Club Trust Company
Nan Vail, Treaurer Community Volunteer
Kate Ferrell Banks, an active Community Volunteer, will continue her service on the WEN Board of Directors. "The Women's Employment Network is fortunate to have an outstanding board of directors who are committed to helping women in the Kansas City community achieve economic independence through sustained employment. On behalf of WEN staff and clients, I thank each of them for their dedicated service.", said WEN President Sherry Turner.
In 2011, WEN will celebrate its 25th year.
Judy Mathews
Women's Business Center
8527 BlueJacket
Lenexa, KS 66214
The Women's Business Center is proud to be a founding partner of OneKC for Women.

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