April 2010
ITSOkc Series
Don't Miss Out On This Informative and Relevant Information Technology Workshop Series 
Beginning on April 14, The Women's Business Center will offer a series of five IT workshops entitled Marketing in the Digital Age, presented by Ray Norris, ITSOkc (Information Technology Services of Kansas City).
Dates:        April 28, May 12, May 26, June 9
Time:         9:00 - 10:00 AM
Location:   The Women's Business Center
                  8527 Bluejacket St., Lenexa, KS 66215
Cost:          $20 per workshop, or $90 for series of five
Registration required. Call Judy Mathews, 913-492-5922 to register.
April 28: Websites - Everything You Should Know 
This workshop prepares the Small Business Owner to take charge of their website design and content; it puts them in the driver's seat.   This workshop focuses on what works and what doesn't. Here is a tip: display LESS! At the conclusion of this workshop, each person will understand the steps they need to follow to insure their website represents them and their business well and most importantly, creates value for their customer and prospects. We will cover Website Design, Copywriting, Hosting, CMS, SEO, Measuring Meaningful Hits, and more ...
May 12: Inbound Marketing Basics 
This workshop prepares the Small Business Owner to take charge of Digital Marketing strategy with a focus on creating 'viral notoriety' that is indeed 'talked about'. You may wonder "I have a website, now how do I get people to use it?" At the conclusion of this workshop, each person will understand steps they need to follow to insure 'people are talking'; that your marketing has indeed created 'viral notoriety'. That is the goal! We will cover Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and more ....
May 26: Search Engine Optimization Basics
This workshop prepares the Small Business Owner to take charge of ensuring their Digital Content (website, blogs, social content, etc)  is 'Search Engine Optimized'. Projected "Marketing Spend" is shifting away from 'Tell and Sell' media blasting to SEO. You will learn why as well as how to unsure your content is optimized. You may wonder "Is this the stuff of technical gurus?". No it is not! This is information every Small Business Owner should know. At the conclusion of this workshop, each person will understand specific steps to follow to ensure all their Digital Content is SEO friendly! 
June 9: Copywriting - Copy is King
This workshop teaches the Small Business Owner tips and tricks to GETTING THEIR COPY READ. Here is a tip. People don't read.... they scan. There is a saying: "Copy is KING!" This is so true;  it's the WORDS - it's all about the WORDS. This workshop will teach you how to USE WORDS EFFECTIVELY in all of your Digital Communications. This is our MOST IMPORTANT WORKSHOP!
Starting a Successful Business 

When:             May 17, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Where:            The Women's BusinessCenter
                        8525 Bluejacket
                        (located in the Enterprise Center of Johnson County)
                        Lenexa, KS66214
Cost:                $25.00
RSVP:              Registration required.
                        Call Judy Mathews, 913-492-5922

This two hour workshop is designed to give you, the aspiring female entrepreneur, the information needed to evaluate your business idea, determine start-up costs and define a customer market.  In this workshop you will explore the feasibility of your business idea with a focus on pricing, legal entity set up, building your team, capital needed to get started, and where and how to find that financing.

We'll help you make the dream of owning your own business a reality!

Social Networking 
We hear a lot about the benefits of Social Networking. But there's a flip side to that type of marketing. How do you prevent your business from being 'flamed' by an unhappy customer or disgruntled prospect?

In the 'old days' when one customer was unhappy, he/she probably told ten friends or colleagues. Damage was containable. Today, that complaint could go viral very quickly.

Join Kevin Elam and Barbara Rogoff as they discuss Social Networking Etiquette: Complaints and Resolution 2010.  This FREE BUSINESS BRIEF will be held live on Wednesday, May 5, 2010, 3:00 - 3:30 PM CENTRAL TIME.

Click HERE to register. Stay for the Q&A - should make for a lively discussion!
GSA Networking Breakfast 
Tuesday, May 4
The Kauffman Foundation, 4801 Rockhill Rd, KC MO 64110
Pre-register by calling (816) 926-7203
Come be a part of the Networking Meeting that has been going strong the first Tuesday of every month for seventeen years!!

This monthly event is a great way to connect with other business owners, government agencies & business development resource organizations and network over a delicious breakfast.
Other Upcoming Workshops 
Twitter Bootcamp - Discover How Twitter Can Increase Your Visibility
May 6th, 11am-1pm, $25*
Using the Internet to Grow Your Business Workshop 
May13th, 11am-1pm, $25*
Facebook & MySpace for Business Workshop
May 20th, 11am-1pm, $25*
Location of all workshops is The Enterprise Center of Johnson County Conference Center, 8527 Bluejacket St, Lenexa, KS66214. *Box lunch is included in these workshops. Registration and information online at www.ecjc.com or contact Jayne Vehlewald, jvehlewald@ecjc.com, 913-438-2282 ext 103.
Soroptomist  Kansas City Celebrqation of Leadership & Service Benefit 
May 19, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
UMB Bank atrium & Auditorium
First Floor, 1010 Grand Blvd
Kansas City, MO
This memorable, informative and inspiring evening will feature a festive reception and buffet supper, recognition of community service and non-profit organizations. Nationally recognized featured speaker, Jill Tietjen will provide a fascinating perspective on leadership through examples from her book, HER STORY: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America which she co-authored with Charlotte Waisman.
For information on reservations, call Kay Stewart at 816-914-2060.
In This Issue
ITSOkc Series
Starting a Successful Business
Social Networking
GSA Networking Breakfast
Other Upcoming Workshops
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Kansas Women's Business Center
8527 Bluejacket � Lenexa, KS 66214 � 913.492.5922 � www.KansasWBC.com