Issue 412
December 2014
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Which of these movies contains a court scene?


A) Step Brothers
B) The Dark Knight Rises
C) Terminator
D) Titanic

WINNER: Kyle Sweeney

COMPANY: Aviv Reit




Which Seinfeld character got caught taking a chocolate eclair out of a trash can before eating it?

A) Kramer
B) Elaine
C) Newman
D) George


Email the correct response to for your chance to win some SolidLine swag. Good luck!

Playbook Promo Video

The Crew Corner


What's your favorite thing to dip in chocolate?


Adam Marzec, Motion Graphics Artist



Mike Petrik, Art Director

Adam's strawberries.


Joe Grock, Motion Graphics Artist


Kevin Wright, Producer



John Courchane, Editor
French Fries in a chocolate frosty from Wendy's. 


Ed Boe, Director of Photography

The Higgs field.


Travis Upshaw, Fall Intern

I like to fall into chocolate rivers like Augustus Gloop.


Allison Miller, Production Coordinator
...... Chocolate.


Michael Kromm, Director of Post Production



Greg Vass, Executive Producer

Gold bars.



SolidLine Debuts Minute for Medicine


SolidLine has launched our new patient safety healthcare video product called Minute for Medicine. Minute for Medicine is a series of 52 custom branded one-minute videos that focus on a variety of important patient safety topics all geared towards educating front line associates within healthcare systems. The series, which is separated into 7 easy to understand categories, features topics on everything from Shared Decision-Making to Hand Hygiene and is fun and easy to watch. Just last week, SLM Executive Producer, Greg Vass, and Director of Post Production, Michael Kromm, attended the Institute for Healthcare Improvement conference in Orlando to debut the Minute for Medicine series. While at IHI, there was a lot of buzz around the Minute for Medicine booth and excitement for this innovative video series. 

"High end, quality content centered on patient safety is something so many hospital systems really need, but just do not have the time, infrastructure, of money to create from scratch," states SolidLine Executive Producer Greg Vass. "The Minute for Medicine program brings this important content to the table and helps to make it available to the entire healthcare community."


Check out a sample video from the Minute for Medicine series.



New SLM Patient Safety Documentary Released!
SolidLine has just released a new and exciting patient safety documentary on the Telluride Experience, a summer camp for medical students and residents that educates attendees on the importance of patient safety in healthcare. The video, which is told through a powerful blog post by one of the medical students that attended the patient safety summer camp in Telluride, CO earlier this year, talks about the power of the week, the in depth discussions that take place, and the relationships that are harbored to help bring a true culture change to quality and safety in healthcare. 

The Telluride Experience is expanding throughout the country and will be held next year in Telluride, CO as well as Napa, CA and in Baltimore, MD. 

Check out the documentary via the link below, and learn more about the Telluride Experience.

2014: End Of The Year Stats!

It's that time of year when the crew takes a moment to reflect on the past twelve months, and 2014 has certainly proved to be busy and rewarding for us. Every video we produce is custom in scope and requires lots of attention to detail and logistics. We're very thankful for our amazing clients who allow us to continue living our dream of producing smart videos. And without our crew, we wouldn't be able to make this magic happen! Before we jet off for some Holiday R&R, we thought we'd share our 2014 stats with you.


19,800: Miles on the SolidLine Bus 

210: Southwest Airlines Flights 
170: Days of Location Production
150: Videos Produced 
52: Lunch Trips to UB Dogs
33: States Visited
8: Months Spent Researching/implementing Our New Fibre Internet
4: Solid Interns Throughout the Year


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