November 3, 2015
In This Issue

Quick Links
ND Postdoc Website
ND Resources
Community Links
Job Search Sites
ND Human Resources
Parking Shuttle Schedule
Faulty-Staff Classifieds
One Button Studio

Important Resources

One-on-One Consultations

Do you need assistance with career services, finding funding, developing an IDP or have questions but don't know whom to ask or where to go? Click here to schedule a One-on-One consultation with Kim Patton.

ND Calendar & Events

For a full listing of events on the Notre Dame campus for the week of November 2, 2015 - click here.

Academic iNDex

  • A secure, easily accessible, online repository for your academic and professional information
  • An index of your publications, presentations, grants, work history, and other academic achievements
  • A resource for identifying scholars eligible for specific grant and fellowship opportunities
  • A tool to quickly create personalized CVs, resume, lists of publication or presentations, and more
For more information about Academic iNDex and how to use it, click here.

National Postdoctoral Association (NPA)


The NPA is a member-driven organization that provides a unique, national voice for postdoctoral scholars. Since 2003, they have taken on the ambitious agenda to enhance the quality of the postdoctoral experience in the US. They have assumed a leadership role in addressing the many issues confronting the postdoctoral community that are national in scope and requiring action beyond the local level. 

  • The University of Notre Dame is a sustaining member of the NPA.
  • ND Postdocs can join the NPA for free.
  • Learn about the benefits of a NPA membership here.
For more information about the NPA and to become a member, click here.

Versatile PhD - Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Discover interesting career paths as an alternative to the faculty track
  • Join a large community of post-academics to consult about your situation and the versatility of your PhD, MA, or postdoctoral appointment
  • Read job listings appropriate for postdocs
  • Network with successful post-academic PhDs nationwide
For more information about Versatile PhD and how to use it, click here.

Spotlight Jobs of the Week
Positive Productivity Points
GPS for Mind, Body & Soul
Social Media

Postdoc Corner

by Mark Chou for Chronicle Vitae

In 1869, three months short of his 25th birthday, Friedrich Nietzsche became the youngest professor in the 400-year history of the University of Basel to hold its prestigious chair of classical philology. Nietzsche would go on to publish the first of his great works, The Birth of Tragedy, at the age of 27.

Flash forward to the 21st century, and to another German philosopher. 
Though no Nietzsche, Markus Gabriel, born in 1980, successfully defended his Ph.D. at the age of 25 on the way to becoming Germany's youngest-ever professor of philosophy at the age of 29. Now at the ripe old age of 35, Gabriel already has 20 books to his name and holds the coveted chair in epistemology at the University of Bonn.

Click here to read the full article by Chou. 

The ND Postdoc Newsletter wants to share your research or article you have written with the ND Postdoc Community.  If you would like to submit an article for the newsletter, please email Kim Patton.

Career Services

by Amanda Augustine 

Wouldn't it be nice if the job search had clear deadlines? "Call the recruiter back no later than 3:00 p.m. today," or "follow up on last week's application by noon tomorrow." Everything is easier when there's a set schedule to follow.

Click here to read the full article by Augustine. 

by Karen Kelsky 
for Vitae

What are your thoughts on cold-calling a university or a department that does not have a posted job opening? Is this ever done? What if you are and alum (undergrad)? Do people ever send a letter and a CV to a dean, for example, and would that kind of behavior ever lead to being considered for an appointment?

Click here for the full article by Kelsky.

Events and Workshops 
World on Tap

Postdocs are invited to The World on Tap, a monthly social at Rohr's. Free appetizers will be provided. The first 50 people will also receive a free drink ticket valued up to $6. Please bring a valid photo ID. Sponsored by the International Student and Scholar Affairs Office.
  • Date: Wednesday, November 4th
  • Time: 5:00-7:00 p.m.
  • Location: Rohr's at the Morris Inn (map)

Postdoc Women: WIIS-AWIS Networking Social Event

The leadership team at WIIS-ND in collaboration with AWIS-ND, The Association for Women in Science, cordially invites you to join us for a joint WIIS/ AWIS Networking Happy Hour,
  • Date: Thursday, November 5th
  • Time: 5:00-7:00 p.m.
  • Location: Legends of Notre Dame, back area (map)
  • RSVP to Jessica Meixner by Thursday
This event has been organized in an effort to encourage women postdocs and graduate students from both the social and natural sciences to meet and engage with each other to find common ground. Refreshments will be served and we look forward to seeing you there!

2015-2016 Grant Writer's Seminar and Workshop for Humanities and Social Science Postdocs
  • Date: November 6, 2015
  • Time: 8:30AM - 5:00 PM
  • Location: 200 McKenna Hall
This day-long seminar will provide you with the necessary tools to improve your grantsmanship and increase your chances of securing external funding for your research.  Open to members of the regular faculty and post-docs, this seminar is free of charge.  Participants will receive a copy of the day's PowerPoint presentation as well as one free workbook geared specifically to major funding agencies: NIH, NSF, Any Agency, or USDA (a $75 value). These comprehensive workbooks are an invaluable resource when preparing grant submissions. Space is limited, so register now!
To register, contact Lori Loftis. 

Network Like a Pro
  • Date: November 12, 2015
  • Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
  • Space is limited: Register now!
  • Appetizers and drinks provided
You may think that your friend was 'born a natural conversationalist'.  Or perhaps you're a little jealous that someone you know is 'lucky' to be so outgoing.  The truth is, luck has nothing to do with it.Networking takes effort, skill and practice.  A good networker must do much more than simply make party talk.  They must know how to put others at ease.

Please join Notre Dame Graduate Career Services and the Office for Postdoctoral Scholars for an evening of fun, conversation and learning on Thursday, November 12, 2015 in Club Naimoli in the Purcell Pavilion from 6:30-8:00pm.  Light appetizers and drinks will be served.  Dress is business casual.

This is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with post doc colleagues and graduate students from across campus, as well as special guests from the ND Alumni Club of St. Joseph Valley who will be joining us. The event is free for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars.  Space is limited, so register today. We hope to see you there!  

Funding Opportunties

International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported.

Applicants must have earned the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor's degree by September 30, 2015, and must have applied to their proposed institutions of study by the time of the application. Up to five International Master's/First Professional Degree Fellowships are renewable for a second year.

Recipients are selected for academic achievement and demonstrated commitment to women and girls. Recipients return to their home countries to become leaders in business, government, academia, community activism, the arts, and sciences.

For more information on the AAUW Fellowship, click here.

The Postdoc Challenge offers postdoctoral research associates at Indiana University, Purdue University, and the University of Notre Dame valuable proposal writing and reviewing experience in areas related to translational research through the use of one or more of the CTSI-Designated Core Facilities at these universities. This is a competitive opportunity for two 1-year awards of $5000 each per institution in the form of an expense account for use of core facility services. Funding is to be used only for services provided by the core facilities. Indiana CTSI-Designated Core Facilities. If you are interested in participating, you must discuss your proposal with your advisor prior to beginning the application process to ensure your participation will be approved.

The second of three workshops for the CTSI Postdoc Challenge will be offered this week.
  • Title: Translational Science Proposals and Core Facility Grants
  • Date: Thursday, November 6th
  • Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Location: DeBartolo Hall, Room 118 (map)
Reviewer Application
The CTSI Postdoc Challenge is seeking postdocs to be reviewers for the grant applications.  Interested, you will need to complete a NIH Biosketch and email to Dr. Thomas Sors.  

Please click here for more information about CTSI and applications.

Provides opportunities for scientists and engineers to learn first-hand about policymaking and implementation while contributing their knowledge and analytical skills to policymakers.


For more information on the AAAS Fellowship Resources, click here.


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Professional Development
Graduate School Professional Development Programs
All postdocs may take professional development programs from the Graduate School. Here are the upcoming programs:

Tuesday, November 03
    • Are You Smart Enough to Interview at Google?
      • 04:00 PM - 04:55 PM 
      • 356 Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering
Wednesday, November 04
    • EAP Workshop: Citing Well, Avoiding Plagiarism
      • 06:30 PM - 07:45 PM 
      • 301 DeBartolo Hall
Friday, November 06
    • Ten Tips for Increasing Writing Productivity
      • 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM 
      • Writing Center -- 203 Coleman-Morse
For workshop descriptions and registration instructions, please click here.

Workshops from the Kaneb Center


Are you interested in learning more about discipline-specific teaching and learning in the university setting?  The university offers workshops on university teaching and learning in various fields through the Kaneb Center!  Consider enrolling in one of the workshops.


For workshop descriptions, click here.  



Workshops from the NCFDD

The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity is an independent professional development, training and mentoring community of over 71,000 graduate students, postdocs, and faculty members. The NCDFF is 100% dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their careers.  They offer on-campus workshops, professional development training, and intensive mentoring programs.


The University of Notre Dame is an institutional member of the NCFDD. Through Notre Dame's membership, ND Postdocs may claim an Institutional Sub-account Membership at no cost and enjoy all the benefits of a NCFDD Individual Membership.  Register here to join NCFDD.


For a list of the Fall 2015 webinars, click here.


Hesburgh Libraries Workshops
The Hesburgh Libraries and Center for Digital Scholarship workshops are offered to all ND Postdocs.
Hesburgh Libraries Workshops
Tuesday, 11/03
    • Create Your Professional Web Presence 
      • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM  
      • Room 247 Hesburgh Library
Note: You must use the link on the Hesburgh Library workshop registration page before 10 am on October 27 to place your lunch request. Registrants after that time will not be provided lunch. You are welcome to bring your own lunch to the workshop as well.
Click here for this week's list of workshops.

English for Academic Purposes Workshops
The Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures' English for Academic Purposes program offers workshops that are open to all ND Postdocs.


PhD Humor

The views and opinions expressed in the media, articles, and comments included in this newsletter are solely the views and expressions of the original sources' authors and contributors, and do not necessarily represent those of the University of Notre Dame, The Graduate School, or the Office for Postdoctoral Scholars.