September 8, 2015
In This Issue

Quick Links
ND Postdoc Website
ND Resources
Community Links
Job Search Sites
ND Human Resources
Parking Shuttle Schedule
Faulty-Staff Classifieds
One Button Studio

Important Resources

One-on-One Consultations

Do you need assistance with career services, finding funding, developing an IDP or have questions but don't know whom to ask or where to go? Click here to schedule a One-on-One consultation with Kim Patton.

ND Calendar & Events

For a full listing of events on the Notre Dame campus for the week of September 7, 2015 - click here.

Academic iNDex

  • A secure, easily accessible, online repository for your academic and professional information
  • An index of your publications, presentations, grants, work history, and other academic achievements
  • A resource for identifying scholars eligible for specific grant and fellowship opportunities
  • A tool to quickly create personalized CVs, resume, lists of publication or presentations, and more
For more information about Academic iNDex and how to use it, click here.

National Postdoctoral Association (NPA)


The NPA is a member-driven organization that provides a unique, national voice for postdoctoral scholars. Since 2003, they have taken on the ambitious agenda to enhance the quality of the postdoctoral experience in the US. They have assumed a leadership role in addressing the many issues confronting the postdoctoral community that are national in scope and requiring action beyond the local level. 

  • The University of Notre Dame is a sustaining member of the NPA.
  • ND Postdocs can join the NPA for free.
  • Learn about the benefits of a NPA membership here.
For more information about the NPA and to become a member, click here.

Versatile PhD - Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Discover interesting career paths as an alternative to the faculty track
  • Join a large community of post-academics to consult about your situation and the versatility of your PhD, MA, or postdoctoral appointment
  • Read job listings appropriate for postdocs
  • Network with successful post-academic PhDs nationwide
For more information about Versatile PhD and how to use it, click here.

Spotlight Jobs of the Week
Positive Productivity Points
GPS for Mind, Body & Soul
Social Media

Postdoc Corner
Extreme Bias: How Rejection Clouds The Eyes of Researchers

by Phil Davis for The Scholarly Kitchen

One afternoon in the men's shower room of a Cornell pool, I was at the receiving end of a long rant by a researcher whose manuscript was rejected by a prominent journal in his field.

"The editor is getting too old. He should retire!" was one declaration. "The reviewer didn't understand the science!" was another. And, chalking it up to petty rivalry: "I'm sure one of the reviewers rejected my paper because he knew it came from my lab. I'll never submit to this journal again," he concluded, "It was a waste of time."

At one point, I offered up the possibility that perhaps the manuscript wasn't his lab's best work. And, if indeed, the first journal missed a great manuscript, there must be several other journal editors who would would love to see it. Unfortunately, this just led to another rant about the problems in journal publishing, why the system is completely broken, and how it needs to be fixed.

Click here for the full article by Davis. 

The ND Postdoc Newsletter wants to share your research or article you have written with the ND Postdoc Community.  If you would like to submit an article for the newsletter, please email Kim Patton.

Career Services
ND Career Fair

  • Engineering Career Day, Full-time Positions - Wednesday, September 9th
  • Full-time Positions - Thursday, September 10th
  • 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Joyce Fieldhouse ( map location)
  •  Tips for attending the Career Fair
Click here for list of employers attending ND Engineering Industry Day.

by Ruby Lowe for The Undercover Recruiter
Lisa Simpson is probably one of the most intellectual and thought-provoking characters that lives in Springfield, and despite her less than ordinary family she always seems to have a mental capacity far beyond her years. Over the past 26 series, Lisa has overcome many adversities - and in turn has provided some fantastic advice for those job-hunting. It can be a hard time and it often feels like you're getting nowhere - but staying positive is very important. Read on to find the bites of advice Lisa Simpson has provided us over the years.

Click here to read the full article by Lowe. 

Events and Groups
Our Universe Revealed: Physics for Everyone 

Have you ever seen phenomena in the world around us and been puzzled by what was going on? Or have you looked up at the night-sky to see the stars and wanted to know more? How about a science article you've seen in the news?
Our Universe Revealed aims to give you an insight into the world and universe around us, demystifying phenomena and explaining the concepts which govern everything we see.
Hosted by the Department of Physics at the University of Notre Dame, this public talk series aims to make Physics accessible to all; you don't need a background in mathematics or physics - it's our job to explain the fundamentals of our universe in an easy to understand way. Events are held on select Tuesday, with talks beginning at 7pm and lasting around 30 minutes, with an interactive event to follow including stargazing at the campus observatory or shows under the dome of the  Digital Visualization Theater.

Upcoming Talk Dr. Philippe Collon, "Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: From Tracing Ocean Currents to the Life and Death of Stars"
  • Date: September 15, 2015
  • Time: 7:00 pm
  • Location: 101 Jordan Hall of Science 
  • More info: clink here

Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Fellow Lightning Talks | 
ND Day of Digital Humanities | Digital Week 2015
New Technologies, New Knowledge

The Center of Digital Scholarship and the Office of Digital Learning invite lightning talk proposals from graduate students and postdoctoral fellows for ND Day of Digital Humanities 2015. The lightning talk session is intended to provide presenters with an opportunity to showcase their research as well as facilitate networking among presenters and attendees. This fast-paced event is a great opportunity to share your research with the campus community and to develop your communication skills.

  • Date: September 24, 2015
  • Time: 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Location: Hesburgh Library Center for Digital Scholarship (1st Floor Northeast)
  • More Info: Click here
  • Questions? [email protected]

Funding Opportunties
There are several funding opportunities for ND Postdocs.  Here is a list.  Links are provided for specific details to each award below.


 Click here to register.


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Provides opportunities for scientists and engineers to learn first-hand about policymaking and implementation while contributing their knowledge and analytical skills to policymakers.


For more information on the AAAS Fellowship Resources, click here.


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Professional Development
Graduate School Professional Development Programs

The Graduate School's Professional Development workshops will begin again in Fall 2015.  All postdocs may take professional development programs from the Graduate School.  


For workshop descriptions and registration instructions, click here. 


Workshops from the Kaneb Center


Are you interested in learning more about discipline-specific teaching and learning in the university setting?  The university offers workshops on university teaching and learning in various fields through the Kaneb Center!  Consider enrolling in one of the workshops.


For workshop descriptions, click here.  



Workshops from the NCFDD

The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity is an independent professional development, training and mentoring community of over 71,000 graduate students, postdocs, and faculty members. The NCDFF is 100% dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their careers.  They offer on-campus workshops, professional development training, and intensive mentoring programs.


The University of Notre Dame is an institutional member of the NCFDD. Through Notre Dame's membership, ND Postdocs may claim an Institutional Sub-account Membership at no cost and enjoy all the benefits of a NCFDD Individual Membership.  Register here to join NCFDD.


For a list of the Fall 2015 webinars, click here.


Hesburgh Libraries Workshops
The Hesburgh Libraries and Center for Digital Scholarship workshops are offered to all ND Postdocs.

Center for Digital Scholarship Fall Workshop Series
Week of 9/7 - 9/11

Wednesday, 9/9
Visual Resources, Denise Massa
Finding Images: Teaching and Researching through Artstor
2 PM - 3 PM

Friday, 9/11
Data Use & Analysis, James Ng, PhD
Introduction to Stata 
2 PM - 3 PM

All CDS workshops take place in the CDS Classroom (Room 129), Hesburgh Library 1st Floor Northeast.

Hesburgh Library Workshops and Writing Camps
Week of 9/7-9/12

Tuesday, 9/8
Graduate Student Library Orientation (Postdocs, too!)
Bring your lunch, we'll provide coffee, cookies and fruit
12:30-1:30, Room 248 Hesburgh Library

Wednesday, 9/9
New Student Library Orientation (Postdocs, too!)
Come for an afternoon snack and coffee.
5:00-6:00pm, Room 248 Hesburgh Library

Registration for all Hesburgh Library Workshop and Writing Camp sessions is required. 

More information: library.nd.edu/cds/workshops
Questions? [email protected]

English for Academic Purposes Workshops
The Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures' English for Academic Purposes program offers workshops that are open to all ND Postdocs.


PhD Humor

The views and opinions expressed in the media, articles, and comments included in this newsletter are solely the views and expressions of the original sources' authors and contributors, and do not necessarily represent those of the University of Notre Dame, The Graduate School, or the Office for Postdoctoral Scholars.