March 17, 2015
In This Issue

Quick Links
ND Postdoc Website
ND Resources
Community Links
Job Search Sites
ND Human Resources
Faulty-Staff Classifieds

Important Resources

One-on-One Consultations

Do you need assistance with career services, finding funding, developing an IDP or have questions but don't know whom to ask or where to go? Click here to schedule a One-on-One consultation with Kim Patton.

ND Calendar & Events

For a full listing of events on the Notre Dame campus for the week of March 16, 2015 - click here.

Academic iNDex

  • A secure, easily accessible, online repository for your academic and professional information
  • An index of your publications, presentations, grants, work history, and other academic achievements
  • A resource for identifying scholars eligible for specific grant and fellowship opportunities
  • A tool to quickly create personalized CVs, resume, lists of publication or presentations, and more
For more information about Academic iNDex and how to use it, click here.

Versatile PhD - Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Discover interesting career paths as an alternative to the faculty track
  • Join a large community of post-academics to consult about your situation and the versatility of your PhD, MA, or postdoctoral appointment
  • Read job listings appropriate for postdocs
  • Network with successful post-academic PhDs nationwide
For more information about Versatile PhD and how to use it, click here.

Spotlight Jobs of the Week

Positive Productivity Points


By Travis Bradberry for The Muse.

GPS for Mind, Body & Soul

By Jacqueline Stone for MindBodyGreen.



Social Media

Postdoc Corner
The Postdoc Series: Insights, Options, Careers


Julie Gould for NatureJobs


From the age of four, Vita Godec knew exactly what she wanted to do. She wanted to be a professor. She planned ahead and set herself up for a PhD in her home country of Slovenia at the University of Ljubljana, exploring the enzymes that form cell walls, approaching the problem from different scientific perspectives: biology, chemistry and physics. 


After completing in 2012, however, she realised that that she would need to go abroad to fulfill her life dream. "There are only three universities in Slovenia, and only one of them has a natural sciences department," she recalls. 


Luckily, she was eligible for the UNESCO L'Oreal International Fellowships Programme, which took her to Warwick University, UK, where she continued her research as a postdoc. Godec knew that one postdoc wouldn't be enough, and "the combination of doing my PhD at a university that no-one had heard of, plus problems with experiments and hence a lack of publications, made it difficult for me to continue in academia," she says. After a lot of self-reflection, Godec make the difficult decision to explore other options.

Click here for the full article by Gould.

The ND Postdoc Newsletter wants to share your research or article you have written with the ND Postdoc Community.  If you would like to submit an article for the newsletter, please email Kim Patton.

Career Services
Get Over the Guilt


Michael Matrone for Inside Higher Ed


When I began my position at the Scripps Research Institute, I consistently observed one thing about the career training and professional development programs I administered: the low percentage of trainees in attendance relative to the total population. Among a population of hundreds of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, only approximately 10-20 percent, at maximum, would attend any given career event.


At first, I thought I was responsible -- a fresh-out-of-postdoc scientist now giving career advice and instruction to my former colleagues. But with time and experience, and with unchanged attendance numbers, I began to ask questions. To those I rarely saw at career events, I asked, "Why do you not attend?" More often than not, the answer revolved around two themes -- guilt or apprehension -- guilt for taking time away from their daily responsibilities, or apprehension concerning their supervisor's perception of attendance to a career-training event. 


Click here to read the full article by Matrone.


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Funding Opportunties
There are several funding opportunities for ND Postdocs.  Here is a list.  Links are provided for specific details to each award below.

The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Postdoctoral Research Awards offer unique research opportunities to highly talented Ph.D. recipients to engage in innovative research at universities, national laboratories, and other research facilities that are conducting applied research in support of EERE. The 2015 awards focus on solar energy research. 


Applications are due on May 7, 2015.


For more information on the EERE Fellowship, click here.

The L'Or�al USA For Women In Science fellowship program will award five post-doctoral women scientists in the United States this year with grants of up to $60,000 each. Applicants are welcome from a variety of fields, including the life and physical/material sciences, technology (including computer science), engineering, and mathematics.


Applications are due on March 20, 2015.


For more information on the L'Oreal Fellowship, click  here.

Provides opportunities for scientists and engineers to learn first-hand about policymaking and implementation while contributing their knowledge and analytical skills to policymakers.


For more information on the AAAS Fellowship Resources, click here.

From Piazzolla to Traditional Tango


Join Cuarteto Tanguero in this Tango Music performance preceded by a 20-minute introductory panel led by Professor Tellez, Dr. Daniel Stein (ND Postdoc), and regional scholars.


Part of the ongoing "Music and Society in Latin America" series, supported by the Kellogg Institute, and the Sacred Music and Music Departments.

  • Date: March 19, 2015
  • Time: 6:30 pm
  • Location: Auditorium of the Hesburgh Center for International Studies (map
7th Annual Research Symposium


The Graduate Student Union and the Office for Postdoctoral Scholars at the University of Notre Dame are proud to present the seventh annual Research Symposium. This event showcases the innovative work of the Notre Dame graduate student and postdoc communities. Students and postdocs wishing to present must submit an abstract contextualizing their research for an audience outside their academic discipline. The symposium will be separated into four divisions: Engineering, Humanities, Science, and Social Science. Students and postdocs will present their research via posters or digital presentations (via a laptop supplied by the student/postdoc) to members of the University and the general public.

  • Date: April 9, 2015
  • Time: 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
  • Award Ceremony: 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm
  • Location: Notre Dame Conference Center Lower Level (map)
  • Deadline for submission: March 27, 2015
  • More information, click here
  • To submit an abstract, click here.

International Postdocs
ISSA Office Closed for Training

The International Student and Scholar Affairs office will be closed for training Thursday, March 19th and Friday, March 20th for training.


Tax Assistance Program

The Notre Dame Saint Mary's College Tax Assistance Program (TAP) offers free tax return preparation services to international visitors. All international visitors in F-1 or J-1 status MUST file a tax return, even if they earned no income during 2014.

Tax services to international clients are by appointment only. Due to the many variables in international client tax situations, all international visitors are required to use the online Appointment Scheduling Process (ASP) to schedule their appointments. The ASP will guide tax clients to the preparer best suited to assist in their tax return preparations.

You may access the ASP here. You will log in using your NetID and password. There are many special circumstances considered in preparing tax returns. Based on your circumstances, the online ASP system will provide you with online help and instructions on each screen. Please follow all instructions carefully.

For more information about TAP, click here.


Professional Development
Graduate School Professional Development Programs

All postdocs may take professional development programs from the Graduate School.  Here are the upcoming programs:

Tuesday, March 17th
    • EAP Workshop: Enhancing Your Vocabulary
      • 6:30 - 7:45pm
      • Location: 303 DeBartolo Hall
Thursday, March 19th
    • 10 Steps to Writing Productivity
      • 4:00 - 5:00pm
      • Location: 118 DeBartolo Hall
Friday, March 20th
    • Lunch and Learn: Teaching and Learning Online
      • 1:00 - 2:00pm
      • Location: Carey Auditorium
Thursday, March 26th
    • EAP Workshop: Giving and Receiving Student Feedback
      • 6:30 - 7:45pm
      • Location: 303 DeBartolo Hall
Wednesday, April 1st
    • EAP Workshop: Organizing a Research Paper
      • 6:30 - 7:45pm
      • Location: 303 DeBartolo Hall
For workshop descriptions and registration instructions,


Workshops from the Kaneb Center



Are you interested in learning more about discipline-specific teaching and learning in the university setting? The university workshops on university teaching and learning in various fields!  Consider enrolling in one of the workshops.


For workshop descriptions, click here 



Workshops from the NCFDD

The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity is an independent professional development, training and mentoring community of over 71,000 graduate students, postdocs, and faculty members. The NCDFF is 100% dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their careers.  They offer on-campus workshops, professional development training, and intensive mentoring programs.


The University of Notre Dame is an institutional member of the NCFDD. Through Notre Dame's membership, ND Postdocs may claim an Institutional Sub-account Membership at no cost and enjoy all the benefits of a NCFDD Individual Membership.  Register here to join NCFDD.


For a list of the Spring 2015 webinars, click here.


Hesburgh Libraries and Center for Digital Scholarship Workshops

The Hesburgh Libraries and Center for Digital Scholarship workshops are offered to all ND Postdocs.


Wednesday, March 18th

    • Digital Humanities Lab Seminar with Marijeta Bozovic
      • 4:30 - 5:30pm
      • Location: CDS Classroom (Rm 129), 1st Floor Hesburgh Library
Thursday, March 19th
    • Interactive Timelines with TimelineJS
      • 1:00 - 2:00 pm
      • Location: CDS Classroom (Rm 129), 1st Floor Hesburgh Library
    • Data Visualization with Tableau Public
      • 2:00 - 3:00 pm
      • Location: CDS Classroom (Rm 129), 1st Floor Hesburgh Library 

Friday, March 20th

    • Foundations of Text Analysis (Part III)
      • 2:00 - 3:30pm
      • Location: CDS Classroom (Rm 129), 1st Floor Hesburgh Library

Tuesday, March 24th

    • Introduction to Text Mining
      • 1:15 - 2:00pm
      • Location: CDS Classroom (Rm 129), 1st Floor Hesburgh Library
    • Using Voyant Tools
      • 2:00 - 2:45pm
      • Location: CDS Classroom (Rm 129), 1st Floor Hesburgh Library
    • Using JSTOR's Data for Research
      • 3:00 - 3:45pm
      • Location: CDS Classroom (Rm 129), 1st Floor Hesburgh Library
    • Text Mining and Hathi Trust
      • 4:00 - 4:45pm
      • Location: CDS Classroom (Rm 129), 1st Floor Hesburgh Library

Wednesday, March 25th

    • Library Lunch and Learn: Peer Review and Publication
      • 12:30 - 1:30pm
      • Location: 247 Hesburgh Library
More information: library.nd.edu/cds/workshops
Questions? [email protected]


English for Academic Purposes Workshops
The Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures' English for Academic Purposes program offers workshops that are open to all ND Postdocs.


PhD Humor

The views and opinions expressed in the media, articles, and comments included in this newsletter are solely the views and expressions of the original sources' authors and contributors, and do not necessarily represent those of the University of Notre Dame, The Graduate School, or the Office of Postdoctoral Scholars.