April 8, 2014
In This Issue
Quick Links
ND Postdoc Website
ND Resources
Community Links
Job Search Sites
ND Human Resources
Important Resources
One-on-One Consultations

Do you need assistance with career services, finding funding, developing an IDP or have questions but don't know whom to ask or where to go? Click here to schedule a One-on-One consultation with Kim Patton.
ND Calendar & Events
For a fulll listing of events on the Notre Dame campus for the week of April 7, 2014 - click here.

Spotlight Jobs of the Week
Helpful Hints
Positive Productivity Points

By Mike Vardy for Productivityist
GPS for Mindy, Body & Soul
by Hali Tsotetsi 



Social Media

Postdoc Corner
4 Ways to a Happier Postdoc

by Florence Chaverneff, PhD for Scizzle Blog

Chances are, if you have been a postdoctoral fellow for a little while, you have at some point or another (unless it is constantly) felt like the 'Desperate man' in this painting by Gustave Courbet. So, in the aim of trying to help and save you from pulling your hair out of your head, here are a few pointers gathered both from personal experience and that of friends and co-workers which I hope will help you cruise through this particular phase of your career and make the most of it, whichever your next step.
For the full article by Florence Chaverneff, click here.
Beyond the Professoriate 

A Virtual Conference for Ph.D.s in Career Transition
This virtual conference provides an opportunity for attendees to ask doctorates in non-faculty jobs questions about their journeys. The hope for Beyond the Professoriate fills a need: connecting current students and PhDs curious about their employment options to people they tend not to come across in graduate school.
For more information about this conference and how to register, click here.
The ND Postdoc Newsletter wants to share your research or article you have written with the ND Postdoc Community.  If you would like to submit an article for the newsletter, please email Kim Patton.

Career Services
Top 7 Career Killing Mistakes

Have you ever been guilty of lying on your CV, failing to show up for work or even stealing your colleagues' lunches? According to recruitment specialists, Robert Half, these mistakes and misdemeanours could seriously lessen your career prospects. Everything we do, from how we treat others in the workplace, to our attitude to stressful situations, has an impact on career success.


In fact, there are mistakes that employees make that have huge ramifications and can spell the end of their careers.


Want to know the top mistakes and how to avoid them? Click  here for full article.


Professional Development
Workshops from the Graduate School
Tuesday, April 8
  • 5:30pm - 6:30pm: Editing and Revising Academic Writing
Tuesday, April 15
  • 5:30pm - 7:30pm: Etiquette Dinner
Wednesday, April 16
  • 2pm - 3pm: What to Expect From the Federal Hiring Process
For workshop descriptions and registration instructions, click here.

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity


The University has entered into a relationship with the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) to provide additional professional development training opportunities for faculty and postdoctoral scholars.  Our institutional membership allows all Postdoctral Scholars, Assistant Professors, and Associate Professors to participate in most of the programs without further cost.  Click here for more information. 

Workshops from the Hesburgh Library
Monday, April 7
  • 11am - 12pm Text Mining in a Nutshell
  • 5pm - 6pm Intro to Stata for Data Analysis  
Thursday, April 10
  • 3pm - 4pm: Using Python in ArcGIS
Friday, April 11
  • 4pm - 5pm: Intro to Stata
Monday, April 14
  • 12pm - 1pm: Analyzing Articles Using JSTOR's Data for Research Services
  • 4pm - 5pm: What is Digital Scholarship?
Tuesday, April 15
  • 3pm - 4pm: Georeferencing in ArcGIS
For workshop descriptions and registration instructions, click here.

Workshops from ND Human Resorces
ND Human Resources provides workshops for all ND employees. For a full list of courses, descriptions, dates/times and registration click here.

Office Humor


University of Notre Dame | [email protected] | Office for Postdoctoral Scholars
502 Main Building
Notre Dame, IN 46556